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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Have a holiday in the Uk, sort your pension out, then leave after the payments start.

    How long could it take? a week, a month, two months?

    Get a new passport and new bank card at the same time.

    That might work whilst I still own a house there, but it is up for sale and I have no desire to return to the land of the living dead.


    From reading the other posts here, it looks like a visit to the Land of Bugs Bunny would be easier, cheaper and more pleasant. Plus, once set up, they are less likely to come after you all the way to Da Phils. Though how would one maintain a postal address in Da Phils after returning to Thailand? Do they ask for proof of Visa? Anyone on here ever done it in Da Phils?

  2. 19 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    14 days a year is all that's required for residency, but I believe the initial period is 6 weeks.

    But pointless to discuss something the DWP could never confirm.

    Easier to claim you never left the UK in the first place (and avoid the proof of life nonsense).

    You naughty man, but I like the way you think! Are you presuming you could apply online from outside the UK? But would they send documents to your UK address by post that require a response?

  3. On 1/24/2020 at 1:19 PM, BritManToo said:

    Move to the Philippines would be the easiest choice.

    As they have a pension increase agreement with the UK.

    Great minds think alike. However, I do not fancy having to live in Da Phils permanently, I can only take just so much of Bugs Bunny. I wondered if it would be possible to establish an address there and then return to Thailand once the pension was up and running? I suspect the Govt checks initially and then all goes quiet and can be managed by e mail.


    Anyone got experience of this?

  4. 4 hours ago, heybuz said:

    No one seems to realize you get less mileage on ethanol based. fuel

    True. Plus poor performance. While many older cars have fuel systems that would be damaged by Ethanol. Mine runs on 95 benzine (pure gasoline) only which I can now only find at Caltex and PTT.


    As if we don't have enough pollution (see recent threads), Ethanol is made from Sugar Cane. Did this genius think about crop burning when he came up with his ill conceived idea? The Thais! .... Proof that you cannot fix stupid. It does my head in dealing with em.


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  5. On 1/23/2020 at 6:15 PM, CGW said:

    They did ban the traffic cops from wearing masks a few years back as it created a "bad image", what a horrible job that is, bet they don't have long lives!

    The way they get to be a traffic cop is either by failing to collect enough brown envelopes or as punishment for being honest!


    18 hours ago, impulse said:

    To be fair, when you go for "good guys in, bad guys out" after decades of catering to the bad guys, there's going to be a reckoning.

    Yeah... there won’t be anyone left here.

  6. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    when are the authorities going to do something serious about sugar cane burning?

    You know the saying; "Don't hold your breath waiting." Though in this case holding your breath may be a requirement if you do not have a smog mask!


    Lots o luck getting the Govt to do anything except line their own pockets. As for the farmers; ignorance is bliss.


    Never have I seen a country shoot itself in its own foot like this one.... Paradise lost.... Sad.

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