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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    doing business in the Philippines. My staff can, in the main, think for themselves and feel empowered to take decisions, whereas when I had my Thai company, I had to do all the thinking. 

    Truer words were never said.


    Doing business in Thailand will give you brain damage.


    As for Da Phils vs Thailand, or any of the other SE Asian alternatives.... Maybe a case of out of the frying pan into the fire. So far, none are a solution to me.

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  2. As usual with news reports here, we are sadly lacking details, drives me nuts every day!


    Anyone recognise the blue notice on the wheelchair?


    I guess he stuck it out here as long as he could, better that than end up in a UK care home.


    He's actually only 40 years old, but looks 80 as he screwed and drank himself into the ground…. Way to go.


    On interviewing him, he informed Police; “I had a lot of fun getting into this condition!”


    Seriously, how many of us may well end up the same way? There is nothing to go back to.

    • Confused 3
  3. On 12/25/2019 at 1:29 PM, NCC1701A said:

    "Merry Christmas Farang people from Yingluck. I just want to take a moment to tell you I know from experience when a candidate is speaking for herself and when she has a very heavy handed puppet master calling the shots. Ask yourself why is the puppet master so afraid of NCC1701A? Don't listen to the fake news narrative. Vote RIGHT NOW for NCC1701A for POTY. I also really miss him a lot."  



    As Jesus said:- “I show ye a mystery.” .... The question is, are the puppet and the puppet master actually one and the same?


    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    None of the bars were inviting, the <deleted> music was blaring and the girls were average, pointless sitting there. Walking street later which is more up my street

    Never had a problem in Soi 6. While on WS it is not so safe.


    Photo brings back happy memories of Soi 6.


    More pics here




  5. 7 hours ago, Vacuum said:
    7 hours ago, yodsak said:

    Shell don't sell petrol / benzine.  PTT do.

    And Caltex.

    Does any other company sell genuine original petrol / benzine?


    Gasahol is <deleted>, you get less power and some older cars are not meant to run on it.

  6. On 12/25/2019 at 5:49 AM, Matzzon said:

    One thing that you have to understand, is that this is possible because there is no thing called credit worthiness in Thailand. Here people have to make an initial payment, and after that can get a loan on the rest. I will assume that the dealership made this deal with him.

    The only way you can get him out of this without financial help to pay the truck for him, is that you and your wife convince him to sell the truck and pay off the loan with the money if possible.

    I can guarantee that the contract will state that he can not return the car if the dealership do not agree with that, which means he is stuck with the car and the payments.

    Dealerships do not usually provide loans, there is a finance company or bank behind them, they are the one you need to ask about terminating the loan. Happens all the time in Thailand, Thai takes out loan he cannot afford, eventually truck gets repossessed. You MUST SEE the loan documents and talk to the finance company.


    He can sell the truck providing he pays off the finance company from the proceeds. (There may be a shortfall).


    Often a finance company will extend the loan and give more time to pay. They do this as they do not want to repo the truck unless they have to. Negotiate with the finance company.


    On 12/25/2019 at 6:24 AM, thaitot said:

    I understand it is not a loan money always only goes one way Just trying to mitigate the damage to myself and my wife

    When I took on Lady Roadrunner, I made it clear that I would take care of her, but that I was not taking on the whole tribe.

  7. There is something very wrong in a country when the cost of a Big Mac equates to a days pay for some. Yet richer Thais eat it as a fashion statement and to show they can afford Farang food.


    We can also blame the likes of McDonalds (and other junk foods) for the demise of the slim Thai girl. When I first came here you hardly ever saw a fat Thai, now look.


    In a world where people are becoming more health conscious, McDonalds is dead as a dinosaur. But they clearly have no idea how to change their menu for something better.


    At least it's not quite as bad as the Philippines, where on one side of the door one is greeted by the incongruous sight of Ronald McDonald greeting customers, whilst on the other side stands a guard with a sawn off shotgun.


    It occurred to me that if he ever fired it he would not only hit the thief, but most of the people in the street too. Death by shotgun or cardiac arrest due to burger clogged arteries… some choice.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Hardly any reason to go just outside Bangkok when there are great Govt University Hospitals in Bangkok itself.

    Chulalongkorn and Siriraj among many others.

    Chula? Six hours wait to be seen by a student who did not know what he was doing. Eventually got to see a doctor the following visit, who did not know a whole lot either

  9. 5 hours ago, Dante99 said:


    That you never thought much of the food does not exclude you from lack of stupidity in fact traveling half way around the world for cheap women demonstrates an abundance of it.  

    Have you seen the women where he comes from?

  10. 1 minute ago, billd766 said:

    There is a great one called the Naresuan University Hospital in Phitsanulok but it is 180 km away and nearly 3 hours travel each way from where I live. To get there at 7 am I would have to leave home not much later than 4 am.



    3 hours travel; small problem, we might be dead before we get there.


    I had hoped for responses from posters just outside of Bkk or just north of Phuket. Two areas frequented by Da Roadrunner.

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