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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. As i said in your opinion and I stated it was the Scots and Irish leave votes that made the difference without those votes the UK would have remained in the EU
  2. Have to agree to disagree if for some reason all the Scots and Irish leave voting slips were disqualified they the UK would have remained as part of the EU
  3. And I have proved that it was the combined votes of Scotland and Irish Leavers voters that made the difference in leave's overall result
  4. Is there a law that you can't count the votes for one side alone and if you covert the leave votes of Scotland and Ireland to remain votes combined with the remain votes of the 5 countries that took part in the UK and Gibraltar then remain would have won As I said in a UK and Gibraltar votes count and the combined votes of Scotland and Northern Ireland do make a huge difference to the overall total
  5. Leave total vote was 17,410,742 remain total vote was 16,141,241 Scots and Irish combined leave votes were 1,367,764 deducted 1,367764 from 17,410,742 would give leave a combined total of 16,042,978 now add 1,367,764 to the remain total which would give remain a combined total of 17,509,005 which would have ended with a combined majority vote of 1,466,027
  6. But they wouldn't have won if it wasn't for the Scots and Irish leave votes that pushed them over the line if those Scots and Irish leave voter had chosen to vote remain instead of leave the UK wouldn't have left even with England 2 million majority in favour of leaving In a UK national referendum every single votes counts
  7. If they were taking part in a Scottish only vote yes the majority of voters in Scotland were ignored but everyone know is was an UK and Gibraltar poll and everyone know the side that received the most votes would win
  8. Yes but without the Scots and Irish leave votes the UK would have remained as part of the EU In an earlier post you posted that the Scots vote was ignored that is incorrect as we know over 1,018,322 people in Scotland voted to leave
  9. Welsh votes both leave and remain haven't been discounted I have seen many posts on here that state It was England that forced the UK to leave the EU clearly this is incorrect without the Scots and Irish leave votes the Uk would have remained in the EU
  10. Yes without the Scots and Irish votes England even though it had a majority leave vote would have been forced to remain in the EU, although I suspect the remain side would be demanding a 2nd referendum as they would have won by such a small margin and they would have declared the result null and void
  11. Correct Total number of leave votes 17,410,742 deduct Scots and Irish leave votes and your left with 16,042,978 leave votes Remain total votes were 16,141,241 which would have given remain a mojority of 98,263
  12. The whole of the UK voted for Brexit If you remove the Scots and the Irish that voted to leave the EU their combined leave vote of 1,367,764 Remain would have won with a 98,263 majority
  13. I am not aware of any poll that has ever been released which goes against the view of the sponsor that has paid for it. YouGov are not hiding the fact that the Times was involved but they decided not to release that information in their press release Assessing Poll Validity There is no universal rule to determine what makes a poll ‘valid.’ However, all public reports of survey findings should include reference to the following: Sponsorship of the survey Dates of interviewing Method of obtaining the interviews (in-person, telephone or mail) https://bcsr.rutgers.edu/assessing-poll-validity/ Above is a few of the points that should be addressed We know nothing of the Methods obtaining the interviews (in-person, telephone or mail) that were used YouGov conducts its public opinion surveys online using something called Active Sampling for the overwhelming majority of its commercial work, including all nationally and regionally representative research . This means that all the respondents who complete YouGov surveys will have been selected by YouGov, from our panel of registered users https://yougov.co.uk/about/panel-methodology/ Personally I take all these polls with a pinch of salt likewise no-one know the outcome of the 2016 referendum until the votes were counted and we knew there was a clear majority
  14. Scottish referendum: yes and no agree it's a once-in-a-lifetime vote Both sides of the campaign have made it clear they will abide by the result, as political fallout from reneging would be significant https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/sep/17/scottish-independence-referendum-yes-no-agree-once-in-lifetime-vote Article clearly states "Alex Salmond pledged there would be no second referendum for "a generation", even if he lost by one vote."
  15. Wasnt there a referendum on that in 2011 where the UK voted NO by 67.90% and that includes the 63.64% of votes from Scotland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2011_United_Kingdom_Alternative_Vote_referendum#Results_by_United_Kingdom_regions
  16. Since 1972, a total of 48 referendums have been held by EU member states, candidate states, and their territories, with several additional referendums held in countries outside the EU https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referendums_related_to_the_European_Union The % results for or against are shown in the link above In some cases a 2nd referendum was required at the voters of that county didn't vote the way their government wanted them to vote I am sure some people would disagree with the 1992 French Maastricht Treaty referendum as only 51% voted in favour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_French_Maastricht_Treaty_referendum
  17. Mr Cameron said there would be "no second referendum" once Britain has voted. "This choice cannot be undone, if we vote to leave then we will leave," he said. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/david-cameron-says-he-will-ask-eu-leaders-for-clear-legallybinding-commitment-to-exempt-uk-from-evercloser-union-a6728181.html If any county was to insist to the EU that a condition of them joining the EU would be 1) The will hold a referendum every 5 years on EU membership In/Out 2) They are unable to enter into any Policies and funding plans that extend further than 5 years I think everyone knows that the EU would simple say thanks but no thanks
  18. Where did I say the methodology used by YouGov was flawed I did point out only 1708 people took part in the survey and the survey was sponsored by the Times newspaper. I know loads of people that didn't bother to vote on 23rd June as they believed that it was a forgone conclusion that remain would win as that it what the pollsters were predicating
  19. I think that what the EU entry requirements will be 5 or 10 years super majority of 75% of voting population and currency will be Euro on day 1. They know giving countries 20 years to move from their local currency to Euro will always drag on for longer
  20. Who knows maybe if they hadn't denied a vote to approx 1 million Scots including 800,000 living in the rest of the UK the result might have been different https://www.reuters.com/article/us-scotland-independence-expatriates-idUSBREA0Q1JC20140127
  21. And its an election that will only give you a true result not some poll which are normally based on data modelling or data manipulation and are only even published if they meet the requirements of the sponsor Would we ever see a poll published that was sponsored by Brand A and they were expecting the poll to provide results that Brand A is the best thing since silced bread but the poll came back that the majority of people that took part in the poll prefered Brand Z no we wouldn't
  22. Not really when you compared it to the 2016 referendum with total number of votes 33,577,342 I know many people that wouldn't accept cold calls or use the internet so pollster are unable to gain their votes I know many people that will tell you where to go if you ask them personal questions about them or their views
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