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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Letting it expire and still visiting Home county now and then 

    could possible cost you more if renting a car having for example

    Thai DL.


    Had customer visit California with me and rented car (I had CA DL). 

    He’s very capable driver with a China DL. No problem as long as you

    break off arm for rental/rental insurance. He didn’t drive. 


    I’ve a Florida license good 10years (Usenet sisters address), China license 10 years (8 remains) and Thai god for 1 or 2 years ( first license).


    The only issue I’d think not keeping it renewed is getting a Thai 

    license for first time. You can test without it but need take written and driving. Drivinganot the problem. Problem is no real study material do test 

  2. This is from an article March 2018

    Subject: Drunk Driving  Penalties Thailand 


    • The legal blood alcohol limit for licensed drivers in Thailand is 0.05.
      For learner drivers, probationary drivers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, train drivers and all drivers of public service vehicles the limit is 0.00, zero alcohol.
      Passengers are not allowed to drink in any vehicle except trains.
      Drinking is not allowed in stationary vehicles parked on roads and streets, the only exception is if thr vehicle is parked outside your own house.
      The police have authority to stop and breathalyze any driver at any time.

    Tidbits of information. 

    Mexico bought beers from a stand and asked can we walk around and drink (street area) yes no problem. Then askedis it legal. No but you can still drink if you want. 


    California - First seat belt ticket @ $165 USD. I’d passenger in car (16 or over) Driver and passenger get ticket. If passenger is under 16 tickets 


    Open Container - $250 USD if under legal limit No jail time but points may be taken off DL. If you’re under 21 and driver or passenger under 21 possible 6 months jail sentence and $1000 USD. (Under age drinking and open container). 


    DUI - Driving Under Influence. Charges that can apply for 1st offense. 


    • Informal (otherwise known as "summary") probation for three to five years,
    • Up to six months in a county jail,
    • Between $390-$1,000 in fines, plus penalty assessments, for a total of $1500 to $2000,
    • A three month court-approved alcohol and/or drug education program (AB541 class),
    • A 6-month drivers license suspension

    2nd offense 

    • Three to five years of summary probation,9
    • A minimum of 96 hours to a maximum of one year in a county jail,
    • Between $390-$1,000 in fines,
    • Completion of an 18-month or 30-month court-approved California DUI school, and
    • Three to five years of summary probation,9
    • A minimum of 96 hours to a maximum of one year in a county jail,
    • Between $390-$1,000 in fines,
    • Completion of an 18-month or 30-month court-approved California DUI school, and
    • A two-year driver's license suspension after twelve months, may be converted to a restricted license.

    California for first misdemeanor traffic ticket gives you option to pay fine and against your record OR pay fine go to traffic school (16 hours) and doesn’t go against record. Doesn’t apply to DUI. 


    I was ticketed for crossing double yellow line and opted for Fine and School. 

    Class was conducted by Highway Patrol (not city cop). Some of it was interesting. 


    He said if you’ve been drinking put an unopened bottle of alcohol in car. If pulled over for DUI stop throw keys out the window and when officer gets to the car open 

    talcohol so he seea wasn’t opened prior and start drinking. Your plea is you got scared and panicked and opened the bottle started drinking. You never know it might work.


    Make Ke sure you throw the keys out of car. In California is you passed out drunk sleeping in the car and have keys in car it’s DUI. If keys not in car maybe sleeping illegally or drunk in public..


    • Like 1
  3. It’s  all about adjusting which take some time. 12 yerars ago I moved from Southern California to China spent 10 years to here. Every place I see a little different I would not live in Los Angeles city and not fond of BKK only because it a big city and I’ve tired of big cities. 


    Now I live out in the countryside in NE. You should feel lucky the first 1-1/2 years here was cold showers with pan to sip water out of the bigger



    If something bothers you try’s to ignor it not worth the hassle. 

  4. Pattaya has a small airport where Thai and Farang have private planes 

    but not sure area and if the airplanes are big enough. 


    I’m not connected the the m in anyway. A customer of mine sold engines to a couple of people. I went out there and a guy from NY

    flew me around sightseeing. Pretty neat then they took off and landed 

    from grass runway. Probably changed by now. The NY guy is still around but said he doesn’t fly anymore due to age.


    here is the website:  http://www.pattayaairpark.com/


    They can probably advise you if at all possible. Enjoy!







    • Like 2
  5. Was stationed on Honolulu early 70s hated it but mostly due to no money in military as low of ranked grunt. Last year of duty was Ok 3 or 4 of use renewed a big house on the North shore.


    Never visited other islands due to lack of funds. 


    Some 20 year later I took a holiday to most the islands with only land and transfers in Honolulu as it’s similar to many big cities traffic etc. 


