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Posts posted by DaRoadrunner

  1. 1 hour ago, Chazar said:

    Wife  owns 7  condos..............if  she was  run over by a  bus or slipped off the balcony , caught her head in a  homemade  noose  etc.......could I take that  money out......it is  all left to me in her  will...........just curious......family  dont get a look  in at  all

    So long as you know you will be spending the money at the Bangkok Hilton..... They love you loooong time.

  2. On 12/19/2019 at 10:50 PM, Inn Between said:

    What a sick  and twisted approach to life in Thailand where people sit in their offices and decide to bilk a man suffering with cancer for bogus reasons -- pure lies. Then when they're caught, they shamelessly ignore the court and punishment they were given knowing that since a farang is involved, they'll get full cooperation from the legal system to do whatever they wish.


    Do most Thais have a broken moral compass or do they simply go through life without one?

    Its a sick world. But as the saying goes ... Doctors bury their mistakes. And Thai doctors.... I will let you write your own ending as you wish!

  3. Every IO has a different take on Visas (and likely re-entry permits) at their own discretion (whim or mood). I would not leave it to the last day or risk it at the airport. TiT.


    I recall going for Visa extension...


    IO: its expiring today


    Me: Still valid till midnight


    IO: It won't be if I don't stamp it!


    <deleted> wanted 4000B under the table bribe. I refused to pay and had to leave the country and return with a new Visa, which cost me more, but I refused to give in to bribery.

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  4. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    You'll never know how greatful she was.


    Was walking down Beach Road on my way to the Beergarden for something to eat. Came upon 4 dirty mddle aged indians crowded round a young girl (too young) giving her serious hassle to the point that she was in tears. I pushed the Indians aside and offered the girl 2k baht and led her away.


    Took her to the nearest motorbike taxi, gave her the money, told her to go home and that I didn't want to see her there again. Never did.


    The look on the 4 indian guys faces was worth every Sentang,

    With Indibums you would get away with it. Had it been a bunch of Thai boys you would have got the <deleted> beaten out of you.

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