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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Have to hand it to the Portuguese. Great on discoveries, building and business and held onto their colonies (which were worth holding onto) longer than we did.
  2. Unfortunately, we were on the receiving end! I once knew a guy who worked at Marconi Torpedos. He told me they would sell to anyone but deliberately left out some circuitry so that they couldn't be used against us.
  3. Absolutely! 1690 being the last decade of the 17th Century. Portuguese 'discovery' of the Falklands first appeared on their maps in 1522.
  4. Many Italians and Germans live in Argentina. Economic ties with Brasil but every Brasilian I've spoken to can't stand Argentina! Spoke to an ex-soldier in a cafe in Buenos Aires who showed me a curved razor blade he kept in a locket around his neck. He told me this came out of one of our bombs, slicing his chest open. The good part was that was the end of the Falklands War for him. He held up an electric drill saying; 'This is my gun now'. I asked him if another war was possible? He seemed certain it would never happen again.
  5. Sightings (discovery) early 16th Century by the Portuguese. Everyone mentioned is European. The Falkland Islands are not in Europe.
  6. Special relationships exist both within NATO and outside. Official involvement is disguised by other Countries providing 'observers' and 'advisors'. Covert specialist operations by such as SAS and SBS don't happen of course.
  7. Argentinians tell you that they WILL be making another attempt to sieze the Falklands. What their armed forces think of that idea is almost certainly another matter.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/03/07/us-aid-to-britain-in-falklands-war-is-detailed/6e50e92e-3f4b-4768-97fb-57b5593994e6/ Officially NATO does not have to help UK in the Falklands. However, I have reposted the above link kindly already posted.
  9. Maybe that's down to the local delivery depot or even the delivery person themselves?
  10. Can't be theft if the territory you steal has no inhabitants? Brings something else to mind about 'a land without people for a people without a land'. That's not gone too well either.
  11. To colonise and build you first have to steal. The circumstances of the British 'seizure' in 1833 are disputed. Antonio "El Gaucho" Rivero remains a hero in Argentina for rebelling against British authority.
  12. You said the Thatcher Government was on it's knees at that time. The IRA was more than a nuisance then.
  13. As per a previous post though, this contravenes Article 6 (Geographical Limits) of the NATO treaty. Also, no mention of the most valuable assistance provided by our very good friends in South America.
  14. I changed the date (in biro) each time I made an on-line report. My regular IO warned me that's not valid and I should either; 1) Print it out and staple the new one in each time or 2) Visit Immigration Office for my 90 day reporting. That was telling me!
  15. Especially if your Mrs takes out Life Insurance on you. Mine views it as a funeral plan! I'm indirectly paying my own monthly premiums of course. Determined to survive the 20 year term and collect refund of all my premiums paid plus bonus.
  16. Interesting. When I went back to the UK last Summer I bought a Smarty SIM which has a monthly contract so I simply didn't pay anymore after I returned to Thailand. Is your UK SIM a pre-pay?
  17. Agreed, internet really is tops in Thailand! Even out in the rice paddies it's fast, cheap and same day service if there's any problem.
  18. It is complicated, to say the least. Stolen by colonials (Spanish), not part of Argentina when became independent, then stolen by Britain and a number of Argentinian inhabitants expelled. Vast majority of present inhabitants wish to remain Brits. Who are the actual original owners?
  19. Shopee better on delivery. Rang me up at 9am on day of delivery confirming which of my two addresses (home or shop) I was at today.
  20. Valid points Richard! At the time we thought 'The Falklands' was going to be a mere skirmish with a very rapid conclusion with Argentina quickly withdrawing when they realised we were serious.
  21. Because of geographical location? It's still UK territory inhabited by Brits. We have 'special arrangements' with non-NATO Countries (such as Chile) which proved most useful in 1982. I've personally taken part in a NATO exercise hosted by Chile (USA in command of course). Any more monkey business from those Italians who speak Spanish and think they're English and they won't know what (or who) has hit them!
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