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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. It is the one just underneath the post labelled QUOTE.
  2. If it had not been cracked open, how would they know what was inside?
  3. Nationwide, Barclaycard & Virgin Credit Cards all working OK for me.
  4. I have just bought a Fire TV stick with an app called Zoo TV from UK, £30 A YEAR. Can get all terrestrials without a VPN, Sky & BT Sports, Discovery, History etc, and loads of movies. It is VERY RELIABLE. For movies & TV Series, download torrents from P Bay.
  5. There's only Mickey D left.
  6. Mullet (haircut) - Wikipedia
  7. Clinking glasses is a centuries old tradition. If it makes you cringe, stay away from those sort of people. Beards have been grown also for centuries, and in some religions are mandatory, good looking or not. I personally do not wear certain clothes just because my GF wears them! 555 And as for your haircut, is it still a mullet?
  8. Good job you're not in Japan where they still use Floppy Disks and Fax machines. The new Tech Minister has now said they must be phased out. You said earlier that you only needed 500GB of the data, not 4TB
  9. He, possibly, did not have insurance. Even if he did, would the Insurance still pay out if he says it was 'the wet road' which caused it?
  10. Most (all ) stop when the water is boiling. But most are filled too much in my experience. It is up to the user to save themselves electricity consumption.
  11. Agree totally, but if him in charge says you must do it, you do it the easiest way possible. No one should be prevented from buying beer between 2 - 5pm, but if that's what the man says...................go to Mom & Pop shop. 555
  12. So your previous quote of 0.5 watts is not correct. The report says between 0.06 and 0.43. for three samples. I turn the power to the bulbs off in the daytime, so not really worth worrying about.
  13. As i added to my previous post, 10kW on minimal use could save Bht 40 per day, = Bht 14600 per year. I am sure one of them will come up with the correct figures.
  14. You did not answer my question. What is the payback time? A 10kW system would save you maybe Bht 40 per day on very minimal use.
  15. Please show where that number comes from. I have about 20, so if they use 0.5 watts each x 24 hours = 240 watts = 1/4 of a unit = Bht 1 ! which will increase if I switch the light on, no? They are rated at 3 watts each on full power, which is far too bright for me, I have them on 20% usually. But all of them full on for 12 hours would be 20 x 3 x 12 = 720 watts = 3/4 of a unit = Bht 3 per day
  16. Well he said that he had ordered one in his first post
  17. I must have the cheapo AC ones, only 4 speeds and non-reversible. Why would you need to reverse a ceiling fan please?
  18. I have got Mr Ken AC ceiling fans which take 30 watts each so in 12 hours take 360 watts = one third of a unit= Bht 1.5. Not really worth worrying about. And they are inaudible. The noise comes from the movement of the air, not the actual fan.
  19. Electric kettles are typically 3 kW, and are usually filled with much more water than you need. Get a pan on the gas hob, or boil exactly the right amount in the microwave....a mug of water takes 2 minutes.
  20. I have replaced all my light bulbs, internal & external, with WiFI LED ones which can be programmed/controlled on my phone to come on and go off when I want. No need for solar lights Regarding the Power Monitor shown, surely that will only show the consumption on that particular socket/outlet, and not for the whole house. I have fitted a monitor in my consumer unit/fuse box, which tells me the daily and overall consumption. I also read my meter every day and put the readings into an app so I know exactly how much I use each day/month. What is the payback time if solar powering is fitted? The increase in cost from Bht 4 to Bht 5 per unit is only for over 300 units per month.
  21. So how many times can a street food kiosk use the oil before they take it for planes?
  22. Incorrect. The Por Ror Bor is part of your insurance policy and must be bought BEFORE taxing the vehicle. My insurance is due in July on the anniversary of my taking it new from Toyota. However the road tax is due in August on the anniversary of getting the plates.
  23. You can do it via most insurance companies/agents online.
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