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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. They're the BEST tasting mangoes. Where did you get the plant?
  2. Cheers mate. Oh dear, I hope I don't get into trouble, I'm always eating them ripe.
  3. Reading your replies I can see that I'm offending. I'm sorry if I am, I don't mean to offend you but please read the OP. 'this electric bike'
  4. They're all Nerdy bikes. ???? Even a disability bike in your pics.
  5. The bike I posted above is as close to cool as you can get. Unless you're riding a Superbike there is no cool factor. But I wouldn't be caught dead on this Nerdy bike
  6. Yes, lots for sale in Thailand with green book but it's got to look cool for me to ride. A nerdy ???? pink bike ain't my style. Something my mates and bar girls won't laugh at when I'm out riding to the bars for a beer. It's got to be cool ????
  7. Nothing wrong with that. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. ???? Ha, ha, yes agree if we were talking about birds....... It was only a few years ago I was pro China, I'd get many questions from my children about China and their strange ways, I would always talk to my children in a positive way. Sadly, what China has done to Australia the last couple of years is evil.
  8. It's annoying when the Juristic management do not apply rules that are broken by the developer. I bought a condo in a new project and the Juristic management are in bed with the developer. Rules are broken by the developer, I make the Juristic aware but nothing changes. New projects...... its unfair that the developer chooses the Juristic management company to run the condominium project. Our condo is managed by one of the bigger Juristic management companies, sadly they show more concern about getting more business from the developer with future condo projects.
  9. This guy should know better Danger to himself and others It's not just Australia, the world is full of middle aged delinquents. People just don't get embarrassed anymore these days. Could be mental health issues.
  10. Nothing wrong with that. A headline would be.......... Chinese Consulate being used for covert military purposes.
  11. I'm not expecting super bike power, I've got one of them. Just looking for something to ride down to the 7-Eleven, beach, bottle shop etc.
  12. I've seen them selling 1000W, so these 1200W wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding.
  13. 24k baht, that's cheap. The one's I've seen advertised are 42k baht.
  14. This bike looks like a lot of fun, for rides down to the beach, picking up a six pack of beer from the bottle shop, cruising down Soi 6 etc. Does anyone know where I can buy this electric bike with a Green Book? Lots for sale on lazada, Shopee, Amazon but none with green book. 2000 - 3000W ideal, lots of grunt.
  15. Thailand has been my home for 20 years, arrived in my late 30's, started my 2nd family, 2 beautiful children. Working offshore and living in Thailand, it's been easy for me, great income, traveling the world for work, 28/28 rotation, flying out of BKK, big difference to flying from Oz. I'm very lucky. What's amazing are the guys that come to Thailand without funds (or very little) and work here, (I see a guy riding on his 3 wheel scooter selling food with his wife) assume most are on a budget, most incomes in Thailand are low, that's fine, it works for them, it's not something I'd like to do as I like to travel and enjoy myself with my family and not have to worry about the affordability. You mentioned 'brave and balanced', some would say 'Silly and Naive' Anyway, alot of these relationships end in a nightmare, suicide is common, some of my mates returning to their homelands, middle aged, penny less, having to start again. Sadly, some that stay are miserable and unhappy, always complaining, whinging and whining. Another annoying problem is that some foreigners come here and want to change things, complaining about dual pricing etc. I like Thailand the way it is. I read many posts on social media, it seems every swinging dick wants to relocate to Thailand. If you're relocating to Thailand please understand it's not as cheap as you may think to live here, being a foreigner it's costly. I'm not complaining, I like Thailand's hurdles, it stops most from coming here to live.
  16. There are plenty of 11 year olds riding motorbikes here up country and capable of various speeding offences This young man is taking his sister to school. Lucky parents, they can sleep in. Record_2022-04-22-06-54-29.mp4
  17. I reckon finding a good tradesman that will do the best job is the question. If you hire Dodgy Dave or his brother Somchai it's going to look atrocious whatever you get done.
  18. I'd say from what I read it was an accident.. suffocation from drowning This I don't understand, how some people don't seem to make an effort to survive, as if it's too much bother.
  19. Aaaah, that explains why I regularly see what my Thai female friends like on these sites.
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