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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Oh dear, I can see a heart break story coming. Poor guy risking his life for love. Time to find a new wife. I worked in Vietnam and found the Vietnamese woman beautiful. I got attached to one beauty, they are everywhere. It's A no-brainer to stay put in Vietnam, it's a healthy option.
  2. Yes, me too. They spend a lot of time down there, it's a popular resting place. They look so comfortable, I prefer a chair to sit and relax. Being in that squatting position would bring on a #2, good for the morning dropping of the Bomb.
  3. What a horrible place to live, all those noisy, speeding bikes, riders crashing, emergency vehicles racing around, sirens ablaze. Not for me. These people must never get any sleep, they have a crowd at their house, maybe they offer entertainment nights for the ghoulish and gruesome.
  4. It was only the other day there was a motorbike death on this road, sad. ???? An education director from Bang Saray Take care out there guys
  5. You are the FriendlyFarang with this offer. Personally, I like to drive alone, offering a share ride is a nice gesture of goodwill but you could end up with a nutter, complete basket case. I've met a few of those here over the years. If you're lonely go to a bar and ask one of the girls to go with you, it's not expensive, you don't have to get intimate (something I would do). I find the bar girls are so much fun to talk to, she will have a few stories to talk about. She's going to smell a whole lot better to, most smell like flowers, this will make the drive much more relaxing.
  6. Wow sounds like a lot of fun (if you're a nun) Anyway, one good to come out is you won't get blasted by those high powered water guns from the F.W foreigners on Soi Buakhao. Oh yeah. No more water thrown from water buckets filled with ice blocks. These 2 stupid water activities really hurt. No wonder so many deaths on the roads, that ice water startles you, just the thing you need when maneuvering through drunking people.
  7. Good to hear, Yes, good guys, newish vehicles, never had any issues, also no smelly bottles etc I noticed that there's a new mob on the block, old beat up red pickup selling water. They stop out the front of my house occasionally and deliver across the road, it's the smelliest car, bloody stinks. They just cruise the soi's sounding their horn to attract customers.
  8. Sadly, they learn these riding skills from a young age. ???? Record_2022-03-22-10-08-09.mp4
  9. Defamation I saw this in the comments and thought it would help to pass on ???? 'Write and name the company praising them for their stellar work and then add pictures'
  10. I reckon it was staged - probably the bf or -fake valuables declared No way anyone would leave money and jewelry lying around when napping.
  11. That's a good idea. To save more money I might even turn off my refrigerator, router, security cameras, night lights, washing machine........ Wow, all the money I will save
  12. I also pay 40 baht How many litres is your bottle?
  13. Lots of accidents on this stretch of road. Not sure why. Over the years City Hall has painted the road and placed signage to deter speeding but people still killing themselves.
  14. I think the only vending machine that I know of is at Mityon service centre on Pattaya Tai, I always bought a can of beer while waiting for the pcx service Try Google Images Mityon, pcx service
  15. Wow, looking at the damage to his vehicle, lucky to be alive. The headline should read 'lucky Amulet story' ????
  16. Yes, sadly the good old Thailand is coming to an end. All the wonderful things Thailand had to offer is no more, it's going the way of that back home. All the minorities complaining etc. I miss the beer promoting pretties.......... the beer selling tents at Burapa Bike week (main arena), also all the great entertainment venues that sold beer on site (Chang tents). We can blame the complainers for this. Back in the day every drink vending machine would have a cold Leo or Chang in the window. I think the only vending machine that I know of is at Mityon service centre on Pattaya Tai, I always bought a can of beer while waiting for the pcx service. Now most only sell, sprite, coke, Fanta.
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