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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Totally agree! Took me 4 years to get my Yellow Book and Pink ID card. Only then by chance. Managed very well until then. Only used for Retirement Extensions.
  2. An incredibly tedious and frustrating application. Flinging your wife's mobile back at her is totally out of order too. The only things I can think of are to either; a) Ask a Visa Agent if they can assist (there will be a fee to pay of course). b) Register yourself at a friend's address that comes under a different Amphur. Once registered anywhere else in Thailand, transferring to your real address is a much simpler process.
  3. Many thanks for your time and effort in making this report. I'm certain it will help others.
  4. Many thanks and respect for your honesty Sir! Also, RTP proved themselves honest too.
  5. That's the key to it. If people corroborate her story then there must still be a prosecution but a suspended sentence for GBH should be as worse at it gets.
  6. That is true. However, the patient is now a debtor in a foreign Country. Not in the best position to insist upon his rights.
  7. Thai's themselves admit they do it. They're not bragging or making excuses, just stating that is what they (Thai) people normally do when faced with similar situations.
  8. Many thanks for the update. Shows what can be done with initiative and hard work. I hope your friend improves quickly. Sounds as if he's in good hands.
  9. Entirely agree. There may be no explanation/excuse for what she did but she'll regret it for the rest of her life. We've all done things we can't believe why we did them at the time but, fortunately, the outcome is usually much less serious.
  10. My Mrs accelerates when approaching traffic lights which are green, any experienced motorist knows that you should, instead, be 'easing off' if the lights have been green for some time. Would certainly help reduce my blood pressure!
  11. My personal experience is being 'bowled over' by a moto with sidecart. My Thai niece was walking beside me. The rider (with pillion) stopped, looked over their shoulders then quickly departed. Fortunately, we only received bruises. Thai niece said; "they always run away in case it might cost them something".
  12. Read that they become 'inactive' when temperature is lower than 18C. Doesn't seem to be the case either!
  13. Thanks for all the info! Like many people, I hook coils in the neck of bottles. Most annoying when yourself and others kick them over 15+ times per night! Unfortunately, my Mrs insists she can't tolerate the smoke indoors.
  14. The only problem would be if you need to produce your passport within the next 60 days. If not, don't worry.
  15. I am! Grateful for electricity and water available 'upon demand'. Not always the case when you live abroad.
  16. Seems particularly bad at the moment. I've gone into long sleeves, long trousers and socks. I sit very close to two fans both going at full speed, one at floor level and the other at head height.
  17. I agree about the machines. I was trying to reassure the OP (& myself) that when the time comes there will be a good chance of appropriate medication being administered. I've witnessed staff shortages and qualified nurses giving paracetamol instead of morphine because they've only just arrived on that ward and don't have time to read patient notes.
  18. My area has flooded for the past two years. Before that it hadn't for ten years. My Mother-in-law's house becomes uninhabitable. Tessabann operate boats for residents to escape/access their homes. We've been buying lorry loads of soil with a view to demolishing and rebuilding Mum's house. The family don't wish to move.
  19. As a nurse have you ever seen (or been reliably informed) of any patient suffering unnecessarily prior to death in Thailand? I certainly haven't. I believe that the OP needn't worry on that score.
  20. There is a lot of confusion with 5 Ghz Wi-fi.
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