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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 8 minutes ago, tabarin said:

    Longer term vision I and most people I know will return to Europe, most likely buy a nice house in Portugal or Spain. Better quality etc etc, same money.

    Which brings me to the question of residency there. As I understand it, we have until the end of 2020 to obtain residency within any EU country. Anyone know where we can find more info?

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  2. 14 minutes ago, RyanWalker said:

    Haha.. Yeah mate, there will be a day when bar fines are going to be 6k bht????

    What gets me is the way Thais increase prices without considering if people will still buy. There is a lot of unsold expensive produce sitting on the supermarket shelves, while I don't even want to ask what a bar fine costs. No wonder people are leaving.

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  3. 38 minutes ago, recom273 said:

    Tell you what tho’ .. I hope I don’t have to repeat any of their BS tests when I renew my 5-year. 

    Long ago, when I first arrived here, I tried to do things the Western way and so got a Thai driving licence. Later I realised how things are here and gave it to the next policeman that stopped me, who was looking for a bribe. Told him to keep it!


    If you know their tests are BS, why bother getting the licence? As for insurance claims in Thailand, my own insurance company refused to pay. They never gave me a reason why and they never asked for my licence.


    I have had several accidents where Thais ran into me. They all make excuses to avoid payment and their insurance will often not pay enough to cover the cost of repairs.


    I even encountered one insurance company that was owned by the Police! Surprise surprise, they did not want to pay, until I showed them a Police report that said the other driver, who they insured, was to blame. Caught by their own Police report... justice!


    Get real. This is Thailand, its the law of the jungle. Their insurance is not worth the paper its written on and their driving licence is a joke.


    Roadrunner has ceased to comment on this subject. End of.


  4. 4 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    Next month you drive into a Merc on the side. He will get his car repaired, which you need to pay because you have no insurance, and the hospital will present you with a nice bill also. 


    Is it still cheaper to have no license?

    I have Thai car insurance. I also have a uk driving licence that covers everything from a motorcycle to an articulated truck, this was way harder to get than the Thai one, for which all I had to do was take a simple written exam, no driving.

  5. On 12/29/2019 at 2:13 PM, Leaver said:

    The bars with the super loud music lose my custom. 


    I like all types of music, from many different eras, but when it's that loud I have to go outside so the staff can hear my drink order, I just keep walking. 

    Thais love noise. Their hearing pain threshold is obviously higher than ours. I asked a bar manager if she could turn it down. She replied that if I did not like it I should go somewhere else...... Customer and money going out the door, never to return. Will they ever learn?

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, CGW said:

    Historically Mother Earth is very good at taking care of herself unleashing a major catastrophe every 10 to 12 thousand years, the last one was around 12 thousand years ago, which means?


    Mother Earth sounds a bit like the Thai Govt and Immigration.... which means?

  7. Is it racist? Not if you are an Indian. They would not get away with it anywhere else but... TiT.


    Can't see the Indians going for it anyway, they prefer Indian food and there are many Indian restaurants to choose from in Pattaya.


    An Indian would still want extra discount anyway!

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Monomial said:

    McDonalds trying to reinvent itself through pricing as a luxury, elite imported brand certainly does merit a doubletake.  I'm not sure how successful they are going to be with this strategy.

    Agreed. But the thought occurs that perhaps Thais see it as imported luxury Farang food and so justify the price. But I am sure all the ingredients are locally sourced. Ah, Thais and their image.


    Unfortunately this and other junk food has done nothing for the Thai girl's figure. When did you last see a stunner?


    As for me, I would not buy McDonalds at any price.

  9. 3 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Actually, I rate British food highly. If I were ever on death row, a roast beef or lamb dinner would definitely be on the short list. 
    I also absolutely love steak and kidney pie, best one I ever tasted was in Anglesey. Had a to die for roasted pork belly in a great little pub in Tarporley a few years ago. Mushroom with Stilton - how can other starters possibly compete with that?

    Also best ever apple pie I ate was baked by an English girl. 

    Roadrunner wishes to complain! Apart from being off topic, you are making me hungry! And no, the food in Da Phils will not make you hungry.

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