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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I know some Thai's who would be excited. They'll put anything in their mouth. Eat anything.
  2. Strange but true comment. It confuses me why people become negative living in Thailand. I see so many sad, negative foreigners, everyday. How is it possible, maybe these negative people were born negative or they haven't managed their lifestyle, failed marriage, losing wealth due to failed business etc., what's going on. Thailand has been my home for over 20 years, I've never been a negative person, my positive attitude grows every day, I'm a very lucky guy to have the opportunity to live in this beautiful country.
  3. It's on the burning ring of fire. We Aussies learn this in school.
  4. I reckon the parents of this young child had the same pitiful, poor attitude. Probably why the teacher went to this extreme attempt to notify the parents.
  5. Yes, agree. Your bike is not that old, very advanced, these bikes were very powerful, great stability and braking. I was referring to the older CB's and Z's. I went for a ride on an old Z900 recently, lots and lots of fun but just the issues I mentioned earlier. My old CB500 would be a death trap, single front disk, drum rear, regular tank slaps at high speed etc. This post brings back a lot of memories, I remember a couple of mates of mine had the 750cc (triple) two stroke. I'm lucky that they weren't renting them on beach road in the late 90's, I'd be dead. ????
  6. I've been driving to Phetchabun for over 20 years, it's not north east, I'd say the centre.
  7. I still enjoy riding the older bikes, just got to be more careful, breaking distance and handling. Also be prepared for the occasional tank slap, if you're not experienced these can be lethal. Burapa bike week is back on here Chaiyapreuk, Pattaya, February, I can't wait. It's only a 10 minute ride from my house, I go 2 or 3 times a day, can't get enough. You see alot of these older bikes at the show. I'm in heaven, brings back so many memories.
  8. I used to rent same bike on beach road 20 years ago. Bloody nice bike. Back then there were no noise restrictions. I used to be a proper annoying foreigner racing around Pattaya on a very loud Superbike. ????️
  9. I go to iMoto for all my tyres. He'll give you a little discount if you buy front and back.
  10. Wow, that must have a nice sound. My first road bike was a CB500, 4cyl, '73 I think, with Yoshi pipe (no baffles), 4 into 1's. Great sound ????
  11. It must be awesome to wander through this world with such awareness of world affairs Where did I say that? I'm saying these stories about wealthy Russians and their yachts is getting old.
  12. This is a much better article https://aseannow.com/topic/952668-abandoned-derelict-decaying-locations-around-thailand/
  13. But not the better off ones? Ha, ha I only socialize with the poor working girls, the better off ones don't come near me.
  14. My Thai gf is a Stargazer. Always looking towards the stars for hope and good luck.
  15. Another 10k baht you get one of these.
  16. Sorry to hear. I've got Termignoni's and ride without them in, it's a little loud but love the sound. I've read my DB killers can only be bought from Termignoni factory. Very expensive.
  17. I'm an Aussie. Let me give you some advice, don't take comments by members on AN so seriously. It was a joke. Geeze, I'm lost for words. So many confused and sad reactions from my initial comment. Guys loosen up.
  18. I was born in Sydney. Bloody best city on the planet back in the day. Sadly, it's turned into a sh1thole over the recent decades. I remember going to high school, we had the Villawood detention centre close to our school, lots Vietnamese boat people at our school. The Vietnamese assimilated, they did some strange things but good people. We also had the Lebanese arrive, Christians, assimulated, good people. Over the last couple of decades these boat people won't assimilate, these people from the middle east and their barbarric religion, horrible people have turned Sydney into a horrible, dangerous place.
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