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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. I’m sure you’ll have no problems getting back in & if you’re flying into BKK it might be worth a quick detour to Pattaya to do the conversion with Maneerat. However you decide to do it, try to get it done as soon as you can after arrival as you need at least 15 days on your permission to stay at the time of application. you don’t lose any days doing it early (Your new Visa will start from the end of the 45 days).
  2. Forgot to mention, I got my original Non-IMM O in Penang so if you’d prefer to get yours whilst outside of Thailand contact these guys to see if they can do it for you http://bananapenang.com/main/
  3. I very much doubt it if you don’t have lots of other overstays in your passport. If you’re really concerned about re-entry, fly to Vientiane (best to clear overstay at an airport) then come back via Nong Khai land border / Udon Thani (which is the trip back I’m just setting out on). Can do 2 Visa-Exempt entries via the land borders in any one year so you’ll have no problems.
  4. Enter Visa Exempt & use an Agent to do the conversion to a Non-Imm O & your 1st years extension I don’t know where you’re based but Maneerat in Pattaya will do it for 23,500b, no need for any finances. [You mentioned an agent in Bangkok, if you’re based there then maybe try Thai Visa Center. ] Extending an existing Non-Imm O should be around 12,500 (with out finances, 8K if you keep the 800K in the bank).
  5. Thanks for this nugget of info @sandyfI’ll be coming back via Nong Khai tmr & was wondering whether I needed to complete an Arrival Form (TM6). TBH I’m relieved to learn that I do so I can include my re-entry permit # & (hopefully) get stamped in to 26th September, last time I entered Thailand the IO stamped me in for 90 days based on my Non-Imm O Multi that had expired 4 years previously took him & his superior a couple of attempts to get the right date & then still missed it by 1 day.
  6. Assuming he has a Visa that expires on 27th Feb 2023 & not an extension to a visa/re-entry permit that expires 27th Feb 2023 then it seems the Immigration Officer made a mistake. Best to go to Immigration asap to get it resolved.
  7. Maneerat (Pattaya, Soi Post Office / Soi 13/2) can do it with 15 days left on your permission to stay & I thought that was the standard for most Agencies. Never had to do it (I got my Non-Imm O in Penang) but friends of mine who have done the Visa Exempt - Non-Imm O conversion tell me that 15 days is the very minimum.
  8. I was also confused but assumed that whilst he’s sorted everything out to do his Non-Imm O conversion, he’s left it too late (need 15 days remaining on his existing permission to stay) so is doing a “Border Bounce”. BTW, Thanks again for the tips on doing a visit to Vientiane.
  9. Am in Vientiane now (though sight seeing trip rather than for Visa purposes) & there are no problems crossing the border at Nong-Khai or (from other TR’s I’ve read) coming back & getting a 45 day Visa Exempt stamp. As an aside you’re entitled to 2 x Visa Exempt entries via land border each calendar year & I’m guessing you haven’t used any of these so you should have no problems A great thread with good tips on how to make the trip… No Covid/Vaccination/Insurance stuff needed either way
  10. In Jomtien if you are on a long stay visa & are returning to the same address then no need to do a TM30 (which I believe other Immigration Offices require) & you can continue to do your 90 Day reports (TM47) online without having to attend in person for the 1st report after your back. YMMV with other immigration offices. As an aside, doing a TM30 when you change your address does not reset the 90 Day reporting clock so I found myself having to do a TM30 (estate agent did it for me when we moved into the new condo) & then 2 weeks later having to do a 90 Day report as per previous 90 Day Report schedule.
  11. Thanks, what would be your recommendation for the best option when coming back to UT? Plan is to head back to UT late afternoon, spend the night at an airport hotel then catch the 8:45am flight to BKK.
  12. It states quite clearly that your 90 day reporting date is 29th Jan so unless you’ve exited/re-entered the country in the meantime it’s a 2,000b fine. Some would ignore it (especially if they plan on a holiday outside of Thailand before their next extension) but I would recommend going to immigration, paying the fine & getting your 90 day report up to date.
