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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Surely the people who attended the scene of the accident or the attending DRs can give an opinion as to whether he was wearing a helmet or not. Of course it could have come off at the moment of impact with the net result being the same as if he wasn’t wearing a helmet but the insurance company could argue wearing a helmet “Improperly” is the same as not wearing a helmet at all on the basis the claim is likely to be higher as a result. Other reasons for denying the claim could be no motorcycle license, no IDP or the bike was 125+ & required separate motorcycle insurance.
  2. As others have said it’s easy to stay in Phillipines for up to 3 years (after that you leave & re-enter to do another 3) but if you’re interested in a longer term stay check out SRRV. https://pra.gov.ph/srrv/ If I were to move there I would avoid Manila & look for one of the Southern places (I really like Davao, Cebu & Bohol).
  3. It’s exactly that (my mate did it a couple of months ago… NB it’s not just the Conversion to a Non-IMM O but includes the 1st years extension (so you get 15 months permission to stay)
  4. Same story, different Brit (am assuming you’re referring to the guy from Manchester who recently died). Edit: Apologies it seems this accident happened Feb 3rd so you may well have read about it before … https://ukdaily.news/yorkshire/josh-richardson-in-serious-condition-after-crash-in-thailand-70089.html
  5. An Agent can help you convert your Visa Exempt to a Non-IMM O (90 Days) + 1st year extension (so you would get 15 months permission to stay) without having the 800K in the bank. I can’t recommend one in Bangkok (my old agent there wouldn’t do an extension for me if I didn’t have the money in the bank, never mind a conversion) but Maneerat in Pattaya (Soi Post Office / Soi 13/2) can sort it out for you in a few days if you don’t mind a short holiday… costs approx. 23,500b. Alternatively you might be able to get a Non-IMM O in your home country or a neighbouring country to Thailand (I got mine in Penang, Malaysia) where using the equivalent of 800K in your home/another country bank account might be possible. But you’ll almost certainly only get 90 days after which you’ll need to do an extension for which you’ll either need to use an agent (>12.5K) or have the money in the bank or xfer 65k+ every month or a combination of the 2..
  6. Same here & (maybe naively) I just assumed that I only needed to show that the funds came from overseas so have been using the “Funds For Long Term Living in Thailand” reason with Wise (am pretty sure “Property Purchase” wasn’t an option when I 1st started using them but at that time had no interest in buying anything so probably wouldn’t have noticed it if there were). End of the day of it doesn’t work that way I’ll just send the money to the UK (or Singapore depending on FX rates) & transfer it back with the correct information. There no longer seems to be restrictions on sending money outside of Thailand but I have proof that I brought it in from overseas if there were. .
  7. Could use a time delayed email (say 1 week, which you would move forward by 1 week each week until you couldn’t) to store the information that way it’s easy to change if anything needs updating (including who should receive the instructions) For GMail… https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/04/google-death-a-tool-to-take-care-of-your-gmail-when-youre-gone/274934/ Outlook… https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/delay-or-schedule-sending-email-messages-026af69f-c287-490a-a72f-6c65793744ba
  8. She maybe specialises in the Wongamat area but I can highly recommend Som from Ocean Properties https://pattaya-ocean-properties.com/ Within 1 hour of walking into their office we’d visited 3 condo blocks that we were interested in & ended up using her to get the Unit we eventually settled on, even though it wasn’t on her books, as PBRE wouldn’t even acknowledge our viewing request. Also did my TM30 for the move & has been very responsive when we’ve had plumbing/AC problems.
  9. My understanding is that when you got your extension everything associated with the previous extension (e.g. Re-Entry Permit) are voided so you should have got a re-entry permit to go alongside your new extension which becomes ”in force” from the date it’s issued. E.G if my extension ended 30th April & I got a new one today with a re-entry permit, left Thailand & came back on 4th April they would stamp me in until 30th April 2024 based on the re-entry permit. if I left without one I’d expect to get 30 days, They are not going to stamp me in to 30th April 2023 as that would mean I’d have to go to Immigration to get a new stamp before that one expires.
  10. I can’t help but feel sorry for the Brit, he’ll be deported back to the UK that he’s not visited in over a decade with likely no where to stay & hardly a pot to p155 in. The UK is No Country For Old Men
  11. Always use Nam’s (1,000b including tolls from Wongamat) but last week they were fully booked so I used Cherry’s taxi (https://cherrytaxiservice.com) 1,100b great service (as is Nam).
