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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. I think you will find it was the Obama administration that built those cages in 2014 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/461230-biden-incorrectly-claims-obama-administration-didnt-separate-families/
  2. And where is the battery located in a Honda Accord I know Honda Accord batteries sit high in the engine compartment The only people that make themselves look complete idiots are people that think there are no issues with BEV
  3. The only silliness I see on this forum is from people that are unable to accept that there are valid concerns over Ground clearance especially when 80% of the total vehicle cost is close to the ground Example Ora Good Cat Minimum distance to ground clearance 145 mm. https://autolifethailand.tv/official-price-ora-good-cat-gov/ Inital an owner was advised that they would require a new battery as since the cost was 70% of the sum insured the insurance company wanted to write the car off https://www.carwizard.co.th/oragoodcat-battery However on further inspection it was found that Battery was fine just the Battery cover needs replacing
  4. Tesla is looking for charging station owners https://www.tesla.com/th_th/host-a-supercharger
  5. Normally if any dealership has used models as demo cars and attached red plates then the warranty starts from that date. I seen some dealerships selling older by manufacturing year brand new cars with a reduced amount of warranty ( number of months )
  6. BYD Over 10,000 cars in just 1 month 12 days. Today is the last day to book ATTO 3 at all showrooms nationwide. New reservations suspend until further notice https://www.dailynews.co.th/news/1782813/ A number of countries selling BYD have announce 10% price increase from January 1st 2023 https://seekingalpha.com/news/3910805-chinese-ev-maker-byd-to-raise-prices-from-jan-1-on-higher-raw-material-cost-subsidy-end
  7. Nissan offer was a limited offer last July to get rid of their final stock of 40 cars nationwide some vehicles may have been in showrooms for 2 years Display cars are new cars that have never been registered before. As for warranty, customers have to ask for specific cars once more. There is a limited number of about 40 cars nationwide, https://autolifethailand.tv/final-call-nissan-leaf-ev-bev-959000/
  8. Total cars & motorcycles booked in MOTOR EXPO 2022 1) Toyota 6,064 2) Honda 3,252 3) BYD 2,714 ( 1,013 ordered on last day December 12th) 4) ISUZU 2,648 5) NISSAN 2,478 6) SUZUKI 2,464 7) MG 2,443 9) GWM 1,995 15) NETA 827 https://www.motorexpo.co.th/bestselling/
  9. And according to the EU the EU population has decreased for the 2nd year EU population continues to decrease for a second year
  10. Your post is incorrect if you check the countries listed many of then are not part of the EU example Russia, UK, and many more Current population of the EU is approx 446.8 million on 1 January 2022 EU population continues to decrease for a second year https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220711-1
  11. Figures up to December 9th here 1) Toyota 3,482 2) Honda 1,897 3) ISUZU 1,760 4) Nissan 1,319 5) BYD 1,253 6) MG 1,236 https://www.motorexpo.co.th/bestselling/ Its unlikely that they will ever publish but what would be interesting is a list by brand of vehicles ordered during the March 2022 motor show and are still waiting to be delivered
  12. There can be some good deals at the motor show but it will depend on brand and model if for example your looking at an EV forget it all Brands have huge waiting lists for cars in some cases 6-9 months waiting lists
  13. If your looking for storage space have you looked at MG EP or MG EP plus approx 771,000 baht 1,456 litres of storage space when rear seats are down
  14. Any order placed on December 13th and after the price will be 599,000 baht https://www.headlightmag.com/2022-11-30-official-price-neta-v-bev-mou-signed/ Car size is slighty smaller than a Toyota Yaris ATIV
  15. The Title of this thread is ICE vs EV, the debate thread there are many posts that include countries that are outside Thailand If the grid crash tomorrow the majority of supermarkets would be closed as there would be no lighting, cash tills would not function, refrigerators not working, no fresh bread
  16. If you had read the article you would have seen that Switzerland is considering a ban on the use of EV's so having solar power doesn't help Ev owners in Switzerland their vechicles will be banned along with non solar power owners If you don't want or need anything from Govt or state run monopolies: are you saying that you don't use or need roads, motorways airports
  17. Actually your EV's could be considered Obsolete if you live in Switzerland' Switzerland Considers Electric Vehicle Ban To Avoid Blackouts https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Switzerland-Considers-Electric-Vehicle-Ban-To-Avoid-Blackouts.html
  18. 1st thing do to is established where your birth mother was born There is a post in this thread where you search by first name last name and range of years for UK only It will be easier to claim Irish citizenship if she is born in Ireland but you can still claim if she was born outside Ireland Irish citizen parent born outside Ireland If you were born outside of Ireland and your parent (who was also born outside of Ireland) was an Irish citizen or entitled to be an Irish citizen at the time of your birth, then you are entitled to become an Irish citizen. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving_country/irish_citizenship/irish_citizenship_through_birth_or_descent.html If your birth mother was born In Ireland and you were born outside of Ireland you don't need to register with The Foreign Births Register which is a longer process 2 + years If your birth mother was born outside of Ireland and you were born outside of Ireland then you do need to register with the The Foreign Births Register Citizenship through descent from Irish grandparent If one of your grandparents was born in Ireland, but neither of your parents was born in Ireland, you may become an Irish citizen. You will need to have your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving_country/irish_citizenship/irish_citizenship_through_birth_or_descent.html There a lot less paperwork required in getting an Irish passport through your birth mother compared to through descent from Irish grandparent
  19. Not sure why you would need your grandfather death certificate You must be an Irish citizen to get an Irish Passport. You are automatically an Irish Citizen if you were born in Ireland before 2005 or if you were born abroad to a parent who was born in Ireland before 2005. https://www.dfa.ie/irish-embassy/great-britain/passports/how-to-apply-for-a-passport/ Normally you need a copy of birth certificate of parent born in Ireland
  20. You can order Irish Birth Certificates from here if you know your parents details https://www2.hse.ie/services/births-deaths-and-marriages/order/birth-certificate/
  21. I think your missing key points on the UK Gov website Your British parent could pass on their citizenship to you if they were one of the following: born or adopted in the UK If you qualify for citizenship in this way, your children will not automatically become British if they’re born outside the UK. Check if you qualify another way. https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-british-parent/born-on-or-after-1-july-2006 I
  22. I think the op needs to check if the child is a British citizen first If your father was a British citizen when you were born and your mother was married to someone else at the time, you may not automatically be a British citizen. You might be eligible to apply for citizenship using form UKF. https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-british-parent/born-on-or-after-1-july-2006
  23. Expect EV insurance costs to increased there have been a number of cases where the insurance max claim exceeds cost of repair if battery needs replacing https://www.thairath.co.th/scoop/theissue/2563926
  24. As i said in your opinion and I stated it was the Scots and Irish leave votes that made the difference without those votes the UK would have remained in the EU
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