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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Shame IO will not accept up-to-date bank book, or monthly downloaded statements from online banking each showing the monthly Foreign Transfer. Say your Extension is due in December, you could get two six month statements from Bkk Bank, one in June and t'other in December IF you couldn't wait a week.
  2. An old friend of mine had the Makador Coffee Shop in Pattaya, and also sold coffee beans to other restaurants. At one he asked the owner 'Would you like to try Mokador' to which was replied 'Is it cheaper than Bon Coffee'. My mate said 'There is no coffee cheaper than Bon' 555
  3. Changed the tyres below 20,000 km? My Vigo is 10 years old, done 220,000 km. Been to Toyota for every service ON TIME. I too, like your Vios, have never had a problem with it.
  4. Not the cleverest way to maintain your vehicle. A bit like saying you have a shower every Friday whether you need one or not. 555
  5. I take my Vigo at every 10k km and each time they take all the wheels off, clean it all, grease whatever needs greasing, and rotate the wheels when putting back on. It is NOT for free, it's included in the price.
  6. No matter what distance you have driven in that year? New brake pads every year?
  7. It's called desalination and is used in many countries eg Dubai has massive plants.
  8. Are you 100% sure that's the way it is done these days of email.
  9. I get frustrated with and want to wind up people who still call it Thai Visa. 555
  10. Thanks for recognising that I had a good education and have the accompanying British sense of humour. Cheers.
  11. It was WHORE for a lady of the night, as mentioned in The Boxer by S&G. And the town's name has got a T in it in all posts & quotes.
  12. I am surprised that this town's name didn't get the automatic delete! As should Penistone and Bolsover. 555
  13. So why did you 'quote' their prices?
  14. Yes, I see this. But, as I said previously, I have never had dabs taken (until I got here), and I doubt whether iris recognition could be obtained from such a small, low resolution photo as duplicated on the actual passport. Do you know any different?
  15. So Hellfire, why not go to Russia or Ukraine for the said procedure?
  16. No. The police/IO only need one copy for each person, then compare them, or that's how it should be. But....................
  17. My 4 year old UK Passport DOES NOT have any biometrics stored in it....I know because I have never had my fingerprints taken, nor an eye scan. The chip on the passport merely duplicates the data of the passport, incuding a version of the photo.
  18. But BritMan, you cannot indulge in your favourite horticulture in those countries.
  19. Maybe they are checking your fingerprints against the copy they already have on file.
  20. Yes Brian, I edited my post as soon as I realised I was wrong. Sorry.
  21. Sorry, i put fake news. Only one in UK which covers many classes of vehicle.
  22. WOW, that's a cheap high, but after topping up 6 times, I doubt you would be able to taste any chamomile let alone cannabis. I was on the Kanya website shop, and it says the tea only contains ground up cannabis leaves, so no THC, and can be drunk by children.
  23. So ONE teabag of this cannabis/chamomile tea in THREE litres of water (total) still gave you a buzz?
  24. No, I was merely answering khun BENQ's post about having paid for something but not watching. OK, there is also a Deep Sea Fishing channel which I choose not to watch either. Sorry I upset you.
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