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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 28 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    Well you gave them all the power when you stopped making stuff, now they have it you cant take it back.. Better to be smart and work with them then put them big USA boots on and start kicking like a spoilt toddler (nobody tells me what to do,, waaaah!)...

    Let's see how it plays out. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Trump deserves credit for fighting the commies, yes, as well as demolishing one of the most corrosive BS of our time, political correctness. But I'd much prefer a younger dude, a new JFK. Also he's completely dropped the ball with the corona response. I think he's too old for the job already.

    That's fair. I'm too old to be choosy, though. I'll take what i can get. I see him as a means to and end. In my book, if he sends the Chinese back 50 years, he will have done more good than bad. 

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  3. Whilst what he said is funny, the real story is that Thailand should be wary they are on his mind at all. Particularly if they think they are going to help the Chinese escape US tariffs and sanctions. 


    Look at what the US has done to China. Thailand will be smashed to bits that will take decades to recover from. They ought to be very careful. 

  4. On 8/5/2020 at 3:47 PM, DrTuner said:

    Well if you do need a reason, it's always good to keep in touch with the latest CCP propaganda. Get it fresh. That's why I never use ignore. Know thy enemy.

    Yeah, it was pretty apparent that we have a handful of CCP 'wumao' trolls on the forum. Probably working for Huawei in Thailand or similar. Part of China's Whole of Society approach to dominance. 

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  5. 14 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    You have too much faith in the human species ;+) They will win in the end, they have always been better at the long game than the short lived western governments who only see their futures in the next couple of years.

    I think we Farang underestimate ourselves. It's not by accident that we are on top. 


    The Chinese might be focused in the long game but what if their strategy is wrong? Then they will have been focused on the wrong things, for a long time. 

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I've not seen any case studies of countries collapsing because of a strong currency...plenty for those that had weak ones. Can you point me to any such studies as they would be interesting reading.


    Nobody has anything others "absolutely" need; however countries have comparative advantages over others in certain goods and services. Therefore it makes economic sense to engage in trade, which lets countries specialize in what they do best and leaves us all richer and better off.

    What is Thailand's competitive advantage that answers the millions of Thais in tourism who are likely to not find tourism related work for the next couple of years? 


    What industry can absorb them? 

    • Like 2
  7. On 8/5/2020 at 2:00 PM, golli said:

    Chinese will flood back in because other countries don't want them. Does anyone really believe the truth has been told about Covid 19. Thailand has done a good job restricting the spread why open the borders yet. Australia is an example of how quickly this virus can spread if you don't stay on top of it.

    I'm not sure the average low class Chinese tourists that come to Thailand will have cash to travel in the coming years. The Chinese economy is going to be in really, really bad shape as big countries decouple. Japan has been doing it, US/UK also. More to follow. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, rabas said:

    Not good.  Vietnam was much cleaner than Thailand until last week when they reported a large outbreak of 200 cases on Denang. The health minister said it a much more infectious strain with R0 near 6.0 instead of the normal 1.8-2.2. They just removed 800,000 people in a effort to stop it.  It has spread to Hanoi. Local authorities suspect a large number of Chinese in Denang who recently entered the county illegally could be the source.


    If it is a fast spreading strain, it could hit Thailand the same say.


    Reuters: Vietnam says origin of Danang outbreak hard to track as virus cases rise

    It's a coordinated attack by China. We see how the Chinese military are also belligerent recently picking fights with so many countries. 


    Eventually, when the bombs start dropping, people will realize the Chinese are actually at war with us.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Because they simply would not come if there are quarantine restrictions in place. Thailand seems to have little or no concerns over loosing its European tourists......so they will make an exception, somehow, for the Chinese.


    But why, oh why are you selling your souls to the Chinese....Who, in power, is receiving what for this never ending love affair?

    The ruling Thai class is same same Chinese in China. Key differences are superficial like language they speak and food they eat. Culture is same. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, Alex 012 said:

    The feeling is mutual.  This dirty Farang will spend his money in other countries.


    Gathering storm in Australia, are no international flights, bar to NZ, till at least July 2021.


    Let's see how real things get in The Land of Scams when the real GDP of tourism is 40% plus.

    The whole economy will fall apart here. And, in time, the Thais will be begging Farangs to come back. The Chinese won't be back anytime soon as their economy if theft is destroyed. The hiso Thais will hate it but that will not stop them from begging. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I am not saying that the behaviour of chinese people is of high standards and good reputation. It must feel good for you to shift the focus from overall foreigners to a specific country that seem more distanced from your own world, though.

    You were implying that western tourists were problematic but somehow you failed to imply the Chinese tourists which is the single largest category. That must feel good? 

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I must say that they are quite clever. Of course they do not want arrogant "I have money and own the world foreigners", and the virus have given them the tool to say that in another way. Not saying that all foreigners that comes to Thailand are this way, but unfortunately a great amount behaves with a very bad attitude. I do believe that´s a big part of many Thais way of looking at foreigners coming back to Thailand or not.

    Maybe. Their cousins from China are amongst the worst offenders. In China, just like in Thailand, money buys you the right to do almost anything you want. 

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