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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. But sometimes you do not know if they are relevant to you, until you have read them.
  2. So instead of saying 'do servicing at 6/12 months', why not, as Toyota say, service at certain kilometerages (don't have miles in Thailand), or a certain time, WHICH EVER COMES FIRST.
  3. Link to your cousins please. 555
  4. But at the time it was absolute nectar to us young 'uns.
  5. Can't be more potent than half the sum of it's two ABVs.
  6. My first pint at 15 years old in 1963 was Red Barrel @ 1/6d. Then Whitbread Tankard @ 1/8d ! I would not class Ashton-under-Lyne as 'southern'.
  7. A Black % Tan was/is a light beer ie pale ale, lager, topped with a dark beer, usually Guiness. A Black Velvet is Guiness & sparkling wine. A Snakebite is Guiness and lager.
  8. See my post recently. You are only saving a few quid.
  9. Sure did. Now with WR Life, but not made any claim yet.
  10. 65k Bht @ 44 = £1477, @ 45 = £1444. Is it really worth worrying about...33 quid?
  11. I am surprised that an Annual Check-up is covered by Cigna, who refused to pay Bht 600 for medications I had to take home with me. Obviously, you are covered for out=patient procedures, so get that knocked off for starters.
  12. Isn't that crazy, when a Thai Passport is in English!
  13. Is the insurance worth it? Have you made a claim and got it paid?
  14. Can you not go up to two weeks early? Go tomorrow?
  15. And do British Rail still run the trains in UK, and the Electricity Board supply your lekky. 555
  16. Local Government hospital.....Bht 120 for 30 FINAX 5.
  17. Just got from local hospital FINAX 5mg............Bht 120 for 30 tablets!
  18. The 555 means it was meant as a joke as in Ha Ha Ha.
  19. It is same as Tamulosin.
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