  13. Did you need to complete an arrivals card (TM6) when you re-entered Thailand only I know there was some talk about these being discontinued but I haven’t re-entered TH since March last year so unsure what the current situation is. On a related note is there anything I need to do to help ensure the IO stamps me in until 26th Sept 2023 in accordance with my re-entry permit? Only on my last entry (at BKK) the IO had to have 3 goes to get it right, initially stamping me in for 90 days on the basis of my (long ago used up) 90 day Non-IMM O multi visa. Thanks MTV
  14. Assuming the OP means Travel in Thailand we’ve just finished:- - Fly BKK - Chiang Rai for 3 nights. - Taxi (left booking the Bus too long & didn’t want to wait 6 hours for the next available seats) to Chiang Mai for 3 nights - Minivan to Pai for 3 nights… (If you’re young, reasonably good looking & have some game there are loads of good looking western girls in Pai, I’m none of these things so took the GF). No problem with air quality in any of those places but best to check before travelling. We then went back to CM for 1 night before flying to Udon Thani (yesterday) where we’ll do a couple of nights before travelling to Vientiane for 3 nights. Have enjoyed (been impressed with) all of the places we’ve visited but wouldn’t bother with Pai again having done it once. From 1 day/night in Udon Thani I can see why lots of guys choose to make their home here. If the OP just wants a change from Bangkok & a place where he can meet “Normal” girls then I’d suggest Udon Thani and/or Chiang Mai (depending on the air quality).
  15. Concurrent means all sentences run at the same time so effectively he has 1 sentence of which ever is the longest time. Consecutive would mean he would serve 1 sentence, then the next, then the next etc…
  16. Seems you can only buy the Van ticket on the day & need to wait for the bus to fill up before it leaves so we’ve decided to book the taxi that took us from UT Airport for 900b my thinking being it would cost 200b to get to the airport from our hotel, 400b for the van so it’s only an extra 300b to travel when we want, in a new car with what seems to be a careful driver (GF doesn’t travel well so this last part swung the deal). Any recommendations of best time to cross the border to avoid the crowds (we’re thinking of leaving at 10am so will be there around 11am).
  17. I believe I’ve left it too late to get the E-Visa (plan is to travel to Vientiane on Thursday & it seems you need at least 3 business days) but following on from the TR on page 1 will book tickets on the bus when we land at UTH later… My 1st trip to Udon Thani /Laos, really looking forward to it ???? .
  18. Hi, I’m planning on doing the trip in a couple of days (though for a trip to visit Vientiane rather than for visa purposes). Has anything changed from the excellent post on page 1 covering how to get there. PS. I did look at booking Maya Travel but they want £101 per person (8,200b for the 2 of us), is that right considering taxis both sides of the border can be had for max 1,000 each.
  19. Don’t bite… Have been in a similar situation myself where I very nearly lost my house because of money my brother needed but family (before self) always comes 1st. I think most guys on this thread are on your side & trying to chip in to offer advice where we can, a couple of us have asked @ubonjoeto comment so hopefully he’ll be along soon to offer some solid pointers. Best of luck & please do keep us updated on how you’re get on.
  20. If Laos Airlines really do have this policy (& I’m not saying they do, am relying on something I think I might have read 3-4 years back) then I would guess that they would check your passport on check-in & refuse you if you were over your permission to stay date so you wouldn’t make it near immigration unless you purchased a ticket with a different airline. @ubonjoeCan you please confirm if I’ve just imagined this or if Laos Airlines doesn’t accept guys on overstay.
  21. The Employer doesn’t cancel the permission to stay, they cancel the work permit which technically means the employee has 1 week to exit Thailand or find another way to extend their permission to stay. The “challenge” the OP will have is leaving the country on a non-IMM B normally means you’re going on holiday in which case (BOI type visas aside) you should have a re-entry permit or you’re leaving because your employment has come to an end in which case you should have a termination letter from your employer & it’s here where Immigration will check whether you’ve outstayed your permission to stay (they don’t need to cancel it), If the OP can get a termination letter from his last employer stating that his work finished within 1 week of him leaving (or 15th Feb, which ever comes soonest) then he should be ok, if he can’t then he’s at the mercy of the IO not checking but risks being sent back to get the Termination letter the date of which will determine the extent of his overstay.
  22. This is my question as I’m sure I’ve read that Laos Airlines will not let you fly if you are leaving Thailand on an overstay. I believe there are no problem entering Laos with a 1-way ticket, well I hope there aren’t as I’ll be going over on Friday 1-way, planning to do 3 nights in Vientiane then play it by ear as to whether to move on to somewhere else in Laos or come back to Thailand (I do have a re-entry permit good till 26th September so nothing to do with border runs or visa hops just a pucker holiday to see a country I’ve never visited before).
  23. Because the permission to stay granted by your Non-IMM B Visa + Work Permit is dependant on being employed by that company so when you leave without a re-entry permit they’re going to ask Why & if you no longer work for the company they’re going to ask to see a termination letter I have no idea if it’s the same but when (twice) I finished working for companies in Singapore I needed a signed letter from IRAS (Singapore Tax Authority) + confirmation of my termination from the company to prove that I’d completed my employment, had paid all necessary taxes & was free to leave the country…
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