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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. This guy complained about a brake light not working. Keep safe dude. VID_20220923035627.mp4
  2. Yes, I understand but it's a shame that more care is not taken when driving, this way they would never have to worry about the mob.
  3. I see all the sex shops now have empty shelves
  4. This happens to me daily Every second Thai motorbike has no break light Don't confront a Thai, it's not a healthy option.
  5. I see the Thais riding in the rain holding an umbrella in the left hand and speeding, they hate getting wet, they reckon they will get sick if the rain falls on their head. This is very dangerous, probably why so many accidents when raining. BTW, you see so many more helmets being used when raining. It removes all the dust from the helmets after sitting around for months
  6. Naaah, I'll keep this one, I see that she buys my children items with the winings. I've got a few girlfriends though, they get rotated regularly.
  7. I've won a few times too, 2000 baht each time. I give the wining tickets to the Mrs to claim for me but she never gives me the cash. ????
  8. The parents care, it's just that they are too bloody lazy to drive them around, here and there
  9. Sadly, the situation was out of control for some time. Would have been a scary situation for the cops. The mob was out of the control. VID_20220922112940.mp4
  10. Come to Pattaya, more and more very unusual foreigners arriving.
  11. Now, this would be some place special. Thailand has been my home for over 20 years but sadly, I'm seeing more and more strange foreigners. Sure Thailand has always had the occasionally freaky foreigner but it just seems there are too many now. It's getting to a point where I'm avoiding all foreigners wherever I go.
  12. Probably an Aussie Australians are now the richest people in the world. https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/australians-are-now-the-richest-people-in-the-world-001758078.html
  13. Yes, I was down there earlier, fantastic day, it's great to be alive. VID_20220921101819.mp4
  14. OMG, You must be fun to live with, every conversation is a disagreement.
  15. You can swim in the ocean, there's lots of water. The beach has lots of fun waves, good cardio, just pushing hard, walking vigorously works up a sweat.
  16. Naaah, too much upkeep. This is all you need. Enough room for myself and a couple of gorgeous Thai Beauties. Afternoons shaded by the lovely trees and the soft sound of water splashing from the waterfall. An esky full of beer and I'm in heaven. VID_20220921061823.mp4
  17. It's good to read about your exercise but your view never changes. It's static.
  18. Down here in Pattaya and Jomtien there are waves, the beach can be quite noisy with the waves splashing. There's a little outcrop of rocks, just by Pattaya Park, next to Sea Rescue. It's great to see the small creatures living amongst the rocks and listening to the waves splashing the rocks. A salt water pool can get boring, nice to have but it's static, never changing, the beach is so dynamic, never looks the same, lots of people enjoying themselves, having a good time.
  19. Cheer up sport. Your attitude is so negative, believe in yourself. Have positive thoughts......... things are going well and will always go well etc. Change your ways, you will find that positive thoughts will guide you to a much happier life.
  20. Not a rabbit fan but Love the Rabbitohs masks ???? Go the bunnies, like to see them beat the Panthers this weekend.
  21. Serious reply..... The eyes are blacked out because the dog must have a beer logo or beer brand name on its head. ????
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