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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. My retirement extension is due end of this month. Makes me question why waste petrol and money on stupid photocopies? Assuming no need to ever exit/reenter Thailand of course.
  2. Cornish pasties can go down rather well too.
  3. Vendetta 1966-1968 (Stelio Candelli) The Baron 1965-1966 (Steve Forrest) Barney Miller 1975-1982 (Hal Linden)
  4. Can confirm most definitely! My Thai mother-in-law received better treatment (according to her) at Queen Sirikit Heart Center in Khon Kaen (Government hospital) than she did privately at Bangkok Hospital.
  5. So easily achievable! Don't have to go very far at all from any City to feel that you're miles from anywhere.
  6. Agree on having a liking for 4 seasons. However, post retirement age I experience pain in my extremeties during U.K. Winter. No pain whatsoever whilst in Thailand.
  7. Totally agree! Khon Kaen has great Government and private hospital choices. University dental hospital is great too according to reports although I haven't been treated there myself as yet. I live 60km South of the City. Convenient for rail and coach travel. No smoke problems during the six year's I've lived here.
  8. Wages of Fear (1953) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Blade Runner (1982)
  9. Left my house in the East Midlands (U.K.) unoccupied and locked up for six year's. Of course turned off electricity at the consumer unit, mains gas at the meter and water at the stop tap. Left kitchen sink and bathroom taps on to drain cold water tank. Couldn't get through the front door for post. No damp/mold and, amazingly, very little dust. There were piles of insects wrapped up by spiders in all corners. I've left the spiders and their webs alone because they're doing such a good job!
  10. That's the reality for many I'm afraid. My Visa Agent told me that the majority of her clients are Brits receiving Government pension only. The increased (new) pension effective from 2016 is, today, a shade under 40,000 baht per calendar month. Don't even want to think about what will happen to these guys in the case of serious illness or accidents.
  11. Absolute heaven. Egg and chips are too. However, nothing beats cheese and onion pie, apple pie (or maybe crumble) and custard for dessert.
  12. Never seen jellied eel myself but I'm from Manchester. It's a London delicacy apparently.
  13. I took the question to mean; 'Things you are familiar with hence wouldn't miss until they're gone'
  14. Four for my breakfast today. Most definitely up to standard.
  15. Piped water and electricity. If you've ever lived anywhere where you have to wait for the 'hours of availability' you'll appreciate how good these are in Thailand.
  16. Found this; pagallim Rookie Member Advanced Member 3050 3128 posts Gender:Male Location:Phuket Posted June 15, 2017 I've been running Pulse TV since last August, and once I got my internet sorted out (changed from True to AIS Fibre) it has been pretty much flawless. Their servers are in BKK, so unlike other streaming services, no international bandwidth is required. Anyone experiencing buffering has an issue with their internet speed. I've also found that their online 'help' service is pretty efficient, and having it during what could be considered normal office opening hours is fine. They have an excellent library of movies and TV shows also, including very recent movies (I watched Trainspotting 2 the other day). In their 'International' channel selection, they have Thai channels for those interested. Their subscription allows for 4 device connections, so I have it on my TV (via a box), and direct to my PC and smartphone, and one spare connection when required.
  17. That's what I see today. But it wasn't like that the other day when I had a look.
  18. I did the same with Bangkok Bank. Original account in Pattaya, opened another in Khon Kaen. Only had passport as at that time. They took copies of my Mrs's blue house book and ID card.
  19. We recently went to friends funeral at a brand new temple. The crematorium had not yet been completed. Wood was stacked up in the temple grounds and the casket placed on top. Would it be possible to do a similar (but, in this case, DIY) cremation either on your own land or somewhere else with the landowners permission?
  20. Ever since I first saw the Kirk Douglas & Tony Curtis 1958 film 'The Vikings' I'll have to admit I haven't liked them one bit.
  21. I returned to Thailand from U.K. mid September. My local vaccination chemist reopened for Covid jabs on 01 October. I am also entitled to free influenza vaccine. Most annoying to miss out on both for the sake of a fortnight.
  22. I don't think there is any ideal solution to this. For example, motorists everywhere argue that they are 'self sufficient' as regards transport so do not believe they should be contributing to public transport. There is freedom of movement, people can choose to visit and live where they want. If this scheme boosts tourism there will, in theory, be more jobs for Thai citizens. Expanding affordable public transport has to be good for the environment and citizens in the long run.
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