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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. When in UK I have to use a dual SIM phone because I have no telephone land line anymore (or cable service) to provide WiFi. One slot used for the UK SIM providing unlimited calls, SMS and data and the other for the Thai SIM for OTP's only.
  2. MIL died in August and there was a photograph of the insurance company with a giant cheque for 100,000 baht. Mine pays out 300,000 in the event of my death. People here can't find that sort of money when it's needed. It's easy for us to say they should save up and be disciplined. I sympathise on the electricity bill. We had two funerals on the trot (BIL in July and MIL in August).
  3. Correct, no charge to receive SMS anywhere, need to turn off mobile data and don't answer voice calls. However, I find that the vast majority of SMS and voice calls (that I do recognise and want to answer) come from UK. Therefore, I need unrestricted service with no cost to receive either. A virtual UK mobile 'phone number suits me. I buy a UK SIM with unlimited calls, SMS and data for £16 GBP per month when in UK. Therefore, I only need one SIM (Thai) which is used for receiving OTP's from Thai banks. When in UK enable roaming, turn off mobile data and don't answer voice calls.
  4. ThaiLife.com (Insurance) seems popular around my area. We have a local lady agent with whom my Mrs took out Life Insurance for my mother-in-law and also myself.
  5. On the face of it he's a harmless simple soul. Why didn't the police suggest he applied for a job with the Thai Tourist Office?
  6. A few months ago I had a porcelain over metal crown supplied and fitted (no root canal was required). Total cost 8,000 baht. Khon Kaen Province. Specialist dentist was very experienced having qualified in the 1970's and obtained a Master's Degree during the 1980's.
  7. Still working. 5 baht processing fee. If you select card payment on the PEA app you are directed to CounterServicePay. I have an email from them (only last month) stating that they don't accept foreign cards. However, my UK debit and credit cards go through just fine!
  8. This was only cheap, ready made and bought locally. See the rear panels. Practically dissolved.
  9. Shows how even for the same process each office can be different. Phuket may never ask but if you're prepared then you can't be caught out.
  10. Wow! I've never gone prepared for that. Proves just about anything could happen.
  11. Know what you mean. I have a Gateway laptop from 2007. 1.6Ghz/1Gb Ram. Barely runs Windows XP or even lightweight Linux distros. Not worth spending money on to upgrade. But the HD could be used elsewhere. As scubascuba3 advises, I'd format the HD and donate to Father Ray foundation.
  12. Thanks for that. Sounds like CM were already doing things 'correctly'. Can understand wanting a copy of our latest address notification but not previous ones (I was told to obtain photocopies of all). I could see the boss signing off my wad of paperwork and, as you might guess, he never turned any pages over. Taking copies of 90 day report receipts just takes the biscuit! We haven't got any choice, only thing to do is be prepared so that you don't get the runaround on the day.
  13. Brilliant isn't it! In my case, neither the girl on the photocopy machine nor the document check Immigration Officer apparently knew of this extra requirement. I was part way through with the issuing IO before I was told to go get photocopies of these receipts.
  14. This (apparently, it isn't only me) additional requirement might not yet have filtered through to your Immigration Office or your particular Immigration Officer may not be aware (or even care). Up to you whether you make photocopies for next year's extension application or not.
  15. Agreed! The first sentence was; 'For extension of stay (retirement), there is a need to make a copy of your registration of address slip'. This I failed to do myself in October 2022 and was waved away back to the photostat machine outside the IO's office to obtain (and pay for of course), copies of my historical TM28 and TM30 receipts that were stapled inside my passport.
  16. No mistake. Retirement extensions didn't previously require photocopies of the 'Receipt(s) Of Notification of Change of Address'. They do now as I found out in October this year.
  17. Even sadder is that, especially in UK, single retirees can't afford to continue to live there either if receiving State Pension only.
  18. Mrs had a speed camera fine (500 baht) by post taken in Khon Kaen. She didn't pay it but it wasn't added onto road tax at next renewal. More recently, she lent her car to her son for a long distance trip because he only has an old pick-up. We received speed camera fines upon a daily basis. I stopped counting at five. So far, only one reminder notice received. I ask her to go to the LTO for safety check, road tax and insurance but it usually takes a police stop and fine to spur her into doing so.
  19. Thanks for posting. Good to keep up-to-date on our options!
  20. There have been similar cases of retirees running out of cash/other problems and keeping their heads down. You wouldn't expect to see news photographs of them being put on flights handcuffed. However, if they hadn't the cash for their homeward flight wouldn't they still be in the Immigration Detention Centre? Or, just maybe, they could have been shown some sympathy and allowed to 'do a deal' of some sort?
  21. Agree. Sometimes it doesn't take much to upset the apple cart. The report says he had already retired so you would assume he would have had a source of income. Feel sorry for the guy whatever, he's got extra problems now.
  22. Many thanks for this perfect explanation. Things have changed and for the better from the security point of view!
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