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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Have they released the 160 ADV in Thailand? Are they going to release the Forza 125 in Thailand
  2. Follow railway rd to the end, turn left After K9 sign (left turn) turn right, at end turn right (small Chinese village before soi Phoenix) 100 or so meters turn left, traveling to the end turn right Travel around the lake (Chinese temple), follow your nose, at the end turn left (Silverlake/upside down house etc) Follow this road to the end (nice ride through the rainforest), turn left (331) Do a U turn then turn left in a few hundred meters. Follow to the end turn right Continue until you see a big building on your left then turn right (Ban Chang main street)
  3. Agree, Anyway the world is changing, people are different these days, I struggle to keep up. Sometimes I get myself in trouble for saying things, chatting about things that in the past me and my mates would talk about, but these days I've got to give a lot of thought to what I say otherwise I'm looked at like I'm some weirdo. I don't mean to offend, I'm really a nice guy it's just I need to readjust. Sorry if I've offended anyone out there. ????
  4. Actually, some time ago here in Pattaya, a guy in his Porsche got his head blown off leaving the gym, out by the lake. Caught the guys. 2 idiots they fled to Cambodia if I remember.
  5. ???? Glad I'm living in safe Pattaya. That Phuket sounds like a bad place to live ????
  6. IT Sytems Manager Why would a smart person do something so stupid? Probably a fraud, forged educational documents from Khoa San Rd. Some people in this world amaze me. Disappointed in the Australian Embassy giving this creep a job.
  7. I'm organizing a few busses departing Pattaya for the festival. Anyone interested let me know in advance so I can book. ????????????
  8. The guys I met when I first came here were mostly good guys and a pleasure to meet up with, though there was an unpleasant drunk and druggie, one died and the other moved away. I agree, when I first moved into my house 2001, I met some great guys, very good friends...... 2 English guys who have moved back homeland, around 8 years ago, over the years I met a lot of offshore workers who no longer live in Thailand. Things have changed, I'm still in the same house, the housing estate are mostly rentals these days, I get to meet some nice guys where I live but I don't get too close, they come and go and with my kids getting older they keep me busy. As I said earlier, lots of crypto guys, I meet some guys who have some strange stories, one guy told me that he has a friend (acquaintance) living in the Philippines who owes him 10 Bitcoins ????. I keep my distance. I'm very lucky to have my family and some close friends here in Thailand, all my close friends, family.... nieces, sister/husband etc in Australia all come to Thailand to visit.
  9. No responsibility No apology Wow, that's where my ex gf got that attitude from, it's bred in them. She was bloody cold, cruel and heart less. Pity the new bloke she's with now.
  10. Not sure about Blubs but definitely sell LED Bulbs Yes, OP has a spelling issue, lucky us AN mob are a clever bunch. ????
  11. Thank God they weren't flying to BKK when I was working in Saudi. Worst airline, glad they weren't flying to Thailand when I was working in Saudi, my company always preferred direct flights. Saudi Airlines..... old planes, no booze, flight attendants all men, what a horrible flight. I would fly Jeddah to Dubai (SA), then Emirates get an upgrade on the A380 to business class for the leg Dubai BKK......heaven, what a difference, chalk and cheese.
  12. Like most comments I've read, didn't come here for friends. If you've come to Thailand looking for friends, take care. Lots of Dodgy guys, crypto is a big thing for these guys. I keep to myself, have a big family here that keep me happy. I go to the gym regularly, sometimes I have a chat with the newbies, most of them I just give a nod hello and that's it.
  13. Have you tried Lazada, lots of LEDs for sale
  14. I received an email from wise after I complained because I couldn't transfer my money. I was using PoliPay to transfer, the option to use Westpac and St george were no longer available. I'm using Remitly now. It must just be PoliPay transactions that are no longer available.
  15. Did you transfer from Westpac using Wise? I received this message from Wise a few weeks ago Unfortunately, since we've stopped partnering with Westpac bank, that also includes their subsidiary banks (St George being one of them).
  16. Something to note Wise is no longer doing business with Westpac and St George Banks
  17. So, we've got video evidence, also a radio station and webfact and attached Chiang Mai news reports all saying he was urinating on the car but we've got members in denial, believing a members comment (tracyb). Well there you go, unbelievable
  18. He didn't pee his pants There's a video on 103fm website showing the old guy urinating on his car. The guy's a party animal. 88yo, 11am drunk as a skunk, crashing into a kiosk, he's the man ????
  19. Party pooper I prefer the webfact description. BTW, the local radio station 103fm here in Pattaya is reporting same story as Webfact, there you go it must be true. ????
  20. Guy driving pickup probably looking at his phone, I see this too many times these days. Grandma's and children should be off these dangerous roads after dark, bloody stupid out riding in the dark
  21. From what I read I reckon age is not the issue here regarding ability to drive, he's probably been searching for an empty can/bottle to pee in, taken his eyes of the road and hits this stupid kiosk. I reckon he would have got away with it had that kiosk not been there, he'd probably just mount the kerb and drive over coming down the other side. Definitely immaturity, driving under the influence but you got to give it to him, the guys a party animal, 11am smashed out of his mind, I want to party with this guy. Over the many years I've been living here I've found the Brits to be the most fun to be with when out for a drink, you guys are crazy. Again, Brits. keep up the great work, you guys make the Aussies look good, 88yo. this guy's a legend.
  22. Anyway, keep up the good work you Pom's ???? it's making us Aussies look good. ???????????????????? I hope this comment stays here, my last comment they took down (censored), must have been the photo (drunk guy passed out on his back)
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