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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. totally agree. they asked 35K from one of my friends. Another agency did it for 18K for the people gonna ask it was non-o marriage extension and he has literally had all the legal documents but only not the money.
  2. i think there is no chance of finding a job here as an electrician. sorry.
  3. 27K seems ok to me. I know a Pilipino 3 years overstay and agency asked 45K from him. If hes sure that the agency can fix it and obviously he doesnt want to leave the country, so go for it
  4. Maybe because it was my first tine 90 day? ???? But yes, im planning to do online next report
  5. with all respect i think we all can understand what the OP post means and what he is asking. obviously he is not asking things like this. And obviously he is asking something like if he can use the agency if he hasn't got the necessary visa requirements. and he wants to know if its legal or not. OR he wants to know if an agency do his visa which hasnt got the necessary visa requirements will be legal or not if a police asks him to see his visa or likewise situations. he asked if the agencies are legal or not and i simply explained him they are legal yes. i also explained him WHEN they are not illegal. so he can choice his answer..
  6. not wrong. many people using agencies in Thiland because they dont have the necessary things to get the visa or extend the visa. people who can do, they just go to immigration and do in 1 day for max 3000 baht i dont say anything to people using agency just because they dont want to deal with the immigraton. but they have all the things legal.
  7. man.. so sorry, i was posting to another post but posted here wrongly.
  8. you are joking, right? do you read the posts in this forum? why they are asking help from agencies? you are aware that the agencies IN thailand are not tourism agencies, right? well than you and that 'many others' are in that one million i mentioned. if you are willing to pay to an agency something between 15 to 38K which you can easily do for 3000 baht is totally your choice. but it not change the reality that most of the people in thailand are using agencies because they dont have the necessary visa requirement. which makes what agency doing is illegal. and.. what you are doing. you have over 3000 posts... dont tell me you dont know the reality about the agencies and how they work. And its legal or not when they work. bribing is illegal. thats it.
  9. Went there around 12:25 parked my car at the parking place. I really dont recommend it. You can park almost anywhere around the place. Not for too long though. the street is really small and not that much space. for 1 hour parking its 20 baht. seems they are doing legit parking thing. they give you a ticket and your parking time is on it. I suggest just check the time. when exiting they will check the time and charge you. no car, no problem can go by taxi. place was flooded i think. not now but there are still mud around so keep it in mind. And also thats why the car parking place is really in bad shape. if you need copy things you can. there are 2 copy places around. 1 is at the parking place and the other one is opposite of it. for 90 days you need to go to 2nd floor. if its not open wait till its. when you enter tell the person on your left stand and they will give you the form you need. fill it. then for the queue number you need to give the form back to them, and you will get your queue. for 90 days your queue number will start with C.. there is a really nice guy with glasses collects your documents. queue moves fast. i had 9 people ahead of me and it took 20 min to get me. after you gave your documents just move back and wait. there will be a man giving out the passports first calling by nationality (not name) and if no responds then by name. it took my another 20min i would say my waiting time at the hall for the door opens was around 25 min and another 5 min to fill the form.. another 20 min to wait call my queue number.. and probably another 15-20 min to get back my passport. i noticed that for visa extensions they use another account and after you give your papers you need to wait till they call you to another room. nothing to worry. its only because the place is small. i must say every one was very helpful.. but the lady who gives you forms was little bit serious and talk to you serious and not trying to answer you. good luck
  10. as CharlieH mentioned its depends why you are using them. in most cases people are using them just because of lack of money. For example if you have non-o marriage visa, but cannot extend it for a year you will use visa agency or you are retired and have non-o but dont have the money in the bank or income.. you use agency. they show like you have the money. is it fair? i think yes, fair if you are married to a thai. if about retirement i think 50-50 in both or other cases, agency give money to the immigration officer to... help you, and show some fake documents such as your income or the money in the bank. i think you know the meaning of 'bribe'. simply that's what's happening. so in that two cases you are simply bribing the immigration officer via agency... well.. you tell me its legal or illegal? other cases like people have all the documents and ready to go but lazy to do things by themselves or just want to be sure about things. These cases are one in a million because if you already have all necessary paper work you don't need any help. the rest is so easy. there are some other cases such as people trying to stay and live in Thailand as much as they can do without any reason.. by reason i mean no work, no wife/husband, etc. These people are using agency to get some education visa or other funny visas such as martial arts or Thai food cooking classes. At some point yes, it seems legal but if you look deeply actually its abusing the system. Also at some point it comes to what is next? i mean what will you do after graduating from 2 universities and educate yourself again after the age of 50, 2 language schools which you wont even attend, 2 thai cooking classes and you cannot even eat spicy food, getting a black belt in self defense but you cannot even move your leg.. then.. what? i think you got my point. lets put it in a simple way, it is illegal to use an agency the way people are using them in Thailand because 98% of the agencies in Thailand are bribing the Thai immigration police to do your visa.
