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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. On 5/19/2020 at 1:38 PM, BobbyL said:

    Unfortunately, there is no chance they will become privatised.


    One of the board of directors is so closely linked to the top he is actually in one of the infamous photos a few years ago. This is literally 'jobs for the boys' until the day it goes extinct. The establishments controlling this country would never let THAI be controlled by anyone other themselves or their close allies.  

    Then let the state go insolvent trying to prop them up. We win either way! 

  2. 2 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    I’m still trying to get your logic. Explain this to me please.

    In my home country, every single one of the people I’m in contact with, be they friends or family, they all know someone who’s lost someone to the virus or had the virus. Here in Bangkok, I’m not aware of anyone who’s had the virus or knows anyone who’s had the virus and certainly no knowledge of anyone dying from the virus.

    according to YOUR logic, what should I conclude?

    Do you think you are as close to Thais as you are to people in your home country? 


    Are you able to communicate with Thais as fluently as you can with people in your home country? 


    Finally, I know almost nobody in Thailand who farms, but I know so many in my home country who farm. Is this a likely indication that there are very few farmers in Thailand?

  3. 43 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    Bottom line is in Thailand very few in hospital, none in my province, and very few dead.

    Do you also then believe the numbers the Chinese government provides to the foreign media? 


    Or, better yet, because you have not seen any person die in China, would you then assume that nobody did die? 


    I'm trying to help you see the faults in your logic. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    General policy for the UK, US and Thailand is to test those entering hospital with symptoms. Same same. The US and UK have far more cases. All three countries are under reporting.


    I don't know why Thailand has been less affected than other countries (although I have my suspicions) but the fact remains that they have got a grip of the pandemic far more easily than other countries.

    In one breath you say they are under reporting. 


    In the next you state confidence. 


    Are you then assuming each and every country is under reporting the the EXACT SAME DEGREE? 

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    This doesn't mean proper English so.............The official stats put the English speaking percentage of the Thai population at around 27% or just over a quarter. Expats who actually live there put this figure a little lower in their own personal experience – the figure of around 10-15% of the population comes out quite often

    I suppose its also a matter of what we consider is necessary to count them. 


    I was a partner in a multinational consulting firm in Bangkok (one of those strategy ones). My Thai staff salaries ranged from THB 100,000/month kids who just graduated from Chula undergrad to 35 year old Thais in senior management who earned 300,000/month and much more. 


    I'd say 60% of these people couldn't carry a normal conversion in English. And in fact on call regional and global calls with other offices, the common practice was to nominate an English speaker from the group to translate for the call. 


    That's one of my anecdotes 

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, car720 said:

    People are indicating that she is Thai.  At first I thought Phillipina but then no.  Vietnamese was my guess.

    It's fairly obvious she is Thai from the specific errors in grammar and pronunciation she makes. Anyone familiar enough with language in the region would pick this up immediately. 


    Vietnamese or Tagalog speakers of English make entirely different mistakes 


  7. 3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    I don't know where you could have gotten that information because there are thousands of Thais that move to just the US alone every year, to study and live with their English speaking husbands (wives). Many work in the UN, and run schools here. To run an English school (not just teach English in a school) it requires understanding of the language, as well as proficiency in it. Thailand's proficiency in English itself is very low.

    I think the anecdotes you list... You need to think about them statistically. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Before I left the states, I knew many Thais that moved there. There were at least 5 I can remember that had a very good understanding of the language and spoke very well. If you look at MONO 29, there are two on the Movie Language that speak very well also, explaining things in Thai that are said in English. The owner of the school I help at has been to the United States at least 5 times and studied there, and speaks very good English also. Some things he has to ask me about, but when I communicate with him in English  his responses are usually correct. Thousands of students have been to his school, and they bring camps there almost monthly, other schools that are there to learn more because some of the schools only have Thai English teachers.

    Yes, there are a statistically tiny number of Thais who are proficient. It's close to 0% of the many millions who have been studying English for the last 40 years. 

  9. 15 hours ago, EricTh said:


    For a European to learn another Indo-European language is much easier than for a Thai to learn a European language which is so different from theirs and vice versa.


    Furthermore, there are much more opportunities for you to practice English back home than Thai people.


    A Thai teacher should have 'good' pronunciation but one shouldn't expect her to have perfect pronunciation as a native speaker. Anyway, there are so many different English accents such as American, British, Australian so which one is considered 'good'?



    Hmmm... I'm sure you've received dozens of replies. 


    I'd like to add that Thais have what I think is a problem unique to their culture. 


    Despite a decades long stated national program to become proficient English communicators, there are statistically almost 0 successes. 


    If you observe carefully, you may note that even the most elite Thais (Chula, Mahidol, Thammasat), who have more money than many of us and who have travelled at least as much as many of us - STILL can't communicate effectively in English. 


    You'll notice that their English ability seems only to distinguish them superficially as having access to foreign education or money. Their usually pathetic English ability is simply a way to distinguish their socioeconomic class. 


    They never had any intention of communicating to people who are not Thai and hence their constant Thai-ification of English. 

  10. 8 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    The Beatles "I'm a Loser" rings truer! The loss of FACE for the demise of the national carrier into bankruptcy must be enormous! Who can they blame?

    They won't blame their cousins who they so look up to, that's for sure. Maybe they can blame the Italian Virus Strain. Or blame "Imported" Management Issues 

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