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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I reckon it's been 3 days due to negotiations. It's probably going to be another few days (due to more negotiations) to find out the reading.
  2. Being the son of an ex-topcop I would have thought dad would have given him clear instructions, like 'what ever you do, do not ever get yourself into trouble with the law) It's a no brainer, obviously dad has failed in showing this delinquent the right path.
  3. OMG, this just keeps getting better and better. If I was as rich as this guy I'd be getting my drivers to do the driving when I'm on the turps. This is one mismanaged dude. Being the son of an ex-topcop I would have thought dad would have given him clear instructions, like 'what ever you do, do not ever get yourself into trouble with the law) It's a no brainer, obviously dad has failed in showing this delinquent the right path. I've been working on the rigs for many years and the first thing I say to newbies that come to the rig is 'whatever you do, don't get yourself hurt' You just got to get it right in life, get your priorities in order and you'll find life goes smoothly.
  4. Too many problems in the world to be worried about covid. Get your jabs, wear your mask, sanitise and keep aware. It's hit and miss, if your time is up, it's time to go. I consider myself one of the lucky ones, good gene's. It's up to your parents how you will cope with life's challenges. Protect yourself and your family, keep happy. Keeping positive is the key, sometimes I feel for the AN members, I hear and read their nasty, hurtful, miserable comments and wonder how these guys will survive, they must have a lot of pain inside.
  5. Irrelevant comment. He could have been wearing a space suit and I reckon the guy would have died. Big impact
  6. Wow, which organ did they want? A female's internal reproductive organs are the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries My favorite woman's organ is the uterus.
  7. How did he became that rich? Corruption, dishonesty, deceit, bribery, crime, wrongdoing.....
  8. Nice music ???????????? They look delicious, my mouth is watering. ????????
  9. Accidents happen all over the world But Rarely (if ever) do we see a former top cop being the countries 36th richest. I'm so sorry for the (poorest) people of Thailand.
  10. This is great news. It's good to read 'China was "deeply grieved" by the outbreak of war' Nice to know China understands Putin and his Motley crew are barbaric creatures. Putin.....someone needs to put a bullet in his head.
  11. I forgot to mention, It's often speed that causes most accidents Unsafe roads. The roads have always been in poor condition, it's been like this forever. These days, everyone is looking for someone to blame, no accountability. Look at this car below, The car was obviously moving slowly when it left the road. I reckon the driver has been looking at their phone or fallen asleep, then felt the sudden noise as the car has left the road and come to a stop on its side. It would have been quite comical to watch.
  12. I drive the Pattaya roads everyday and I reckon a few factors to take into consideration. The accidents could be due to - Telephone use....Sms, social media etc. - Alcohol - Incompetence - Vehicles roadworthy condition
  13. I've been using these guys for over 10 years. I'm south Pattaya Great guys Great service
  14. What about all the other warlords, the oligarchs. Do you reckon it was Putin himself that poisoned all those that live abroad, the radioactive poisonings etc, he's got a lot of helpers willing to do his dirty work. I'm hearing some really bad stuff coming out of Ukraine, the Russian military, killing civilians for food etc., quite sad. Loads of bad eggs not just Putin.
  15. It's not a huge amount but it's something. It will also send a message to Russia. You never know we may make the hate list Russia has ????
  16. The problem with this comment, it would encourage all the swinging dicks to come to Thailand and work. Thailand would become the same sh..t hole we left behind. I like Thailand the way it is, why come here to work, poor wages, long hours, accommodation etc. Thailand is for fun, sun, rest and relaxation. Living in Thailand must be enjoyed, live in style. You don't want all the miserable sad sacks living here. I've had to work in Thailand but it was offshore, great wages, adequate accommodation but away from all the beauty, temptation, fun and sun Thailand has to offer.
  17. How could such a thing happen with those Jatukam amulets they bought Incompetence always wins over the above.
  18. I don't reckon you're Australian. In Australia we have mates, mateship (good friends) If my mate was having chest pains, I wouldn't allow him to travel. Geeze, with what we know today about medical problems at our age (middle aged) as an Aussie you'd never allow him to travel. If he was my mate I'd personally take him to hospital for a checkup because he's my mate. Thailand is proactive with heart conditions, as I said in my earlier comment, the hotel I was staying at sent a doctor to my room for a checkup. Sorry to hear that you have no mates, a mate that would not allow you to travel if you had chest pains.
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