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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. If I needed medical treatment likely to be so prolonged that it would wipe me out financially if I remained in Thailand.
  2. Noise and traffic is against central Pattaya. Having said that the traffic on the darkside can be heavy too.
  3. My history teacher lived in Rochdale. He said it was; 'A Mecca of civilisation'.
  4. Interesting. I was told by several retired police officers that arrest warrants usually await 'whatever'. After the officers involved had moved on, resigned or retired there was zero done with them. One guy was stopped for speeding in Wales. It was found he had an outstanding arrest warrant from 20+ years ago.
  5. Much prefer live acoustic jazz myself.
  6. Agree. Spent a while on the darkside, enjoyed being away from the mass of tourists yet still having falang food and bars. Now make frequent trips to Pattaya always centred around Soi Lengkee, Soi Buakhao and LK Metro.
  7. 3,150 GBP per annum for over 70 years of age is miraculous. Plans I've looked at for myself are more than twice that and I'm under 70.
  8. VietJet also re-time and cancel frequently. The options are to cancel or select a different flight. We should be entitled to a full refund not time limited credit against future bookings. I note that www.trip.com now charge a fee for changing or cancelling 'adjusted' (automatically rebooked) flights.
  9. Your passport cannot be taken from you whilst you are on police bail awaiting their decision on whether to charge you. However, once you are charged you are then on court bail. Application can be made by CPS to magisistrates' court to confiscate your passport until you have been tried.
  10. Assuming you're satisfied with HD Prime wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to email Nord VPN and ask them why they can't unblock HD Prime for you? If they say 'we're working on it but can't give you a timescale', consider cancelling your subscription with them (Nord VPN) and trying an alternative VPN?
  11. To be fair, could there have been a (temporary) reason for non-delivery? How many times has this happened? The fact your parcels were found easily could indicate misrouting/misplacing. Had similar with Flash. Item scanned as delivered but had, in fact, not been delivered because wife's shop was closed and parcel returned to depot, placed upon shelf and forgotten about.
  12. Strange. AN loads as fast as I could expect even with my very slow speeds. Bizarre!
  13. That's more than enough! I'm getting; 0.2 Mbps down and 5.6 Mbps up. Friends in South America ridiculously slow too.
  14. Try a speed test! It's Worldwide. Undersea cables apparently.
  15. To be fair, it might not have been his expressed wish to be buried in Wales. Could be his familiy who've now decided they want to do this?
  16. Strange, but many people don't seem to know about doing it 'the other way around'.
  17. It's all pie in the sky now of course. However, after WW2 things would've moved on. I believe the Arabs would have been somewhat compassionate. Jews would be working for them in their country. UN and UK publically plotting against them was the worst possible thing that could have been done. As regards the Nakba, the deal was 50/50 of what remained of the British Mandate. Arabs refused. In effect, half of their land was stolen from them and handed to the jews for their exclusive use. Can't blame them for objecting to that.
  18. I don't believe anyone had to go anywhere else. True, there were tensions between Arabs and jews prior to 1917 but the UN plans exacerbated them. Had Palestine gone directly from Ottoman colonial rule to Arab majority rule there would have been no Nakba hence no jews expelled from other Arab countries thus losing their homes and jobs in retaliation.
  19. Both are hard-liners. That's the problem. Arabs want jews to go away or they will kill them. Israeli's like to boast; 'We're here and there's nothing anybody can do about it'. Until both attitudes can be changed I fear the fighting will never end.
  20. You went from talking about six Arab nations to Palestinians. There are 22 Arab countries, all contiguous apart from Somalia. There just isn't a worst place to establish a jewish state. Arabs were quite correct to refuse to give part of their land to form a jewish country. They knew it wouldn't end there and that the jews would keep going until they had stolen (or annexed as they term it) their portion too.
  21. Special circumstances apply. The Arab-Israeli war of 1948 was triggered by United Nations and United Kingdom giving majority Arab occupied land away for exclusive jewish occupation. They knew what would happen.
  22. Good info thanks. About to visit a recommended auto window film fitter and want to instal front and rear cams plus proximity parking sensors.
  23. Did they ask (or did you tell them) about that? I was accepted at 63 by The Red Cross at a local mobile collection session on the basis of previously donating in UK and I continue to donate at 67. Assuming the rules don't change I will be sacked off, same as everyone, else at 70.
  24. Interesting (and worrying of course). I'm usually either 300 metres or 900 metres away from our local community hospital depending whether I'm in the wife's shop or at home. Additionally, her shop is opposite a First Responder base and a nurses 'surgery'. I'd always believed that, at those distances, I would have a good chance of being saveable. I know that our community hospital only has one GP who is tied up all day. I'm assuming that the A/E dept. have at least one doctor available 24/7? I'm thinking that the problem at local level would not be lack of drugs but maybe equipment and specialist skills?
  25. That's annoying and not in the spirit of wanting to give your blood for the benefit of others. Had you previously donated elsewhere?
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