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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. I spend a lot of (>80) nights a year in hotels all over the country & it has never impacted my next 90 day report. In fact, I did my last one from a hotel in Pai & it was approved with no issues.
  2. I’m assuming you’re saying that FCO should be telling people to read their insurance policies to make sure they’re covered (& When they’re finished, maybe they could teach their grandmas to suck eggs). Book flights in Thailand, Insurance 99baht… Of course that covers me for everything that will happen… Whoops I’m not insured for falling off my bike whilst not wearing a helmet & with no license to ride it! - Damn those Insurance Companies ????
  3. Apologies if "Time Travel" wasn’t mentioned in this thread (Not that I said it was) but this isn’t the only Thread/Forum I read) but I have seen somebody post about getting confused by the “Time travel” parts Just wasn't sure why somebody would be confused over such a simple premise.
  4. I don't understand the confusion or why people mention Time Travel (There wasn't any) - This was about Recurrence... To put it simply, we've all seen & understood Groundhog Day? So this was exactly the same premise but instead of it being a single day it was a lifetime. FWIW, I really enjoyed it from start to finish & felt the ending was excellent as it closed out the story in keeping with the storyline.
  5. TBH It's only 4,320b but I needed to go through the process of getting a Tax Identification Number (TIN) as my UK Bank(s) are increasingly asking me for proof of where I'm tax registered (e.g. the Bank where I have my Mortgage seems to need to tell the Thai Revenue Department about the < £2 in interest they paid me last year!) Having jumped through the hoops of getting a TIN I figured I may as well try to get back the tax refund that is rightly owed to me, but it seems I might have brought more work on myself than it's worth ???? Will go into the office after Songkran to see what needs to be done to either get it sorted or cancel the claim.
  6. Thanks, I'm 57 so the only income I receive is from renting out my UK house & profits/dividends from UK Shares, all of which are taxed in the UK (my accountant files a tax return for me every year). I don't bring money into the country in the same year it's earned (most of my income is re-invested) however I do regularly give my mate money (£2-500 per month + one-off £6,000 per year) in the UK & he pays me back in Thai Baht, so I'm guessing that might confuse things should they want to look through every transaction in my bank book. The GF is still away visiting family so I'll go back to the Revenue Office after Songkran & if I can't sort it out on the day will forget about it.
  7. Can anybody help with the process for reclaiming Withheld Interest from Thai Bank accounts... So far I have... Registered for & received my TIN Obtained certificates of Withheld Interest from my Bank for the past 2 years. Registered everything in-person at my Tax Office who also set me up on the E-Filing system Before I went on holiday I checked the status & it said the return had been processed & a refund issued, came back expecting a chq but instead received a letter to say I needed to provide... Certificates of Withheld Interest (Already Submitted at the office but doesn't show on my documents submitted on-line) My Passport + a Photo copy of every passport page (Is this really necessary) Every Bank Account Book with a Photo copy of every page (Is this really necessary, surely the only thing they need are the certificates from the Bank). Certificate of No-Other Income in Thailand (rental income, commission etc...) - What is this? And how do I prove that I haven't recieved something! Sources of Income in the Country & Abroad together (Does this mean they want my UK Tax Return as well!) I've already giving them the 1st 3 at the office & will go back to re-submit them but what are #4 & #5 & how do you go about getting these? As an aside my status still shows Return Processed & a Refund has been issued ???? TIA MTV
  8. One of the major points in your insurance policy is to check the FCO site before travelling if for no other reason than if there is a travel advisory against travelling there then your insurance is void. But I guess if people don’t buy insurance or can’t be arsed to even 1/2 read their policy then they’ll not know & it will all be somebody else’s fault for not putting it in flashing lights for them.
  9. The FCO puts out a pretty strict warning about riding a motorcycle in Thailand https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/safety-and-security
  10. Tourism fee doesn’t come in to effect until June 1st but even if it were I’m sure there are limits to how much cover it will provide. Maybe emergency/stabilising assistance but after that you’ll need to pay yourself.
