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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 1 hour ago, lungbing said:

    The prime mover in this is Nicola Sturgeon who salivates at the mouth with the though of being address as "Madam President"  or better still as "Her Majesty Nicola the First".

    Agreed, the woman is a power crazed self serving menace.


    No worries, the Muslim take over of the UK will see it renamed as the Islamic Republic of Britainistan.


    As for the remaining 6 million Scots, from which I am descended; apart from whiskey and oil, what have they got up there to produce income to support an independent Scotland? The oil will not last forever.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

    Well. apart from his attitude, I can sort of understand his reasoning although I suspect something got lost in the translation. He knew you didn't need his permission.


    When I was in the business I refused to fit customers own parts. My hourly charge out rate was based on how much it cost to run the business vs the income streams.  Much like any other re-seller, I made a mark up on the parts I used to carry out  repairs.


    Had I not made that mark up, I would have to have charged more per hour for my labour.


    However, there can be problems with fitting parts you haven't actually bought - protracted delays in replacements if they turn out to be the wrong part, warranty problems, etc. etc.

    I used to own a garage business. As you said, we also did not like fitting customer sourced parts. However, in this case here in Thailand they could not obtain the part. Car sat there for 7 weeks, no part. So they had no excuses and a real nerve telling me what I could or could not do.


    They lost face due to not having the part.


    They lost face again as I had to do their parts sourcing for them.


    But some months earlier this same service manager sent me an e mail asking for my help in finding a part for his own car! Thais only see their own point of view.


    • Like 2
  3. How?... 19 guys, practice to military drill precision. Wheels have only one self locking nut and are removed by four compressed air guns. One guy takes wheel off, a second guy puts the new one on.


    In the middle of all this, wing adjustments are sometimes made and the driver has his visor wiped.


    And you had best be out of harms way when the red light turns green the driver takes off.


    I think Red Bull hold the record at 1.8 seconds.

    • Like 2
  4. Took my car to the dealer service dept. No hab part. So I went out and tracked down the part for them and returned with it to the dealer.


    Later I received an e mail from the service manager informing me I should not outsource parts in future without their prior permission! (Obviously it robs them of their profit on the part, but then they should be responsible and have it in stock).


    This incident really hurt my brain. I will never understand the Thai thought process.

    • Haha 1
  5. Just did my 90 day report at CW. To the right of the counter where you get your queue ticket, are a couple of laptops and a new notice to contact here for assistance with 90 day reports.


    So I asked the girl there why I could not do mine online? She looked at my passport and informed me that new passports like mine were not yet in the system. I asked her to add me to the system, but this being Thailand it is not possible! Grrrrr.


    She said that next time I leave the country, on my return my new passport would be automatically added to the system when I enter airport immigration.


    Despite this, I would still have to visit Immigration for one more 90 day report. After which it would be possible to do it online.


    Jesus Christ. Why can they not simply add me now? TiT.


    I gave her a suggestion.... fix the <deleted> system!


    Anyhow, if you were wondering <deleted> was going on and why some cannot do it online, you now know.


    For those with other 90 day report issues, you might try the same counter, after all, those laptops must have a purpose?


    • Like 1
  6. Whether the will require this insurance or not is at present mere speculation and scare mongering. Nobody knows, so why did the OP post?


    IF it happens, (and I think it will), the problem is the requirement to use ONLY local approved Thai insurance companies, which charge too much for very limited cover. If they are going to make health insurance mandatory it is surely illegal to try and force us to use a particular insurance company. We ought to be able to use one of our own choosing as far better coverage is available elsewhere for less cost.


    Our embassies ought to have complained about this already as it has been applied to the OA visa, but as usual they do nothing for us.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/26/2019 at 10:51 AM, fruitman said:

    Not using indicators, no lights, driving against traffic, no lights on push carts at night, parking on the road.....there's no law in thailand....no helmet, no licenseplate, underage driving.....

    But when their lack of lights causes an accident, they will blame YOU.


    And if they think they will be made responsible, they do a runner.

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