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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. Another proof that Donald lives in a different world
  2. As he can't remember what he has done 5 minutes ago.All the permanent lies are hard to remember.
  3. Yeah, I guess Adolf Musk will have some problems to sell his TeSSla Cars in the future.
  4. All Banks have to do this, Kasikorn is just the first one.
  5. You just have got your Insurance, for Road Tax you have to go to the DLT.
  6. May be for the Electric Busses in Bangkok going to Sampi?
  7. I'm using the same Office for my Marriage Extension and they always renew the 90 Days Reports regardless how old the previous one is. So just check your Passport and latest Slip.
  8. Off course it is affecting the Air in Thailand, but at first stop the burning in Thailand what is much more easier than dealing with another Country.
  9. Better to clean at first your own House before you start complaining about your neighbor.
  10. Just provide a proof of that what you are telling here.
  11. Good step forward but how to enforce? Best would be to use military Forces as local Bodies are far to corrupt and will do nothing.
  12. As far as I know RS Components selling online only all over the world, never heard anything about outlets. But you can get RS Online Thailand also in English language.
  13. That must be a new Record, good luck with your Travel plan.
  14. If you are leaving after 179 days and return the next day and it is the same Calendar year you are Tax Resident.
  15. How the distribution of Masks will stop the criminal Farmers burning their fields?
  16. Elon Musk: Party in the USA (song parody) - YouTube
  17. Yes,till you leave the Country. My ones is also five years old and Hua Hin Immigration love it to staple it on the last page of my Passport year by year as I take it always out.
  18. I have Pacific Cross Ultima Plan, started in 2019. This old Plan you will not get anymore as replaced by there new "Lifestyle", which is some few thousand THB more expensive. And you have to know that PC become much more expensive when you become 66 years old.
  19. Denmark and Greenland as liberal and open Societies will show Donald Duck and his fascist cohorts one Finger only.
  20. Wasn't it Apollo 13?
  21. May be the criminal President Donald Duck can pardon the Biden criminals?
  22. Beside that a lot of Manufacturers advertising this I don't believe that this Filter Mats in the Aircons reducing any PM2.5. Better to buy a Purifier as your 29 microgram are still to high.
  23. When I was studying for my Master the Professor told us "you can't know everything, but you need to know where you can find the Information".
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