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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Dcheech


    Jo's bakery have been delivering less to Nim City Rimping and I have not seen their bread at Ping river branch for some time. Sad as I really like their Rye and Pumpernickel. Their shop in Hang Dong would be the place to go. Nana bakery has certain days for certain bread; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for their multi grain loaf, for example. If you call they will reserve for you. I used to have the small Nana shop reserve a multi grain for me. Now I go to the bigger Nana bakery down the road at 89 plaza. Tops at C. Festival always have whole grain and dark breads in stock.
  2. 02 gyms are pretty cheap. I would check the current state of the Duangtawan facilities before you buy anything long term. As always up 2U, but you are warned.
  3. Grabbing the groceries in a theatre? I think you’ll find she was searching for Hunter Biden’s laptop, on behalf of the American People.
  4. I doubt they will get any money, but likely, even americans <deleted>), understand they were almost killed. First westerner I knew personally, who died in LOS, was electrocuted at his new koi pond. Older Euro. Call it 'death by Non-Nany state', as he had just hired a person to put in lighting. Zap. Likely most have forgotten about the Indian couple found dead in a pool in Koh Tao. So many die there, this flew under the radar. However, one news article mentioned the pool was having work done. Bingo. Like anything else on that island, we will never know for sure, but yes electrocuted, fits with all the evidence we have. It is a problem here for sure. If you want to whinge about it, fine, pop a Leo, swill & have at it. Cheers
  5. Dr Berg ... a Chiropractor Sorry for breaking out in laughter. You need tissue?
  6. Laos Luang Prabang Indonesia, likely not Bali I judge a country by its street food. Cambodia is out on that alone. After that, not in SEA; Greece, Guatemala or Colombia. I like the idea of Montevideo, but know nothing about it. Moot point though as likely I will add to the thai ball and chain, with the purchase of a house.
  7. They are all over town, check your local area. South, SE quadrant; Chiang Mai Gate market in the morning, Kad Kom, in the evening. As this is Wednesday there will be a afternoon market at Plaza 89 on the CM Lamphun RD. A happening place. You can stop at Bakemart coop on the way down, Nana Bakery when there, shop for veggees, & have a meal at one of the restaurants. Like the plaza 89 market described above ; open Monday & Wednesday, the Sailomjoy mrkt by the Mengrai Anuson bridge is open Tuesday and Thursday.. Get out and support your local small markets.
  8. Say what you will about the hokey video. It gives our keyboard warrior caste, a chance to crawl out from under a rock, & engage in one of their deeper cultural needs. The sheer joy in finding fault. Reckon they will celebrate a successful morning's work by digging out a frozen meat pie to toss in the microwave for lunch, and who can blame them?!
  9. Still obsessing about what Thai people do in Thailand?! Perhaps now is the time to move on to a new obsession; Chemtrails, DEW wildfires, or Pizza Parlor pedophilliac basements. As always, our hopes and prayers are with you.
  10. If it is a Falango. If it's a foreigner, they do not mention the country as China is sensitve about their image.
  11. My condo is a two bedroom, locks for both. That & I'm a lefty. Still, it amazes me, how many arrive fresh from a disaster in country of origin and immediately jump in, up to their ear lobes here. No real sympathy, any more for these types. They knew, someone had told them, they just did not believe, want to believe. Lucky they are still alive, if skint.
  12. "happens in every country in the world. " However it takes a special type of dumb, to come here and immediately find yourself a wife on the rebound as it were. So many divorcee’s who have failed miserably at their first attempt at marriage, come to Thailand and double down. Losing their house, getting that restraining order, was so much fun they want a repeat on a new continent, in a different country. Woohoo! What these numbnuts want is a maid/cook with a vagina. You can rent both in Thailand, no need to buy.
  13. Parrot heads of the Carribean, move to Cancun. Gen X prefer Mexico?! Ones, location has a lot to do with what one sees though. From what I see here, we are already in an ‘US expat wave’. A lot of X’ers, but all through the age spectrum, including young millennial bots. They use other social media, easy to miss just how many there are. I can't say I'm overjoyed about it. When my idiot step brother turns up here, I'll know it is time to move on. The much talked about 'Chinese wave', post Wuhan flu, never materialized, much to the shock/dismay of the local real estate industry, boohoo.
  14. Does he rest for a couple days at the medical facility, recover from jet lag, before the royal pardon comes through?
  15. According to Thai media, he is here. Private jet just landed at Don Mueang.
  16. A small minority? Must live in the tourist zones, or more likely deliberate porkies pies, so common these days. Chiang Mai gate market this morning, easily 80 % + of people had masks on. As this is shopping day I'll be at Rimping Ping river branch in an hour. Expect only 60-70 % there, because of the non thai customers.
  17. Anything more specific? They have been working on 'holes' in the moat road for the last couple weeks. They finish with one, then go and dig another up.
  18. She could hang out in meat market/pickup bars with Steve Stunning types. Still it's a big stretch to assume these places represent mainstream bar culture in the US, let alone a foreign country. Used to be in the work hard, party hard, set during the 90's. This was most definitely not the norm. You ply them with alcohol, scuse, buy them a drink, after you are chatting them up, and believe the odds in your favor. However as this is from a UK tabloid article, via a TikToker VID, it has to have a hook, (clickbait) in it or you wouldn't bother. Plus it's an article they feel will dovetail to their target audiences deeply held beliefs & prejudices. Gnarf.
  19. Tops, Central Airport. They have them out by 1130 at the latest, everyday. Central Festival market has had them. Do not know if it is everyday. They do have large section cut ups everyday for sure; half a chicken or leg & thigh, if not a full roasted bird. "Tops Food Hall Central Festival"
  20. They label him a "foreigner" is that not the code word for Chinese? Up to you to sort this one out. Farang, like you say or just another boozed up & feral Chinese "foreigner"?! up2u 2baht. Make us proud.
  21. You do that, next time you are checking out "dog droppings".
  22. He is the last person I would trust.
  23. A farang? What country is he from?
  24. Brat dogs are a stand by in CM; Fourth of July and Football. The easy option, when not sure about other 'dogs'. Rimping, for the Brats & a can of Hengstenberg Kraut. Bread from Nana bakery. Assorted condiments and let the guests DIY. BTW thanks to the above posters, I now have an idea of other dogs to buy, . 'Toffee nosed yanks, hard at work crafting Brat dogs for the bon vivant set.'
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