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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. A clear and resounding "maybe" from me.


    Depends on a combination of factors, such as: What permissions does the app ask for? Does additional personal information need to be provided? How much pressure will they put on you to install it? Any benefits? Any alternatives?


    I certainly wouldn't rush to be among the first to install such an app, but might (need to) follow the herd eventually.

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  2. I wouldn't dare to use their UV-C gate. If it does anything at all, it will probably give me skin cancer.


    I happened to be in the area yesterday and I read their ridiculous "new normal" info posters. I for one won't install their app and provide them with my passport number - if that will be a requirement at EmQuartier as well as all the other major malls, I will just continue to shop online.


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