     Maui nice a mix of some nightlife also quiet.  Went on dive tour snorkel /mask /fins others available to half moon crater Spectacular blue water / scenery. Road to Hana awesome but very windy roads


    Kaui nice but really quiet at night with not much nightlife. Good switch in pace. 


    Big Island - wife birthday thought I’d make it special rent Jeep go around the island and helicopter tour. half way around she “I’m not happy”boring so caught a flight back on the half way point to Maui. 

    Didn't get a true feel of what was available. 


    Thailand Phi Phi Island - beautiful and been several times since. Didn’t see the town didn’t know there was one..... made it nice. Hotel was internet pay as you go hourly in lobby which was great. I’m a work alcoholic and right wad on some things. Limited it to work 1 hour a day early and didn’t think of work until next morning. Snorkeling very nice beautiful area with lots of day time activities 


    Xiamen China’s Hawaii - lived there 10 and laughed every time I heard that phrase and shook my head. Born in Miami, lived in S.California near ocean, stationed in Hawaii and visited Thailand Phi Phi island......

    Xiamen Chinas Hawaii NO.




  6. I drove for a few months after moving to Thailand on US drivers license. Everytime I was stopped used my US license was asked for International Drivers Permit. I didn’t have and got fined several times and had to show registration etc on moto. 


    The US International driving permit from AAA insurance etc.in USA. Is automatically translated to 10 languages valid for 1 year. 


    Now have Thai license. With the recent crackdown on unlicensed drivers it may end up rental shops will require IDP. Simple reason moto 

    gets confiscated if no DL.  


  7. 5 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    Where can we ask for tax money back?


    Because it appears they have not been doing THEIR WORK in the past couple of years (or even decades).


    Freaking 500 illegal markets. And nobody within government can be arsed to get out of their office and check permits?

    Next move will to be to compensate the illegal vendors according to this ideology. Instead of making these compensations use the money

    to set up lots throughout the city where people frequent these vendors


    A Win Win







  8. We have a few dogs in the village one day the guys spraying for mosquitoes came by and while in our yard went across and stood

    under a tree where most of been the boss was standing.


    He spoke some English and had a nice conversation. He said that brown dog of yours is bad and got in my chickens so I shot and killed him. 


    The dog dog he was taking about may have been crazy stalking anything that moves. Feel sorry for the dog but he brought on his own fate. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Most of these moto taxi guy and a dispeakble lot, thugs hailing from the poorest and god forsaken parts of the kingdom with no education and no respect to the other human beings, and virtually a few steps away from being in jail for all sorts of illegal activities... pity this guy evaded jail for assault and a big fine...

    My brother in law is a moto taxi driver in BKK has a commercial? License and is legit. But their are those out there that shall we say run a muck. 


  10. Is this the same nut? That Taiwan has? If so scary shit. Whenever getting a taxi look to make sure doesn’t have red slobber (lack of Bette word) running down his lip or reddish teeth. I’m in two taxis that’s drivers where eating the stuff. Driving like crazy and really a scary situation. 


    If this is same ban it!

    • Sad 1
  11. The only problem I’ve experienced is long slow lines. Most of the officers are ok and some seem exhausted  because all the people. 

    Maybe the person had a difficult day. I try to address them with hello

    in Thai and seems to cheer them up a bit. Do the same in China Great hello in Chinese other than that I’m limited to toilet beer and other simple things. 


    Taiwan an office noticed I had a bottle of water which kinda got him going. So furture trips trashed the bottle before getting to the counter. 


    Same as with customers in Taiwan had cards with English one side and Chinese the other (based in China) buyer saw the Chinese and sulked up. Made set of cards English only for Taiwan. 


    Sometimes little things get people going. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Actually, I suggest that it, and the responses stay.


    My reasoning? Simply that others have the same idea without realising the dangers they are subjecting themselves, their generator and the power company staff to.


    Crossy - I will leave as is and hopefully everyone reading will see the correct way to hook up.  In my 20s twice breaker switches off.knowxkws on my ass trying to take out bare wires on porch from house I rented and trying to get the dishwasher to work. After that no

    electrical projects except replace bulbs etc. as long as pull and plug. 


    44 minutes ago, genset said:


    Hi DJ54,


    This is an open forum and people are free give their opinions and advice about all sorts of things, but as somebody who has tried to help over the years regarding the 'safe installation and use' of Generators in Thailand, i feel it would be remiss of me if I didn't pitch in at this point and warn any forum members, thinking of following your example to think twice. This is a dangerous and potentially deadly method of connecting a Generator to your home distribution system.


    Not trying to put anybody's nose out of joint, but break before make transfer switches are designed in such a way for a purpose, to prevent damage to your equipment, and the potential of harming anybody working upstream on the utility lines.


    Cheers Genset...

    Thanks Genset the information is appreciated. Do you suggest I delete the post probably best and leave the one you sent that has both. 


