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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. That must be some Chiang Mai suburb you live in. While their forecasts have been generally wrong, yesterdays late afternoon squall line was a nice dump. Good to get a serious downpour rather than those middle of the night thunder & lightning line squalls from this last week. Those did fill the moats to brimming though.
  2. Russia uses cluster munitions, in the past and in their current war in the Ukraine. They have used them far more extensively than the Ukraine in this current war. Ex KGB agent, Vlad Putins Russia, is only getting, what they give. Good call, Joe.
  3. The thought had crossed my mind. ???? There was another one five years back (?). Forget all the details but yes, dismembered body still in the freezer. You have to find a pig farm or make other plans. Bodies in the freezer have a nasty habit of coming back at you.
  4. Obsessed about the US aren't you. This is Thailand. FBI has no jurisdiction here, nor would they be permitted to run around arresting people here for crimes committed in Thailand. No idea how you think that is even possible.
  5. Search around your city/province for a print shop that makes laminated passport cards. One side has face page of your passport, the backside has a copy of your current visa, or extension. You can put in your wallet and police, hospitals, etc. are fine with it.
  6. Maybe but as it has been said ... 'You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it?' They did all right in the chop up phase, but pooch screwed and left it in the deep freeze.
  7. Thailand takes the highroad, and told the FBI to walk?! Huh what? All Speculation on your part as this has nothing to do with the US or the FBI. Still from the article I would draw a completely opposite conclusion. Thailand absolutely loves foreign nonsense if they can make a show catch of a naughty farang and get headlines out of it no matter how trivial a rap. Probably make a little money on it too. FBI should be happy as clams with news like this.
  8. When you lose an election, you have to blame someone or something. Still Thailand and the US have not really been friends or allies since 1997's economic crisis fall out, 25 years ago. Yes Obama did make an effort but ... BTW, this article is written by Mr Bob Scott (if that is is real name); a well known "White Monkey".
  9. The Yellows were/are the alter ego of the Democratic Party of Thailand. A party which historically has had little to do with democracy. BTW if you are going to try to deflect, up your game.
  10. The Democrats were/are the Yellow party. You need to deny harder.
  11. A Sassenack Yob in Pattaya. Why does this even make the news?
  12. Really?! So the Chinese have been doing this all along, but Thai netizens did not do their faux outrage schtick, & all was kept quiet. Impressive, considering the "outrage and howling" about the recent pipefish petting. Before that, the arrest, jailing, deportation & stealing siezure of property from Farang divers by BiB & Government people on Koh Phangan after similar howling of faux outrage by netizens. You wonder how Attila Ott or Francesco Simonetta feel about the Chinese getting away with an apology, and kid glove treatment?
  13. The link is already on the board. -> UPDATE: ‘Rust’ Armorer Transferred Narcotics on Day of Shooting, Prosecutor Says
  14. “The conduct of the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office during and after their initial investigation is reprehensible and unprofessional to a degree I still have no words for,” the investigator, Robert Shilling, wrote in the email he sent Tuesday. “Not I or 200 more proficient investigators than I can/could clean up the mess delivered to your office in October 2022 (1 year since the initial incident … inexcusable).” It was all fun and games, hamming it up for the non mainstream media, red hatters howled and chanted, but now they actually have to do something; Shock, Gasp, Horror! Charges against Alec Baldwin were dropped two months ago. Santa Fe County police & prosecutors are giving Uvalde Texas a run for the money in incompetence & clusterpuckery. This train wreck is happening.
  15. So they were spying on "White peoples food" with that balloon?! Who knew?
  16. Ah, the dreaded rectal covid test, China tried to put in place back in Jan 2021. Turns out the world thought ritual humiliation by the Celestial Empire was one indignity too much. Especially from the country that spawned the virus, helped spread it, and takes no responsibility for either of those facts. Still you could probably pick one up on the internet.
  17. It works and does not look anywhere near as ridiculous as Simon Reeve toting around a leather and canvas bag from Dolce & Gabbana. That can make a person throw tinnies at the flat screen.
  18. Shoulder sling pack. Travel & when on cycle doing shopping around town. The leather & canvas 'bags' seem a bit much. The Indy Jones one is ok, but when I ran onto Simon Reeve traveling with one, I nearly had a fit of projectile vomiting.
  19. Fake news. The US does not, and never did want bases in Thailand. This is just the Thai Democratic Parties alter ego; 'the yellows' trying to remain relevant after they went down to another disastrous defeat in the recent election. What better way than spreading conspiracy theories about the MFP, like they used to do to the Reds. After all yellow is close to green. And they have been used as enablers of gang green in the past.
  20. You are having some deep spiritual angst. Lucky you can post about it here, release some of that pressure. Probably the best thing is to just post about how this upsets & angers you, and not travel to Thailand if mask wearing really does bother you as much as you claim. OTOH if this is more for show, trolling, than any real concern, good time to head over as tourist numbers remain low. And It is easier to travel here than some countries in the region. In Indonesia for example, there is less mask wearing than Thailand, but 50 per cent or more. You are required to show a initial series (2) vaccinations followed be a recent booster; shock, gasp, horror! Still it does keep tourists (disease carriers) numbers down. Hope it all works out for you.
  21. 'Fake news', put out to gull the credulous. I hope you weren't snared. Likely from the Ultra Royalists that were protesting out front of the US Embassy last week. When you lose the election as badly as royalists, uh er, The Democratic Party of Thailand just did, you have to blame someone or something. The US is good for this purpose. Celestial leader Xi certainly approves this media stunt.
  22. If only someone could tell them. Maybe hand out a bible to the heathen at the same time. Make it so rabang.
  23. The main culprit for burning forests in three countries & the resulting hot season smoke pollution madness gets a Thaiger/asean now, puff piece. Figures.
  24. The stalking horse game. Thai leaders, wanted the USA to say NO, publicly. Then they can tell the Thai people, the US is not a TRUE ally. Make a public hissy fit, with the Celestial Empire as the winner & true friend. That is the reason the US refused to answer them for so long. It is also why they sent a military attache to talk to the Thai government a year or six months back. The general gist of what the attache said was 'we have been friends for how many decades, so why are you trying to put us on the spot and play a game' Still Thailand kept at it. Celestial leader XI has the push. How many planes were they going to buy anyway?! Bloody joke. Just a stunt, but it does lose much of its punch as the election results are booting them out unless they have another, oops, cannot say that C word. Still they had to make a public squawk about it. Got to play the game.
  25. They have to play the 'stalking horse' game to the very end, even though the recent election sent them out with a kick to the behind. Celestial leader Xi will be happy they continue to play the part.
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