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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Totalsportek works for EPL & F1
  2. Did you look at an Amazon Fire TV stick. I just got one in UK for £50 plus a subscription which includes most UK & Sky channels for £30 per annum. Works perfectly.
  3. The Thai dip stick method was employed, ie the Captain was a dip stick. 555
  4. The do it six months after and then again just before it is needed for Extension.
  5. How does one 'give alms' online?
  6. Probably. Do they really turn the computers off on Bank Holidays? 5555
  7. Just Bingle 'torrents' and many will show up.
  8. RAM??? I'm none the wiser.
  9. I heard that they were giving tickets away at the start of the game, and there were still some empty seats as far as I could see. Anyway, it wasn't a bad game. And The Reds won.
  10. But do you not have to heat the weed and fat together for quite a long time in order to extract the THC?
  11. At Grammar School, us boys used to love watching the girls play rounders in their gym knickers. Oooooh, those were the days when you could tell that is was a real female. 555
  12. Yes, let the monks do it, and the rest of us normal people get on with our lives, Thais & farangs. Don't some people in UK & USA celebrate some kind of 'Lent' and eat pancakes on the Tuesday and nowt else for 40 days celebrating when some geezer went away for a while to see the Devil. 555
  13. Glad you realised it was meat as a JOKE. Nothing more.
  14. Sorry, I forgot to put 555 or Ha ha ha or a jokey emoji after my post.
  15. Both teams are 'Reds' Did the fans who payed full price not buy their tickets 2 years ago when the match was announced, and before Ronaldo re-joined the Filth.
  16. You may call them 'utes' down under, but in UK, USA & Thailand etc, they are pick-ups.
  17. Your cost per unit is going up by about 50 satang. You use about 675 units a month, so an increase of about Bht 340 per month. Savings over what time period?
  18. Is it on a Thai channel?
  19. My Prikpot took only three days to get to me, and well packed.
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