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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yes, your house is half built. Your business is not operational. The Kariokee guys business is operational, the Kariokee guy is doing what every business owner does, he is functional. He is Operating, you are NOT. Why are you complaining, why moan, this is Thailand, that's the way we roll here, you're a complainer and looking for support, the weak pathetic people that reply with nasty and hateful comments give you energy to continue this rediculous post. You people amaze me, you relocate to Thailand because it's the best place in the world to live but you bitch and complain, geeze grow up. As I said earlier to all the foreigners that continue to complain about Thailand, go back to where you come from, do your bitching and complaining back where you're from, we don't want you here, stop being childish, we are all fed up with the sulking. I like it here, everything works for me, Thailand has been my home for over 20 years, you people that interfere, try to change Thailand are not welcome here, fed up with moaning, whinging, whining. Get the hell out of this lovely land, me and my Thai family want you gone.
  2. I have a better idea, why don't you go back to where you come from, believe me Thailand won't miss you. You'll be doing your wife a favour, she's probably fed up with your moaning, complaining, whinging and whining The Karaoke guy has rights, he's trying to provide for his family. He was the first to start his business, you are out of order, you are so selfish. Stop complaining, deal with it, your complaints just encourage the pathetic people, the complainers, the moaners just like yourself to comment negatively. I'm fed up with your type, go somewhere quiet and have a cry snowflake.
  3. I have a better idea, why don't you go back to where you come from, believe me Thailand won't miss you. You'll be doing your wife a favour, she's probably fed up with your moaning, complaining, whinging and whining
  4. Omg, this thread just keeps growing, what's wrong with you people, actually people is too nice a word for some. Most of these comments are encouraging nastiness, why, it needs to stop. Has there been any thoughts for the karaoke guy, he has a business, trying to make money, make ends meet, we're in a pandemic, he has no idea what you want to do, he more than likely has a family to feed, bills to pay, children's education, my God all these selfish comments, grow up, there are others in the world that have needs, don't be so selfish, you disgust me with your reckless immature comments, nasty and horrible, how many of you are sociopathic, narcissists? This lovely land we live in, these lovely people we live amongst, we need to assimilate, adapt, blend in, we are the foreigners, this is their land, we are welcomed here, we have an opportunity to live in peace and harmony but I see only evil. Shame on you, you that have evil replies. You disgust me, I am saddened with what I read. At first I thought this post was fiction but enough, even a good novel needs a warning, it's out of order, stop it. The heading is nightmare, you should research before you conduct any business, fool on you for not conducting the necessary dudiligence. Poor business practices leads to failure. Wife's land, stop with your foreign influence, it's up to your wife. School yard bullys, is that what you people are?
  5. Rattanakorn market On Theprasit is located next to the Collosium Opposite Super Lai condo
  6. Geeze, you guys are little insensative. This OP is obviously looking for advice, chicken legs is the only positive reply. All you other funny guys, I would like you all to join this post, it's out of this world. The OP (will be good) story is like reading a fiction novel, lots of angles and direction, always the right response from comments and the headline that draws you to the story. More twists and turns than that of Coronation Street Have a dig at this Joker https://aseannow.com/topic/1236037-a-nightmare-is-unfolding/page/15/
  7. Yes, I agree. Strange for reading this rubbish. I want my 10 minutes back that you wasted of my precious time reading this post.. BTW, your numbers look great
  8. This entire post is a scam We've all been suckered in. Look at the heading 'a nightmare is unfolding' 13 pages of <deleted> I reckon the Mods should close this post now, we've all had a chuckle but enough is enough. He's got what he wants, his numbers and lots of them.
  9. He's made it clear he doesn't buy property in Thailand, one of those anti Thailand property owners, a renter only, it's his wife's land. He probably hasn't any got any money or not educated.
  10. The property is located Nakon No..where It will never sell These properties have no buyers Be better off walking away and coming back in a few months/years when the Karaoke shuts down. No guarantees, the noise won't return
  11. I've read many of your comments, you comment regularly. But I have never read anything positive or constructive from you. Anyway, all this best if this post is true, not something I would like to experience.
