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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Do you have any missing teeth (Wisdom ones aside & that’s not a dig but we all lose them in our 20/30s). if not, try chewing on 1 side of your mouth for the next few years & tell me it doesn’t matter.
  2. Good point, at 55 I still think it's a worthwhile investment maybe me at 70 would choose more Chang or a new TV ????
  3. Lol, I'm hoping you mean the hot Thai lady I had once.... in about 40 visits ????
  4. How is it not affected? From not being able to chew properly to the fact that the teeth around it will start to "Migrate" towards the gap & cause future problems for the rest of the mouth to the fact that it becomes ground zero for infections... But again, the point of my posts is it's up to each of us to choose how we spend our resources he chose to spend his on a new TV - Good Luck to him.
  5. Lol, my GF used to joke that I was only going to see my Dentist so much because he was handsome & gay (nothing wrong with that, just not my cup of tea) but 1 of the times she didn't come with me, his stand in was a stunningly beautiful Thai lady so I couldn't wait to go back (never seen her since ???? ) Check out that condo on somewhere like Hipflat, there's 1 unit similar & they're asking 20K... I know when I was looking that building had zero units for rent on the sites that I was using...
  6. Had my Macbook keyboard replaced there (3rd replacement, twice in Singapore & neither lasted more than 6 months) & the guy showed me my Macbook under a microscope explaining exactly what was wrong plus a couple of areas that needed cleaning up before they caused a problem (Which he did for free). Touch wood, Keyboard is still great after 12 months... Very impressed won't hesitate to go back with any of my Apple products.
  7. Could be... For me I view it as a necessary evil after going through 18 months of treatment "Getting my Smile Back" (All caused by that Bridge I had done 5-6 years ago). The Dentist even joked to my GF that I'm a very good patient as I just sat there for 2 hours while he worked his socks off digging the remains of the tooth out... BTW I didn't comment on the post about that Studio Condo you shared but (obviously as I live in that area) know the condo building & that is an awesome price for there, I'd keep that one to myself if I were you (It's hard enough to find a unit in that building never mind one at that price).
  8. I don't think you're a cheap Charlie at all (In fact I applaud you for the way you think), but what I was trying to say was that we all have different views on what it means to "Live Comfortably" Lol, same guy bought an 8K TV for 160K+ (I'd shown him a very nice one at 20K but it wasn't up to his standards) & is up to 40K on his latest PC build project, but taking care of his health is too expensive... Again, it's to each his own...
  9. Sorry, I don't know anywhere in Chiang Mai, but if you happen to have a reason to be in Bangkok then I highly recommend Dr Macbook https://www.drmacbook.com/
  10. In Bangkok this weekend (It's like Covid never happened in some places) & the night before we came I felt like one of my teeth was moving a little so booked to go see my Dentist here. Turns out the "Stub" holding my crown had cracked so I needed the tooth extracting & at this point have an option to... - Do nothing, tooth will eventually work it's way out - Have it extracted (1,500 THB) & leave it as is - Get a "Bridge" (No idea of the cost, had 1 once, never again) - Get an Implant (55-90K) My idea of "Living Comfortably" is to be able to choose the last option & it not impact my life too much but a guy on another forum was in exactly the same situation & chose option 1 (he had to as he couldn't afford anything else) whilst telling us all what a great life he was living... Again, it's to each his own....
  11. Rhetorical question I know, but no it's not right at all (Though I do believe that people who are genuinely unable to work should be supported by those who can - Remember watching a TV show that explained how UK Social Security came about & compared how the same people who claimed it in the early days would be today, the only people who would be worse off today were the handicapped, the scroungers are all quids in). . But those are the rules & if we want to change them we need to vote in a different set of clowns that agree with us.
  12. I thought that strange as well so dug a bit deeper & found that to be included in the list the show had to have their Pilot in the 21st Century (i.e. since 1st January 2000) & the Sopranos started on 10th January 1999 so wasn't eligible. Great show though & would make anybody's Top Ten
  13. This may give some inspiration for things to watch... https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20211015-the-100-greatest-tv-series-of-the-21st-century Top 10 (Have to confess that I haven't seen the 1st 2 even though I've only ever seen positive recommendations for them)... 1 The Wire (2002-2008)2 Mad Men (2007-2015)3 Breaking Bad (2008-2013)4 Fleabag (2016-2019)5 Game of Thrones (2011-2019)6 I May Destroy You (2020)7 The Leftovers (2014-2017)8 The Americans (2013-2018)9 The Office (UK) (2001-2003)10 Succession (2018-)
  14. Was Fast & Furious 9 any good? I thought No Time To Die was poor (at best) so don't want to spend another 1,000 (x 2) if it's going to be equally as disappointing... Loved "Touching The Void" (the book & the movie)...
  15. Some guys have reported success by using a 7 digit they were given & adding 600000 in front of it to pad it to 13 digits but the only number I have is a 6 digit number & it doesn't work if I add 6000000 in front of it.
  16. I have tried creating an account but it keeps telling me my ID Number is invalid, I'm trying to use the 6 digit Registration Number I was given & padding this with 6000000 to make it a 13 digit ID - Any ID I try that isn't 13 digits gets a different Invalid ID message ???? WIll print off the "Certificate" I had, get a copy of my passport & try getting a yellow cert via Pattayarak, hopefully they'll be able to give me an ID that I can use to register for Mor Prom at the same time.
  17. That's the plan, ideally Moderna & if I can get it & will hopefully use that as an opportunity to get a proper vaccine certicate. Anybody know where I can get a booster? I don't mind paying for it (in fact I would prefer paying for it if it means I don't have to queue up for hours), ideally in Pattaya area but Bangkok would work as well.
  18. Yes, that's all that was on offer at the time (July)
  19. My Cert doesn't have a QR Code (or my Date of Birth/Sex) on it...
  20. Only QR Code on mine takes you to a website where you can report any adverse affects ???? I'm going to try (once I get around to printing off my proof of vaccination) making an appointment with I can make an appointment with Pattayarak (0649089246) to see if they'll convert it to a "Vaccination Passport" or at least give me an ID number so I can register on the Mor Phrom app (The only number I have doesn't work even if I put 6000000 in front of it to make a 13 digit number)
  21. The cover is needed to get your CoE (Soon to become "Thailand Pass") so it will be the people who approve these that will be reviewing your policy, IOs should know it's already been scrutinised/approved so I doubt need to see anything.
  22. I believe you only need the cover for the duration of the permission to stay you get on entry, so assuming you're planning on coming in on a Non-Imm O you'd only need the cover for the initial 90 days. At most (e.g. Elite Visa / Non-Imm OA) you'd only need the cover for 1 Year.
  23. I don't know how the AUS$ has faired but us Brits have had a bit of a bonus recently as the THB was around 37'ish when I retired in Feb 2020 but is now around 46 so that's > 24% increase in spending power ????
  24. Couldn't agree more, never forget the time I was kicked out of "6 form" [in my defence I got hooked on computers so stoped attending the classes I was supposed to be studying] & said to my mum that I was just going to "Sign On" (most of my mates at the time were)... I got kicked out of the house & sent to the job centre & told not to come back until I got a job. Never claimed a penny from the government & (apart from whatever i get as a State Pension) I hope I never willl... But I still contribute (in terms of AVCs & any taxes I still pay on income from UK) as I believe it's important to give back to what I did get from them (a great Education being just one).
  25. Am sure (hope) you've moved on though Sandy & are busy enjoying your life ????
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