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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. It's always the foreigners fault....even if it wasn't the tourists fault, in Thailand it's ALWAYS the foreigners fault. The logic is, if the tourist was there, the accident would have never occurred....TIT!
  2. Same old song and dance.....
  3. Wishful thinking. Thanksin already has his hands on the controls....
  4. Teflon Thaksin....Being a convict means nothing to him nor to anyone that knows him.
  5. the ministry had only health data but did not have business and economic data, so they were unable to consider the matter thoroughly. Give me a break. It's obvious that businesses will do better....
  6. He might have missed the boat the way the present government is trying to make recreational MJ smoking illegal....
  7. Me thinks...the Thai PM's wife is a hottie😍!
  8. Can't trust chinese, PERIOD!
  9. That's a step in the right direction to slow down pollution public transportation causes....
  10. Nothing wrong with that. To each his own....
  11. First thing that comes to mind:
  12. It sounds like you've already made up your mind....
  13. When will the US ever learn? Too many politicians are on the NRA and gun manufacturers payroll..... Ban guns, this will all stop or at the least make difficult to even own a gun. Look at the countries around the world that have done this. They have all reduced gun violence....
  14. Ready, SET go!
  15. Whatever you do, don't try to figure it out through the internet. You might go down a rabbit hole. I had a friend that did that with the same symptoms and he thought he had multiple sclerosis or ALS but it eventually went away..
  16. Just a name change...
  17. This is like a band aid covering a much more serious problem. The government needs to address the cause of the pollution, not make superficial fixes....
  18. If you don't fly First Class, you're treated like cattle....
  19. Teflon Thaksin...Nothing sticks on him.
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