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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. All this hypocrisy....no one cared too much about the UK breaking international law by invading Iraq; Syria; selling arms to Saudis to bomb Yemeni children and hospitals; training and funding beheader jihadis; the 400 million it owed Iran but refuses to pay; the refusal to return Venezuelan gold; the refusal despite many appeals to return Diego Garcia to the Chagossians......I'm sure there are many other examples, so I wouldn't get too hot under the collar about this...you want to have your eyes opened, look at the difference in response from western governments to the attempted killings of Navalny or the Skrypals (the Skrypals who have been 'disappeared' despite the daughter saying she wanted to return to Russia) and compare it to the killing of Kashoggi. Enough said. This stuff makes me want to vomit.

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  2. What I don't understand is why so many people have problems with this very simple requirement. Open a Thai bank account and show the I/O the 65,000 or 40,000 going in every month over the previous year. The bank verifies this as does your passbook. No need for embassy letter, notaries public etc etc etc. Do this if you8 haven't got 800,000 to leave in an account.


    What I do is even more simple, put 800,000+ into a bank account and let it sit there for the year. On the morning of the retirement extension, I go to the bank, use the ATM to take out a small sum, say 1000 baht, then go in, get the passbook updated, and have the bank issue the letter and the bank statement. It takes 1/2 hour or so. I've never had a problem.....and generally if the money's ok, the I/0 is happy.

    Am I a genius because it seems that no one has thought of this "trick"?

  3. 16 hours ago, jadee said:

    I know this is such a silly comment to make about a superhero movie but it really annoys me that Wonder Woman's new armor is gold - it's such a soft metal, completely unsuitable for armor. I know it looks cool, but for a super hero who comes from another planet, it annoys me that they couldn't come up with a fictional, exotic, high-strength, cheesy-sounding element, like 'unobtainium' in Avatar. 

    Great comment. Personally I hate all things Hollywood especially action and Wonderwomen movies. I'd gouge my eyes out with a fork rather than watch that sH!t

  4. 4 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Where are those names that were promised about a week ago?


    Pol Lt-Col Korawat Panpraphakorn said that the board of the DSI will decide today whether the charges of reckless driving causing death and abuse of cocaine that have been levelled against the Red Bull scion fall into the category of "special case" or not. 



    Decide today?  That was yesterday.

    Simply delay after delay.

    Prayut also promised the names....not because of transparency, but becuase it would 'be impossible to keep them quiet". 

  5. I've had grey hair at my temples since I was 30 and white hair since about 40. The important thing is to look classy. Bald never, ever looks classy. It looks dirty and like you have tattoos somewhere. Shaving your partially bald head makes you look like a loser who should be in prison.


    If you accept what you look like, you will be happy. If you don't like your own face/body and want to blacken your hair, have your teeth pulled out, and tattoo your face, then you will always look like an overfilled dumpster and feel like a lump of pooh when you look in the mirror. This is because you are vain. Not only that, every single person who knows you, knows you are vain, looks down on you, and thinks you are a loser. 


    I do absolutely nothing to my face or hair...if I get bored with my face, I grow a beard. If I get bored with the beard, I shave it off. I dislike shaving but don't like the dirty look you get when you haven't shaved for a couple of days.


    Women love my thick, gorgeous hair which I wash in the shower most days. I towel it semi dry and leave it....no combs, brushes or anything.


    I also have the beautiful mane cut every 3 months whether I need to or not.  The wife, who never cut anyone's hair except mine, cuts it badly but cheaply. She does the haircut with the dog's batterion (or something that sounds like that) usually screws up the haircut so I look like a dope for a week or two...but the hair grows so fast that after two weeks you wouldn't know a professional hadn't cut it. 

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  6. Personally I have given up using the internet for buying flights. Yes you see some offers and think my goodness, that's cheap. Then you try the dates and find it is much more expensive and there are taxes added, fuel surcharges, baggage charges, airport fees etc etc. 


    What I do is go to the individual airline websites. Most of them will give you prices for outbound and return separately and tell you the addition charges before you give them your credit card details. You can also do nifty stuff with stay overs....for example you can save a bundle flying to the US by staying over 3 or 4 nights win Tokyo (I'm talking literally $3000) vs waiting 6 hours at Narita and flying straight through to the US.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 18 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Yes the doctor is talking complete nonsense. There's no evidence at all that someone can go for 14 days after exposure and not test positive.

    Errrr no it's not. Some people never develop symptoms. Incubation period is the time from when you first  were exposed to the virus and when you have a positive virus test. Like anything else natural there will be some sort of bell shaped curve where a few individuals have a longer than normal incubation and some will have a very short incubation. Theories are never, ever proven....they stand only as long as a result comes along which disproves them. The theory that incubation period is 14 days is good only so long as someone finds a patient with a longer incubation period.

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