    The first time using this method was before House was built in a cabin type 1 room on back of lot. Not knowing much about electric except for

    stay away from it and let someone do the work. 


    When the man next door (Thai no English) showed how to use the generator and plugged in outdoor socket of cabin. I was shaking my head thinking really?? It worked so thought he knew what he was talking about (to Thai papa) and shutting off all breakers. 


    I live 22 km from Kumphawapi and not sure how to find a electrician that knows how to install Transfer switch. I will do some reasearch. 

    The wiring in house was not done by the neighbor was part of the crew that built house. 


    Take a look at the attached picture and you’ll understand hillbilly.


    Farang neighbors has nice system for reserve water tank inline pump etc.beautiful set-up. Told the wife we need the same set-up and would have the guy installed theirs due to no water certain parts of day. 


    Papa and Uncle know how to do it and less money. Doesn’t work been there for a year. Smoke my head laughed and forgot about it. Can always punch a hole in it and water the backyard vegetable garden. 


    It it gets worse we have grass (from sod) all around the house. The lines from water supply to the reserve tank is above ground and no way 

    to mow......  


    Guess that’s why whisky was invented to sit on porch and shake your



    Thanks for your advise and know of a place near here let me know. 



  14. I’m in a village in NE house is outside the  main village area. Main area has maybe 5 Mom and Pop shops a bit like in the boonies.


    Rainy season have power outs quite frequently in our area. Main area doesn’t have as many outages. 

    when us

    Bought a small generator at Global @ $300 USD. To save the food in frig 

    and not swelter all night trying to sleep. Power goes out have to turn off

    all switches at the box.


    Plug arge heavy duty cable that is used only for the generator into the electric socket. Depending which wall socket you plug into denotes what gets power. Make sure all breaker switches are off or will have 

    problems if power come straight on. 


    Luckily there is a socket that powers kitchen and our bedroom (only room with AC). When using generator for outage it’s out on patio on other side of house.  It’s a gas generator and when topped up runs @ 10 hours.


    Generator makes some noise but not unbearable. With it in other side of

    house a little noise but AC  TV and refreshments you don’t notice. 10 hours you get good sleep when fuel is out it’s ok wee hours of the morning your asleep and the heat the next day can wake you up if no alram. 


    I do like the idea of solar!


    One power outage all day around 8:00 at night noticed the houses down the road had power. Unfortunately the generator was at farm when building small house.


    <deleted>? Checked the breaker box all are on. Wife called a friend who is an

    electrician. He checked the breakers and then out to pole/meter. Fami called PEA and they said bill wasn’t paid so meter removed. I was home all day no one came to the house to advise. 


    In the village a lady lady comes around with electric bill from PEA. A week prior the lady came by I paid and had receipt. Note we pay two seperate bills one for house one farm. All times prior both paid at same time to lady. 


    A few days later a different lady came by that I’d not seen before with a bill. Didn’t have any cash no one at home that spoke English. I tried 

    to explain using hand signals come back tomorrow. She didn’t come back. 


    PEA acknowledged bill for the House was paid. So no power for two days until they come and put on meter. 


    The electricain Ian went across the street to neighbor told them we need to tie into their electric for two days and will pay 100 a day. Ok no problem he jumped it. All good two days meter back on.


    that my friends is life in the village....... 



    • Like 2
  15. WHad read the thread all the way to the end......because I liked the “No Bickering”.


    Some of the bickering gets so crazy and you read the topic and start reading on page 3 by accident. You have to check what the topic is again because it verdes off into something totally off topic. 


    It’s in some peoples nature or due to medical reason to stir up controversy. Had a boss once that until you got to know him you’d

    think he was a total a hole. He drank a lot off work hours and had 

    diabetes so a bit of imbalance.  


    Once you figured him out and ignored the flare ups he had a heart of gold. If you performed well he make sure you were paid fairly. 


    I worked full time there and part time at night to make ends meet ( 2 children). One day he said I don’t like you having to work part time at

    night. Corporate was in another state and his base office.  He had my salary doubled. 


    See how easy to get off topic. Might be from living in a village and rarely talking to anyone in English that has a slight chance of understanding. I have one neighbor within a kilometer that speaks English. 


    How much should you take really depends on your likes. Get on the web 

    work out a plan check prices and off you go.  If you get tapped out there

    plenty of banks. Me most the time I like the small food shops/street food gives an idea of what’s local food. 














  16. In the US I used PayPal quite a bit easy. Here in Thailand wanted to send from my US bank to a individual wouldn’t send because the IP address showed I was not in US. 


    Tried Western Union online money from US bank to individual everything worked ok at the time I entered the transfer. Called WU several times after a week to find out when or why? Two weeks later denied due to IP address not in US 


    Bangkok bank offers WU but no idea the fees 


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