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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I reckon it's a bottle neck issue. It's the big pipes feeding into the smaller pipes down stream.
  2. Get a Bolt mate, cheeeeeaaap. Leave the 22 baht buses for the poor Thai's
  3. Premier Room, good price, looks good. I reckon it would be a cheap holiday away with a special friend. A few evening drink and a meal, then off to the love shack for dessert. Slide the single beds together and make the magic happen. ❤️
  4. Why did you bring up that there's a problem? Now there is a problem. Like I said page 1, I love whatever they wear
  5. Regularly soi Buakaow and it's feeder soi go under water. The next day after a storm I see the shop owner cleaning up. This item would come in handy. VID_20220927190107.mp4
  6. Trendy It's catching on in the UK. https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/women-wearing-dressing-gowns-spotted-25098309 Thailand, the epicenter for trendy street wear.
  7. No surprises there.
  8. Agree, it's tough being a landlord, I've had no issues renting out my properties in Thailand. It happens alot in Australia.. I had an investment property on the Gold Coast, Burleigh Waters. The tenants turn it into a hydraphonic marijuana plantation. They did $10000 damage. I had landlord's insurance, Sad thing was my insurer, St George Bank did not cover malicious damage. ????
  9. Throw some banana peels down the oil filler and sell it. Too much effort. Cheap enough to buy another
  10. Sad story. Still older than most of us here on AN. Hope they can rebuild similar
  11. I said that page 1. If you have a tourist visa you only get a temporary driver's license. Even if you had a 5 year license prior. I went from a 5 year driver's license back to a 1 year because I entered Thailand on a tourist visa.
  12. Cutting the throats of all those poor little prawns is sickening.... This is a concerning issue for some. It's cruel, savage and barbarick. Shouldn't be made fun of.
  13. We need to calculate, e=mc²
  14. Yes, but this doesn't mean that they are filthy, grotty or grubby. It's called being LAZY.
  15. Horrible people, malicious damage. Why do people have to be so nasty?
  16. Mmmmm, ???? That's debatable. I could stand up in the round pipe, not sure if I could stand up in the square. Maybe our knowledgeable members can make comment. Would it be possible to put a square drain (peg) in a round drain (hole)?
  17. I reckon the biggest issue is the poorly repaired sections of road. These temporary road repairs just break up and make their way into the drains. The road gang with their hot ashfalt, bitumen repairs, shovels this ashfalt into the pot holes in the road and a week or two later it's disappeared, down the drains.
  18. They used these huge pipes in the Avenue.
  19. Wow, safe crackers. It looks like the safe was attacked with a flame thrower, then thrown from a building, finally being dragged down the highway by a Honda Wave. Looks like they have a very technical approach Real professionals.
  20. OMG, Avoid doing any business or purchases on Facebook. You are just going to introduce misery into your life.
  21. Don't do this, they will only think you have mental health issues. You need to learn how to control your inner feelings and emotions, if you want to live in Thailand. If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future. Your reactions are concerning. Take care mate
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