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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And immigration is a forking nuisance and too intrusive. having home visit today (11.30), not only do they want our witness to be present, they want a fourth person ! for more photos !
  2. Heathrow UK there are no departure cards no queuing at immigration to leave, the airline just scan the boarding pass at the gate as you board.
  3. And yet immigration can come to my house don't ask permission but insist my wife and I sit on the bed together, while they take photos through the window. This couple posted because they wanted, it's called freedom of choice. Just saying how weird 'authorities' can be.
  4. Stared at his lovely wife, then when he gave you the finger you decided she was now unappealing.
  5. Had one pick me up in a 'club' one night, she simply said '' you want me come room you ?'' next morning realised she lived near me, never saw her again though.
  6. As I've said before they can be quite Eagle Eyed, last year one officer said "Oh you have new fridge"
  7. Drivers here are what they are. and nothing will ever improve, my neighbour just got sent flying of a M/C when Karaoke equipment ' fell off ' a pick up ! , poor woman luckily no broken bones, or worse, they just don't care or think about anybody around them.
  8. Slightly of topic but; If you have duel nationality OZ & UK and your Extension is in your OZ passport can you 'Enter' the UK on an expired UK passport ?
  9. Thanks Joe, so probably better to apply for new passport around mid November ?
  10. Hi, i have just applied for a new marriage extension today in Trat, so will get in one month by 11/07/22. My OZ passport ends 23/01/23 bit of a bummer as xmas hols and new year could effect EMS delivery and could take 8 weeks to renew, However apart from that problem, I was under the impression that once I get the new passport, the extension would be just transferred into my new passport, But they told me I have to go all through the process and apply AGAIN . Is this in fact true ?
  11. Lots of paint And still no crossing signs that can be seen before you approach. Around where I live the paint has faded so bad when approaching a crossing you can't see it, even worse in bad visibility. FIT THE SIGNS !
  12. So we can keep the good stuff and smoke it, and the government authorities only get the <deleted> at 0.2%. I'm in
  13. How the hell would I know ? never been, and never wanted to go to the US
  14. I'm over mine, I now have my shiny red car. ????
  15. So 65 bribes totalling 641k, 5yrs for each bribe, my question is; Is the sentencing just calculated by how many bribes he took, or is it reflected by the amount received ? I.e. lets say if a cop or associate was to take a bribe of say 1,000 baht from, now let me think, ah yes, lets say from a bar every month for one year 120,000 baht would the sentence be 60 years ? The point is if prostitution was made legal then this kind of corruption would in theory end, and the back rooms of bars, would be legal.
  16. Oh this will be good news to all those bar owners, paying protection money, i'm sure that will all stop now. Sarcasm mode off.
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