  11. i think you should know the answer for this one. you said 'for the market' that counts work. you are not getting fish for yourself but for the market, selling.. well.. its a job. few jobs.. you said it yourself.. jobs.. was it only 1 house? did they pay for it? if they paid and you took it, its job. now this is not a job. you did it for your house. my opinion is you should take it easy. it seems you know a lot about plumbing but its better to keep it yourself. i know its a small place but it seems you are eager to do some 'jobs'.. dont
  12. observe if they are coming from bathroom. if so, all you need to do is clear the hole where your water goes. thats all.
  13. i dont think a freelancer can get a WP. then Thailand would be full of people with WP and no more need for agencies or anything else. if you are working for a company or you have a company you can.
  14. Before covid my wife never came with me. i dont think things changed.
  15. if you can find any security guard around tell him and he will do the rest and move the car. if there are not any security or anyone can help you and you are very very sure that the driver is normal, just park behind him. This can end up dangerous but also can end up really nice. One of my friends did this and actually the guy who parked was really really sorry. you can take the picture and call traffic police too. but again be very sure that the driver is normal. if you want to post the picture you must blur/block the number plate and other things which will make the driver obvious. you can apply for a sticker but sorry i cannot remember from where. you might call transportation office which is near Bang Sue, bangkok i think.
  16. i suggest thai food cooking classes so you can stay longer in Thailand, and then you can re-educate yourself with ED visa. After that you can take some martial art courses that also gives visa.. but after that sorry i dont know how you can stay longer in thailand. if the new job is in Thailand then that also will give you a visa so you can stay too.
  17. well.. we people who are living on planet Earth named 'people catching a cold or something' as Covid-19 pandemic for... probably 3-4 years now. So i do believe why we Earth people close our borders to the people from another planet such as yourself Mr. Polite Man. I think you don't/didn't have this issue on your planet which makes you really lucky. this makes me believe that you are still here in Thailand which makes your post very interesting.. because seems you didn't checked previous posts about visas... Also this means that your volunteer visa is like.. 3-4 years?! didn't get covid visa?! here is the fun part for me of your trolling post.. you mentioned you are here (on planet Earth, Thailand) for a long time 15 month volunteer visa.. well this 'people catching a cold or something' situation is going on for 3-4 years, so im wondering how have you managed to stay in Thailand with this 15 month visa so far? well.. the visa situation is great if you are working, have a wife or any reason which grants you a permission to stay in Thailand without begging or trying to find ways to stay.. So, yes you can get long-term visa. yes, please do that.
  18. what do you mean by friendly airport? friendly? so is it like IO doing its job and keeping away people who has no reason to come here and try to live in thailand without any proper reason or visa is not friendly and the IO let you go and do your visa abuse are friendly? if thats your question.. this is my answer, in my 17 years never seen any unfriendly IO if you have the right visa and the right reason to stay here. BUT if you do dodgy things they may be unfriendly. i hope that will answer your question.
  19. maybe not related to the OP post but might help others. I was rejected from khon kaen immigration just because i had 1000 baht less then needed. seriously, im not joking. this was just before the covid. probably 2 months before the covid.
  20. you need to do all things in the same day. so have your termination letter in hand, ask your new school to do paper work before the date on your termination letter or the same date. when you have the paper work you can do things in 1 day
  21. i didnt read the long posts but if you are going to vietnam and the vietnam flight is 3 hrs after you landed DMK, eventually there is no time to lose and catch your next flight. Which means you will not even see DMK. you will use the international connection line/lane
  22. I think the most important thing here is whats next? covid visa let you stay in thailand 2.5 yrs. whats your plans now? pray for another covid pandemic or WW3? martial arts courses? start your whole academic carrier with another ED visa? thai food cooking classes? well you better start thinking because soon or later your 'trying to stay in thailand' options will eventually end at some point. good luck
  23. you can leave the kingdom for 7 days. if you have a reason with proof 15 days
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