  12. Very sad, no matter your thoughts on his actions that led to this, that’s 5 kids who have lost their dad ????
  13. Manchester must be worse ???? Am giving serious thought to flying into Heathrow (or Birmingham) on my next trip to the UK just to avoid that cluster<deleted>. what makes it worse is I pay (Business Class) to try to avoid spending hours in queues but this seems to mean nothing at Manchester, guy even tried to tell me I couldn’t use the fast track lane when I was flying back as I didn’t have a “Sticker” on my ticket (go to Qatar Desk, they draw a circle around the words “Business Class” on my ticket & I go back).., this after waiting 1.5 hours to check in some golf clubs…
  14. lol, No, that was the boat carrying the beer, I just happened to be sat in the seat behind ???? i haven’t seen any ferry’s, all long/speed boats but I guess you could make arrangements to leave it somewhere secure if you did fancy a few days on Lipe.
  15. I mention Pak Bara as it’s the most obviously Muslim place I’ve visited in Thailand, other areas I’ve visited in the South (e.g. the GF’s family who live approx 20miles from the Malaysian border) have been non-Muslim (no problems getting alcohol or pork). BTW on the Koh Lipe boat now & this is what is under the seats in front of me…
  16. Stayed in Pak Bara last night to head to Koh Lipe today & no problem buying beers in either of the 2 7-11s I popped into. in fact I’d say they had a better selection than my. Local 7-11 in Wongamat. .
  17. Many thanks for recommending this, am binge watching & loving it ????
  18. I had this last year and when I checked my "Visa Expiration" date on the mobile app it didn't reflect my last extension for the whole year, ended up doing the 90 day via Maneerat (200b) and from then on had no problems doing it online. Seems I wasn't the only one... The App is called "Imm eService" but though I can run it on my phone , I can't find it on the App Store either (My country is set to Thailand) :s This is what it looks like BUT I wouldn't trust this site with the download... https://steprimo.com/iphone/us/app/1464624948/IMM-eService/
  19. That's not 100% correct, sites like https://onwardticket.com/ allow you to have up to 14 days validity & you can book it as far in advance as you like as they'll schedule it to be delivered to you - The one key point is that the ticket will be cancelled 48 hours before the flight is scheduled for so you don't try to check in for it. Up to that point, it is a perfectly valid ticket that you can use the reservation code on to select a seat add baggage etc... though you'd obviously be crazy to do so as chances are you'd have to pay money which would be forfeited when the flight was cancelled.
  20. I hear that, if I had a Time Machine I would go back, cash everything in & stick it under the mattress ????
  21. A for Maths but an F for reading comprehension as I posted... "Your argument assumes that the 800K is the only 800K Investment that somebody has where as the reality is that it's a rounding error (<0.05%) of other's retirement funds." Other's = not me... Joking aside I still maintain that the 800K is just a part of most people's pension pots & people who claim to have it invested somewhere that yields 5%+ are either lying or have much bigger balls than me, I like to keep 2 years spends (> 4Million thb, hence Bangkok Bank keep sending me stuff) at hand despite the fact that it only pays 0.7% in interest. Hey, better than it being in the market at the moment (still nursing a bloody nose from last week's shenanigans).
  22. And people mock me for paying an agent 8K pa to not have to deal with this BS... I go to the bank, get a 3 month statement (This year maybe not as I'll be using a term deposit account) hand it to the agent alongside passport, photo, copy of lease... Come back the next day... See you in 12 months. Simples...
  23. Your argument assumes that the 800K is the only 800K Investment that somebody has where as the reality is that it's a rounding error (<0.05%) of other's retirement funds. End of the day I choose to keep at least 2 years annual spends in cash, in Thailand & that more than meets the 800K that immigration ask for, the fact I pay 8K (+4K for a multi re-entry permit) for an agent to make my life easier is just that... it makes my life easier. Have a Bualuang Key fob going spare if you fancy it, sorry I gave the car parking pass to a mate of mine as I don't have a car (wait, I don't have a car so I must be very poor.. yeah... Pathetic!).
  24. I really wish we could delete comments without comment
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