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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I've already replied to your rediculous comment. You got to read more than the headline, read the article.
  2. To watch the actors on the football field, NO. If it was an NRL game I'd think about it.
  3. Sadly the world is full of liars, both boys and girls. That's why we have courts, juries. Due diligence, DNA, physical abuse etc. should be completed before castration.
  4. I have a couple of mates who own a bar. One mate lives in Thailand and managers the bar and the other lives back home. The mate who lives back home tried to put in place a POS/electronic system, the other mate refused, tried his best not to because he would lose out on his selfish profits. The electronic system tallies everything, outgoings, incoming, inventory etc.
  5. I'm sure the due diligence would have been completed before the scissors were engaged.
  6. These girls are trying to make a living. They're showing of their assets. I see many videos of Gold Diggers, girls interested in a guy when she sees his assets. These guys posting these videos usually look average and have a under average personality. I'm all for a beautiful woman showing their valuables to meet the man of her dreams $$$$$$$.
  7. What are you doing reporting back, come back in a decade. Your just wasting my time.
  8. Sample size is too small. I've been driving the roads of Thailand for 25 years. Report back in another decade.
  9. At the end of the day these are bad people and we need to do something. Having these monsters walking the streets, assaulting is unacceptable. The article attached quotes 'People really don't know what works' All the money spent on studies, all the knowledge we have, to do nothing is wrong.
  10. What are you talking about? Get real. These older German cars owned by Thais are not insured, they don't have money for insurance. This owner wouldn't spend the money to get an oil leak repaired, he won't have the money for insurance. It's a status thing for fake people, to brag, show off. I reckon he tells his friends and the naive woman he's trying to pick up from the bar......... I own a Benz, BMW, Audi etc. He doesn't tell them it's an old dilapidated, jalopy and I don't have money for -Insurance -Tax -Repairs -Servicing -Petrol.......... Fake people, they're everywhere.
  11. AGREE I see a few transvestites (foreigners) here in Pattaya walking the streets since the boarders have opened up. I forgot how vile, horrid looking they are. Funny as #*+&, I reckon they think they will blend in with all our acceptable/OK looking ladyboys. We do have the prettiest boys in the world.
  12. It's extremely expensive. If you can't afford it buy Japanese. Toyota, Honda, Mazda reliable, comfortable cars with affordable servicing
  13. Yep. The Germans make the best cars on the planet (I hope I don't upset anyone with this true statement), but you need to properly maintain them. Dealer servicing is expensive therefore the resale price is much lower than what it should be. The Thai's buy these quality German cars for a steal but refuse to service them properly, worse is that they get their mates (backyard mechanics) to install cheap, nasty Chinese, crapppy Bling that looks ugly, it catches fire because they haven't wired/connected the item correctly.
  14. The owners bling these older cars up, different bit and bobs (cheap LED lighting etc) with faulty wiring from Dodgy automotive electricians and next thing, the cars up in smoke. Over the many years I've seen quite a few ablaze.
  15. I see so many of these older German cars being driven by Thais. Older German cars are expensive to maintain, when they do get repairs done its from some Dodgy backyard mechanical shop. We see so many of them go up in flames on the motorways from poor workmanship or in this case lack of workmanship. Spend the money having the vehicle maintained by the dealers and they'll last for ever.
  16. I've been with Kasikorn bank since before their name change. Never had an issue, actually they are much more easier to deal with than the banks in Australia. Sounds like you may be over reacting. Thailand does get frustrating at times but it's swings and roundabouts. I like the way things are going for me.
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