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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. I have no idea but I was in Russia when Yeltsin was there and I have been many times - to Ukraine as well. There is no difference between Ukrainians and Russians despite what some might tell you. A negotiated peace will have to come about one day - sooner or later.
  2. Oh, no evidence of cocaine found in Bidens Whitehouse, right? I was not suggesting illicit drugs - but I think it's likely he had a booster of some type. Biden does not know his own name and thinks cannibals were after his uncle.
  3. I guess that's possible if they choose only certain MSM to host it, and Dem controllers. What happened to neutral debates?
  4. It's difficult to know what happened, but Iranian TV is saying "weather." Why did two other choppers make it?
  5. Bidens crazy 14 second video challenging Trump to a debate was laughable and you know it. Five cuts to make a 14-second video - Biden will get destroyed and I really believe they gave him something for the State of the Union.
  6. Do you think things were better before Putin? Seriously? I first went to Russia before Putin, and it was chaos. I went many times after Putin—not perfect, obviously, but ordered and structured.
  7. "official sanctions" made up as they went along? The trust that was banking is GONE and will never return - it is STEALING, and you know it.
  8. Well, we will see, right? Many 'experts' were claiming Russia ran out of ammo years back and would fight with "shovels". Pretty useful shovels those lol No need for a general mobilisation in Russia so far - I think they have committed 360,000 troops out of 1,300,000 so far. (3,570,000 total including reserves). https://www.statista.com/statistics/1334413/military-personnel-in-russia-by-type/#:~:text=How many soldiers does Russia,and 250%2C000 were paramilitary forces.
  9. No Ukrainians in Russia fighting the last time i looked - ergo, Russia is winning - it is inevitable
  10. We should not attempt to turn the clock back to the Soviet era, and although there is very little difference between Ukrainians and Russians, I think a NEUTRAL Ukraine should be supported. Zelensky was elected on a peace platform, then threw it away with the USA.
  11. Catch up, please... they only stopped to have some lunch and are now taking out the young of Ukraine in the meat grinder - still, they are reducing the conscription age in Ukraine, so there will be fresh dead soon enough for you. You must love war - why not go volunteer?
  12. Well, I could charge you for MSNBC/CNN talking points only. This does not help anything—I am British but have extensively travelled to Russia and Ukraine. I have family in Kiev, but I was born in London.
  13. That is not true; now, the opposition is in jail, and elections are banned. Please be FACTUAL. I know it's difficult, but could you please try? All you do is repeat MSNBC/CNN - you have probably never been to Ukraine or Russia, and you definitely do not understand the issues and history. What we need is a negotiated settlement - a neutral Ukraine and a withdrawal by Russia.
  14. Really? have you been to Ukraine and Russia? I have, many times
  15. Nah, I'm not Russian - I'm a neutral observer - I loathe war wherever it is happening. But I have often been to Ukraine and Russia - have you, Brian?
  16. Jaded means faded not bitter - bored with things etc.
  17. That's very true, and look at Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Cuba and now Ukraine, Gaza, etc. The USA cannot help meddling worldwide - followed by their puppies in Europe. The world is in a dire place, and WW3 is not far away if Idiots like Lindsay Graham, Macron and Blinken have their evil way.
  18. It is true, but the majority here believe MSNBC, CNN and the three B's Biden/Blinken/Boris
  19. I don't believe that is true - a deal was signed, and Boris destroyed it.
  20. Who cares about Georgians? Keep it on topic. Look at the flags behind this propagandist. When all is said and done a negotiated peace will prevail sooner or later - better SOONER.
  21. Unbelievable what some will swallow - you can't truly believe that Ukraine is going to defeat Russia? Watch and see the utter devastation coming soon - Ukraine has run out of troops. Spend your energy pushing for peace not the total waste of innocent Ukrainian lives.
  22. Oh no, don't tell me the Russians are winning. That will upset a lot of posters on here.
  23. I don't believe that is true. That is just the West's propaganda, the same as Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and all the rest. The 2014 agreement was not implemented as agreed - and guaranteed by Germany amongst others.
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