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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Quality parenting Quality training. OMG, people in this world, it's a bloody joke.
  2. Thai Immigration will accept any quality, even black and white. Australian government are pedantic regarding passport photos, the bitch behind window 1 at Oz embassy Bangkok made me retake my Kodak shop taken photos. I'd leave your photos until the day you submit your application. Choose a photo shop near your embassy, they will know exactly what you need.
  3. Ha, ha, please let us all know how that goes. ???? Good luck.
  4. Come to Pattaya. Soi Buakhao, jomtien and Pattaya beach road etc. The mobile belt salesmen walking the streets with hole punch.
  5. Bikinis? Ooooh yeah, lots. The best viewing were the girls without bra's, wearing T-shirts, once they got wet those little nipples sticking out, when hit with some cold water. Also its the interaction with the girls. I remember a few years back, I was riding my PCX down soi 7 and got stopped by the mob, the girls sprayed me with water and talcum powered my face and 1 lovely put her little hand down my shorts and gave willy a hello. ???? Nothing better than to be partying with a Drunken bar girl at Songkran. Bring it back. ????????????
  6. Bring em down to Pattaya. Sick of the crappy cars and trucks pollution the air.
  7. Quite sad actually, I miss the sexy chicks in their short, shorts and bikinis soaking wet and full of smiles. Hope next year is better. ????
  8. You're asking this question on this forum. Not sure if policy makers are members here or are you looking for negative, doomed, glass half empty comments? Even the Thai start to see the problem Which Thais, who?
  9. Exactly, that's all. Not enough for blame to be apportioned, especially not by this forum's members. Where I come from (and believe Thailand) turning in front of an oncoming vehicle is a traffic offence.
  10. Tell me more, what's your interpretation of the report. Do you believe Somchai? OK, inspector, case closed, let's take Somchai's word what happened. Sadly, we'll never know the truth, 2 young women are dead.
  11. It's a strange situation (China, Taiwan). My airline and many other corporations have Taiwan listed as a separate country. Anyway I'm sure pro Chinese will be of a different opinion to anti Chinese. Their Technologies are very different, Taiwan is far superior. I'm quite sure China does not receive any revenue through sales of these chips made by Taiwan. I'm not fussed, just thought I'd highlight some facts, it can be confusing.
  12. Bloody Somchai, he killed these 2 young women, turning in front of them. Sadly another story about women dying on these dangerous roads.
  13. It only started up a few months ago.
  14. Try it next time you're abroad, it shocked me when the transaction went through, just keyed in my PIN. And, yes AIS roaming charges are expensive. I was in Singapore a few years back, AIS roaming minimum charge of 399 baht per month (if I remember) for around 100mb download, I opted for that plan so I could use my LINE app only.
  15. Why are the cops painting the roads? Anything to get out of doing their duty and pulling over people riding unregistered, untaxed, unroadworthy motorbikes and without helmets. Oh well, at least their out and about, not stuck in their air conditioned police boxes eating their somtam.
  16. Until the cops pull you up at a checkpoint. I get nabbed for a non-original (not noisy) exhaust on my 10 year old scooter. The original fell off (old) and needed replacing.
  17. I've had a Kasikorn credit card for more than 15 years. Things have changed over the years, I wasn't working in Thailand at the time and I didn't need cash in a term deposit account or similar. I read many posts regarding credit cards issued from Thai Banks. I regularly travel around Thailand and abroad and have been using my BKK Bank debit card for most purchases. Is a credit card a must have for you? Try a debit card. I get charged around 300 baht annually for my debit card, so I tried using it abroad, I was amazed when traveling in Mexico (work related) I purchased a six pack of Corona's and the transaction went through. ????
  18. Michael, stupid question. Are you living under a rock or are you new to Thailand? Thailand, the land of inconsistancies.
  19. Yes, very sad outcome for those unfortunate people. I've commented in the past not to be nasty and horrible to the ticket sellers when I read about these 80 baht prices of tickets. Most of the sellers are the poorest of the poor. I hope they can find income from other sources.
  20. Yes, this would be a great Songkran present but how are they going to get his police officers to do their job. Anyway, my Mrs ain't fussed, I've bought her an Easter Egg, she's over the moon, best present she said. ????????????????
  21. Welcome Newbie. I'd like to make you aware of an issue that I see regularly regarding electric meters and billing. If you decide to rent accommodation make sure you can pay the electricity bill direct to the service provider, eg. PEA. A common COMPLAINT I see on this forum is paying your electric bill through a landlord (3rd party), you can be over charged. Paying directly to the service provider is a cheaper option most of the time.
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