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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. No mate, no third type. We'll see a few of the type 2's soon, by the reactions you receive from your disrespectful comment. Too many deadbeats and freeloaders in Thailand now.
  2. Another divided post. It's clear we have 2 types of members here. 1. Those that pay their way 2. Those who rely on others to pay. Deadbeats
  3. I hope Frank paid his way, his treatment, wasn't a burden on Thailand's fragile health system due to the many bloody penny pinching, cheap, lousy foreigners coming to Thailand to enjoy themselves then finding they have health issues, getting treatment then doing a runner, leaving their expensive medical bills for the Thai's to pay. Lots of freeloaders in the world these days and too many of these types coming to Thailand.
  4. I don't follow the European football (soccer), I'm NRL. I just regularly read the millions and millions of dollars these guys earn.
  5. Should be cashed up. Something fishy here.
  6. The doo-doo won't be that deep. He's a Lambo owner, the depth should be quite shallow. Having plenty of cash will help.
  7. No worst time, only better and best. I don't have a burning season, I'm on the beach. I welcome the wet season, the cloud cover keeps the hot sun away and it's a fantastic ride on my PCX with the light drizzle. The weather in Thailand is perfect for me. I love the rain ❤️
  8. Man UP. It's the best time of the year.
  9. Anyone here had one removed? If so, why did you get one? ????
  10. Monkey Pox epicenter. What's going on with Phuket? Quite a few cases now.
  11. Had some electrical leakage recently with the heavy rains.
  12. I live in a gated housing estate, I built my house so it can garage up to 5 cars, I never leave my vehicle in the street, some of my neighbors do. I occasionally get asked if a person can leave their car out front of my house for an hour or two while they visit my neighbors. I always say yes, but I shouldn't have to, it's not my property, it's Thai courtesy to ask permission. If these shops want in front of shop parking they should build their property back from the road so their customers can park in front, like 7-Eleven's are doing now.
  13. The cones are placed there to politely say don't park here in future. You should act maturely and move the cones before driving off. To act maliciously, driving over the cones is childish.
  14. Parked my pick up and came back to find a traffic cone at the front and rear ( in line with the wheels) Reversed and flattened one then drove forward and flattened the other. Did check there was nothing inside them first I always choose the healthy option. Find somewhere else to park.
  15. Bloody oath, it's illegal. And selfish. And bloody rude. Their property boundaries are identified on the Chanote. No one owns the roads space. I pay road tax, this allows me to park on the public road.
  16. Yes, RedBull, Boss is part of the protection program. It's a great program, works well for Boss.
  17. I can take care of the wife. I'll keep her safe, out of harms way.
  18. I notice that alot. A couple of AN members go from thread to thread making annoying comments.
  19. It's an unusual name. Harry House and bakery That is a coincidence Harry Bakery
  20. These seem angry women, lots of sharp knives in a bakery.
  21. Yes lots of strange things going on. I'm confused. Who grades smartness.? I reckon it's one of the dumbest things you can do is to not look after your health, take care of yourself, it's free. Life is too short, keep fit and enjoy this short time we have on planet earth. Diabetes is killing so many of these obese people. Dying early due to lack of exercise is very selfish, your family, loved one's will miss you.
  22. I'm not really that fused, shirt or shirtless. It's actually really good to see everyone out and about, exercising and enjoying themselves. I like the atmosphere, you say good morning and you get a reply. Reminds of when I was living in Brisbane and Vung Tau lots of exercise facilities for those wanting to improve their health. I'm not the sharpest knife in the draw but I do know taking care of yourself is a first priority. I often wonder, how smart people become obese, they should know better, why not look after yourself? ???? Just a few hours of exercise a week will keep you alive for many years more.
  23. Most mornings I'm down jomtien beach. Some of the elderly guys going for their morning walk shirtless. The sight is sickening. Should be a law against it.
  24. Yeah, we want to see more pointing. ????????????????☝️????
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