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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. The vaccine does not stop you getting it, merely softens the symptoms/side effects.
  2. Private or Government hospital.
  3. My Life as a Rolling Stone on BBC. Just done Mick, and my appreciation of him increased. 1 down, a few more to go.
  4. As it was in UK many years ago
  5. And that is with your weed lights turned on?
  6. If i could afford 24 hr aircon, I wouldn't be worrying about the price of weed
  7. Try dividing the TOTAL COST by the number of units to give you a true cost per unit.
  8. Same here, never locked the front door in 10 years.
  9. Sorry, it does not say that.............but I'll bet he was.
  10. Where does it say 'modified agricultural utility vehicle'? I read 'pick-up truck'
  11. Totally agree about the drunk driver being incarcerated/lynched, but a 14 year old driving two ladies on a motor bike is also way against the law.
  12. I shall ask at my IO in P'lok. Would save a lot of 4ucking around. Thanks.
  13. ONE man does not make a team. That's why they were down in the Premiership. As City can survive without Jesus.
  14. Are you saying that IO in Buriram accepted your updated bank book and letter, NOT a 12 month statement.
  15. In UK, queues usually form when there is announced a price rise at say midnight.
  16. I just returned from a trip to UK, and took out a travel policy with MSIG which states 'the Company shall indemnify the Insured for loss or damage due to trip cancellation or trip postponement occurring within 60 days before the trip commencement date.' I did not need to claim but a phone call to them assured me that if I had to cancel due to Covid, or any accident, death etc, I would be covered. Cost was just over Bht 2000 for a 3 week trip.
  17. How far from home to Bkk Bank? You can get a 12 month statement from their Online banking now.
  18. I would guess so. I prefer coconut oil to butter in all my cooking & baking. As for the chamomile tea bags. I would think you would get higher with just the chamomile!
  19. Yes, the link says that you heat the cannabis in fat (butter) first, and then add it to the tea. That is the only way to extract the THC. Yuk, tea with butter in it!
  20. Many agencies say 'only a few tickets left at this price', mainly to get you to book imediately.
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