  11. No problem in Vientiane with AIS, recommend purchasing the “Ready2Fly” package before you go… https://www.ais.th/ready2fly/en/
  12. For the $10,000 + pension option it now seems you need to invest in property or a long term lease (I’m sure pre-Covid you didn’t & it was purely > 50yrs old + $10,000 in the bank) but for the >35yrs old + $20,000 in the bank that (+ processing fees) is all you need to pay. Also worth mentioning getting an SRRV entitles you to Phil Health coverage which whilst no where near as good as a private plan is better than nothing.
  13. If you have a Single 90 Day “Retirement Visa” or are on extension of a visa then entering without a re-entry permit will mean you will get a 30 day visa exempt which could be converted to a new 90 Day Single Entry Visa but is a lot more work than just extending your current permission to stay. Unless you are exiting on a Non-IMM OA visa with a view to moving to a Non-IMM O visa (to avoid Health Insurance Requirement) then I would recommend doing your extension before you leave & getting a re-entry permit to protect this (reason being you can do both in 1 trip to Immigration). If you can’t do this then get the re-entry permit before you go (either at Immigration Office or Airport) & then do your extension as soon as you get back.
  14. Are we talking about the same thing only When I looked at it the only cost (minus a couple hundred $ processing fees) was I had to put $20,000 into a Government Bank (was < 50 at the time, believe I could use $10,000 + a pension if I was old enough to get my pension ) which is less than the 800,000b I keep in a Thai bank for annual extensions. Accredited Agent fees were free (same with Thai Elite Visas), no need for a solicitor.
  15. If you click on the link https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/04/06/pension-reform-in-france-which-countries-have-the-lowest-and-highest-retirement-ages-in-eu it shows a table of Retirement ages across a number of European Countries (why not all I don’t know, I thought maybe just EU countries but Switzerland is in the list) and the move to 64 would see France becoming top of that list with the Germans at 63.7 in second place. Wasn’t the national retirement age for Greece 55 before they had their financial meltdown? It’s now 62.
  16. Dr Pokpong at the S Dental Clinic in Sathon… The S Digital Dental Center สห ดิเอส สาทร 02 287 4922 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hm8JYjbzKG75frwK6?g_st=ic
  17. If you just want to watch the video, there’s no need to click the Thaiger Link, click the clip link in the OP (or in this post ???? ).
  18. I personally don’t think you’ll have a problem as you’re within the grace period (NB I doubt you’d have a problem in the future if you were over) but if you do have a problem, it’s a 2k fine.
  19. A lot of people had major issues with 3rd parties & travel cancellations at the start of Covid so since then have sworn off using an Agent to book travel. I used to have no problem doing it either way but would lean towards using the airlines own website as I found it easier to add luggage, choose meals, reserve seats etc… Fortunately at that time I’d booked my UK Trip directly with Qatar so when I had to cancel it due to Covid, I had the choice of a refund or vouchers +10%, took the latter & used these 2 years later. Nowadays I only ever use the airlines own site.
  20. The answer is once you leave Thailand the clock stops ticking & is reset to Day 1 on arrival but even if it weren’t It doesn’t matter, if a fine is due it’s 2,000b whether you’re 1 day over the grace period or 60 days.
  21. Had a similar experience with a Russian kid (approx 5-6) running down the condo corridor shouting/screaming a couple of times a day then 1 day I got in the lift with the family & it was very obvious that the kid had mental problems (am guessing autism but I’m no expert). Not easy for parents of any nationality to control a kid like that. Lucky we never heard a peep from them before 9am or after 9pm.
  22. https://www.google.com/travel/flights then once you’ve selected the best option use the airline’s site to book
  23. In Short No, you can either extend your Non-IMM O for 1 year, attempt an extension, fail & be given 7 days to leave or do a border bounce at the end of your current permission to stay & get 30 days visa exempt which can be extended. BTW, I assume you have a re-entry permit on your current permission to stay otherwise you’ll be given 30 days visa exempt which, again, can be extended for 30 days.
  24. Maybe teaching grandma to suck eggs but… If you can receive sms from somebody locally check what number you have given the banks including (& especially) the country code either +66 or 0066… (Oh & don’t forget to remove the leading zero from your number) If you can’t receive SMS then talk to your Provider (actually if you can you might want to ask them whether your phone is set-up to receive international SMS).
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