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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Just look for any cracking in the side walls if so I would recommend changing. It also depends on whether parked in direct sun most of the time applying tire shine regularly can prevent UV damage.
  2. A load of old bullocks. Better to have the two new ones on the front anyway, for steering.
  3. I trust myself driving more than anyone else, we (my missus) had to force a big bus driver to stop one time with a blown out rear wheel, I was sitting near the wheel arch and could hear a loud banging noise, at first he refused to stop after being asked to stop a few times, my Thai wife not one to be meddled with, pulled his earphones out ''STOP the bus ! '' he did. This was on the way to Trat.
  4. My 'friend' was watching an Adult site a few days ago, and his TOT internet connection went down, and had to be re-booted.
  5. So will He/She be charged for watching porn, and was it in works time.
  6. If they were still young i might agree with you but at 62 he should have learnt a bit of self discipline by now.
  7. Yes you are correct. Many Many years ago when i was a naïve newbie here, I was in a relationship with a Thai woman here for 2yrs, l brought a second hand car, woke up early one morning and she was gone along with the car that she sold, to pay her mothers gambling debts. I love and trust my wife but now even if I buy a fridge, my name is on the receipt, once bitten and all that.
  8. That was a Yingluck incentive to sell more cars, now finished.
  9. No I believe that is the Agriculture Minister, Anutin is supposedly an engineer.
  10. Have they finished the roadworks yet on 36 ? been awhile since I used it, going through Rayong is OK on a Sunday normally.
  11. You could take a taxi around 3k to your hotel on Koh Chang, The Airport bus is running now again to koh chang and i noticed it now includes U-Tapao. But the drive here is fine and as said I trust myself more than a thai driver, the roads now on the island have been improved with new surfaces, and that new section of Num 7 is a dream, you can even avoid going through most of Bang Chang on duel carriage way.
  12. Ah so not paying it in to her own account may be the reason.
  13. Hi, Where do you have to get an Australian marriage cert married to a Thai Translated to Thai and how do you register it at your local/any Amphur. Asking for a friend so full process please. Thanks in advance.
  14. But it won't though will it. Have they closed the one in Brisbane ? There is also not one in WA last time i checked.
  15. Duelling it out with a 7yr old in the car, was it his driving? and her not wearing a seat belt and most likely sitting in the front that caused her to get 'hurt' ? Then drove with a broken arm ! Idiot !
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