  12. I haven't got a favorite, love them all. Not a big fan of Archa
  13. Geeze, look at all these members who would be happier elsewhere. Sad to see, unbelievable.
  14. So HAPPY, Love it Thailand has been my home for over 20 years Wouldn't be anywhere else. I have teenage children that were born in Bangkok hospital Pattaya, grew up in the same house, been going to the same schools. We are lucky here in Pattaya, excellent schools, world class hospitals, wonderful shopping centers and many things to do with the family. Over the years I've been working in many countries around the world on a 28/28 day rotation. I'm an Australian, it's so much easier to fly, get to work from Bangkok Airports. I've been fortunate, not sure if I'd still be alive if I hadn't been working, probably be dead through alcohol abuse. I find it very difficult to understand how a foreigner can work here in pattaya, Thailand is around the clock for fun and relaxation, not just weekends, working here in Pattaya would be difficult. I've worked down in Songkla, offshore, on a rig, no temptation so it was OK working 4 week rotation on the rig. I spend all my time in Thailand, not going anywhere, on my time off, I get asked regularly why I don't go to Australia. There is no need, all my friends and family come to Thailand to visit, I've only been back to Australia a few times over the last 20 years, the company I work for occasionally sends me to Australia for work visas for different countries. I came to Thailand because it's perfect for me, I'm still in my 50's, so many more years to enjoy this beautiful land (fingers crossed). I hope things don't change, I get ticked off by foreigners that want to change Thailand, also the haters, the complainers and moaners. I prefer Thailand the way it is, leave it be, it works for me.
  15. Nothing, it's the incompetent fools that drive on it. Mr Pichet conceded that frequent accidents occur at the site mainly due to cars travelling at high speeds and navigating the sharp curve in a reckless manner. What a waste of money, get rid of the idiots, I read an early post regarding foreigners having accidents (deport them), driving recklessly. Put the money towards the poor and needy, it's a lot of money, too many homeless could use the handout.
  16. The three L`s Location Location Location You're located Nakon No...where. Sadly, you may have to just walk away. Realestate is an amazing asset, you really need to switched on to master it. I bought my first house in pattaya 20 years ago. I've signed over a dozen housing and condo contracts here in pattaya (city side of Sukhumvit) over the years, sold a few over the years, always at a profit and always promptly. Never purchased on the dark side. To all interested in purchasing property, wherever in the world, never forget the three L's Good luck
  17. Nothing to do with your comments above. The problem has been clearly identified by another member from his comment below Driven that road so many times. You'd have to be stupid drunk to end up on the beach
  18. Safety first does not seem to fit you somehow . I am not tough and i am not living abroad . Oh, OK you're just an Asian basher
  19. Asian basher aah, tough guy. Probably not even living in Thailand
  20. Interesting post, the miserable people which are not happy don't seem to be commenting. I'm convinced most the moaners, complainers, negative posts are coming from those abroad. It makes no sense to me to see all these bitter, negative comments about Thailand on the social media websites from those that live here. Surely even a fool would not live here in Thailand if they were so miserable, a complete idiot would choose to live elsewhere if they were so fed up and miserable. I'm confused, I can't be living amongst all these pathetic, horrible, delinquents these nasty people that post comments that encourage others to follow with childish comments, constant complaining, whinging and whining. Like I said earlier, you're alive, enjoy your life, stop complaining, you encourage the weak to follow your negativity.
  21. I'd be looking at deporting the incompetent foreign drivers before fixing the road. It appears the Thais don't have any problems with it.
  22. Asking for a friend He has bought a new phone with 5G, he has high speed internet with AIS, unlimited. Does he need to replace his old sim, does he need a new sim card from AIS to receive a 5G signal? If so, does AIS charge for sim replacement?
  23. Some people are never happy, sadly it all went to hell when they were born. I agree with a previous comment, most of the agitators are living abroad, I reckon miserable because they are wanting desperately to come back to Thailand but are unable due to insufficient funds etc. There are some agitators living here, they will never change, miserable bastards, easily spotted, grumpy, angry looking. Next time you're out driving and you hear a horn blast aggressively, have a look at the driver, I bet he's a foreigner, 9 out of 10 times it will be. At times I'm embarrassed to be a foreigner when I see this childish behavior, if I can I will ask them to grow up, stop being a child. To all you miserable, angry people, chill, life is wonderful, you're alive so enjoy your life.
  24. Not pattaya, but going to Pattaya. Just after opening, around 15 years ago I arrived Survarnabuhmi late at night. I walked out of the airport and a Thai man asked me where I was going, I told him I was going to Pattaya, he gave me a price, and I agreed, followed the man to his van parked on the roadway. I jumped into the van and so did 2 other Thai guys. We took off, I yelled out I wanted to get out, the driver kept going, they forced the sliding door shut, I opened it slightly yelling out, still in the airport driveway they stopped the van, I got out, they threw my bag out and they took off. I thought I was very lucky, after that experience I pre book with Mr. T everytime.
  25. Thailand has been my home for over 20 years. I've seen a lot come and go. I've noticed that some guys come here to live, looking for that young pretty that calls them sexy man as they walk down the road. Some of these guys at times end up getting married to a woman that has been rejected by the Thai guys, an awful, horrible woman. I reckon this makes the foreigner unhappy and angry, they hate themselves and everything, never happy always miserable. I'm still in my 50's, my children are teenagers and the eldest looking to go to university in Bangkok next year, maybe when I'm older I will get angry and bitter. I hope not ????
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