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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 14 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Melting point of Aluminum 660.3 C

    How on earth can cylinder head temps - on an aluminum head - be 600 ?

    You must be quoting EGT - exhaust gas temperature

    Or ...

    600 degrees is possible at the point of ignition, but the alloy pistons and cylinder head will not get that hot.

  2. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Endless loop. 

    A bit like your posts.... could also describe the Thai Govt, - military coup - insurrection - election... rinse and repeat endlessly

  3. You need a signed copy of your friend's passport, plus his signature on a DLT transfer of ownership form, plus the blue book, plus the bike.


    You can transfer ownership into your own name using the above docs plus your own passport.


    Ask Pattaya DLT if it can be done there, before shipping the bike, or must it be Bkk? This being Thailand, it may depend on which DLT officer you speak to!


    You will have to pay 2 years back tax and a small fine.



  4. Getting a half hours legal advice from a lawyer will cost little or nothing. Though be aware the Thai lawyer is the only one guranteed to profit from this.


    Small claims court may be the way to go as it is quicker and cheaper and there is no appeal. Looks like you have some documentary proof to show. Without solid documentary evidence that can prove it in court you are up creek without paddle.


    You have a better chance as it is in your Thai wife’s name not yours.


    A Thai in this situation might descend on the lady with the entire tribe and demand payment. Or even pay gangsters a percentage to collect.

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  5. When I recently made a payment via my online bank, to a friend who has a Transferwise account, a message appeared telling me there had been fraud connected with Transferwise and asked me if I still wanted to proceed.

    Note:- How is my money protected? ... The main difference with the protection offered by TransferWise in comparison with a bank is that, because TransferWise is an Electronic Money Institution and not an official deposit taking Banking Institution, your money is not guaranteed by Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

  6. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    Queen Elizabeth, who has devoted her life to public duty

    BS... The Queen is devoted to serving herself at taxpayers expense.


    17 hours ago, webfact said:


    Opponents of the monarchy were scathing.


    "Taxpayers will rightly ask who will be funding their overseas lifestyle, their extra security and trips back and forth between here and North America," said Graham Smith, head of the campaign group Republic, which wants to abolish the monarchy.


    As for Harry, what is he going to do, sign on for Benefits? Good to see him wanting to stand on his own feet, though is he going to give up his country estate and titles? Hard life being a royal.


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