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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. I am calm. It's not my job to eliminate this scum. wish I could. We both agree that a bit of Weed is not harmful, but what would YOU do about the Yabba dealers?
  2. Are you so stupid as to not know that it is not the poor smoker of a few grams a day who are affected by this. It is the 4ucking dealers making millions and employing kids to do the distribution. I totally agree that no-one has died from weed, I should know, I am still alive. And yes, they are chilled, as I am. But when it comes to the chemical stuff, Yabba etc, the manufacturers, dealers should be eliminated from the human race. My opinion may not be the same as your, but there it is.
  3. Love it, thanks for the laugh. This Bob needs teaching a lesson, to not be such a person.
  4. Typical answer from Bob! Oh we get an edit about knee jerk reactions. Sad.
  5. ???? Dock, anchor, jetty. Please explain.
  6. OK, so it's alright to stab your Granny for Bht 100 to buy Yabba or Ice? Or to kill a few innocent bystanders by driving 5issed up. Yeh, come on, yes or no. What would YOUR solution be? Me? Tyrant? A law abiding, thoughtful human being. You? Complete nutter!
  7. I wonder how much of the Bht 10000 public funds was spent on that 5hit.
  8. It does happen, and ONE time is too often. Yabba = Jail. Selling Yabba, or killing to buy it = the Chop, in my book anyway.
  9. Of course you are right. When a Mum or Dad or Grandparent is shot or stabbed by a family member who needs money for Yabba etc, it doesn't affect them one bit.
  10. Do you REALLY think that will bother Mr WISE? 555
  11. The kids you mention will probably be interbred with the so called Muslims. Christians will have disappeared.
  12. No they are not. I cannot replace an ATM Card at the branch at my local hospital, I am sent to the 'dedicated' bank, meaning the big one on the main road in town. If I want a 12 month statement for IO, I must also go to town. The little branch can do 6 months. But as we all know, one bank is different to the next one.
  13. Quote you. Branches yes, but not the HQ and admin centres, where all the transactions are handled. I have a couple of monthly direct debits and they are never paid out at weekends. The same would be true for incoming transactions. Unless we are mixing up OPEN & CLOSED
  14. You are rather contradicting yourself saying that the HQ and admin centres are OPEN at weekends (which they are not) but your D Debits do not go out at weekends. I can do Bank transfers to my Mrs's bank instantly, anytime. Or do you think they put the computers on sleep.
  15. The 'dedicated' Bangkok Banks on the street are CLOSED on Saturdays & Sundays, well, here in Phitsanulok. The only 'Mall' branch is now the one at Central as they closed the Big C one. I don't know if that is open at weekends.
  16. The only time I need to visit the bank is to get letters and statements for Immigration once a year, or if the bankbook update machine is broken. The rest of time...online
  17. As I have said in a previous answer, if you keep a GBP balance which can be instantly converted to THB into a THB WISE account, you can watch out for good rates, build up a THB balance, then send it as THB to THB. I think it is marginally cheaper that way as well.
  18. OK, now answer the second part of my post, to which I have added a ?
  19. Yes you are right, very observant. So the answer to his question is NO?
  20. So you do not have a specific GBP, or other currency account with WISE
  21. Isn't that how most of us do it?
  22. https://wise.com/us/blog/how-long-does-swift-take You must be very lucky.
  23. I doubt that ANY set of tYres would be good for 240K km/miles at ANY speed.
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