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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. On 1/9/2020 at 2:53 AM, Why Me said:

    Jeez, I just gave you an external reference ranking Bumrungrud. And there are others if you google. Please do not take your pain situation out on Thai med care as a whole. If you can get your problems fixed in your home country then fine, but even that seems beyond your reach. Yet you keep whining.

    If it was Bumrungrad, in my experience he has got reason to whine. They would also have performed open wallet surgery. You may also find the same doctor can be seen at a Govt hospital for a fraction of the cost.


    It works the other way around too. I know one doctor who works at a Police hospital... not known for being the greatest hospitals. But he also moonlights at Bumrungrad, where you will pay several times the price for the same doctor.


    Like most things Thai, there is the image and then there is the reality.


    It is not so much which hospital you choose. The trick is to find the doctor who knows about your particular condition.



  2. On 1/8/2020 at 1:24 PM, thaibeachlovers said:
    On 1/7/2020 at 11:37 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

    Karma..... Let us all know how it feels when you return in the next life as a Thai street dog.

    Oh dear. I suggest you research reincarnation before posting things like that.

    I did.... you obviously did not.


    And before anyone comments, no I am not religious.

  3. In some countries drivers even take to the sidewalk to get out of the way for an ambulance. Stringent penalties are in place for those who don't. Remember, one day it could be YOU in the back of the ambulance.... but I guess that would not even enter the minds of the ignorant selfish bonehead Thais.


    In some countries Police will use their night stick to put some nice dents in your car if you break the law. It makes an incredible noise when they whack the roof of your car. The Thais love their cars and would soon learn to behave if Thai Police did the same. Not much chance of such progress here though.....

  4. 21 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Poor ickle wickle doggie, I honestly hope they all die, they are another stain on Thailand, and the morons that feed them are the lowest of the low, you can't walk into a convenience store without having to step over some mangy mutt and you never know if it's gonna rear up and bite your butt.

    Karma..... Let us all know how it feels when you return in the next life as a Thai street dog.

    • Haha 1
  5. Huge fires in Australia and the Amazon (the lung of the planet). Mankind is in big trouble. It's not like we have another planet to go to.


    In Bkk it smells like crop burning plus insecticide to me. This being Thailand, will they ever do something to educate the farmers? Don't hold your breath waiting (pun intended).


    It comes to the point where it does not matter what immigration do about the visa reg's. TM30 or 90 day reports vanish into insignificance as we are all going to leave to escape the pollution.


    And who is going to pay millions of Baht for a condo in Bkk when the air is not fit to breathe? I foresee a Chinese Thai in Bkk, with a fist full of money.... but he is dying as the air and water have turned to poison.


    Take a look at air quality in Da Nang and Nha Trang Vietnam. Coastal cities and islands are the only places left with clean air. Roadrunner is planning to leave Bkk this year.


    When will man learn?



  6. Someone should tell immigration there is no need to make our visas harder to obtain. If the pollution gets worse we are all going to leave anyway.


    Last few days here in Bkk I can smell what I think is crop burning, plus a chemical insecticide smell. Wind from the north east.


    When will man learn, we only have one planet. I foresee a Chinaman with a fist full of money, but he is dying as the air and water have turned to poison.

  7. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    On the Pattaya police page they issued a three point notice.


    1. If you see illegal activity like sex on the beach tell the police immediately while they are still there.

    Bad for Pattayas image.... A bit late with that are we not?


    I am calling 1178 right now to report all the hookers and ladyboys that infest the entire length of the beach.


    Should I also report to police the fact that police receive brown envelopes from bars where illegal prostitution takes place?


    As for the two on the beach.... The TAT should petition the hotel association to reduce rates so these two could afford a room.

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