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Posts posted by madmen

  1. Probably because he only had one to start with. Do read the threads.
    Actually, kudos to the pilot, engine failure over tiger country, a controlled descent into trees, allowing trees to dissipate energy, all only minor injuries.
    My mistake no idea where I read 2 engine so a very good outcome considering.

    However STOL aircraft do have a good glide ratio and low stall speed due to increased wing camber
  2. Dr. Dave:  I spent six years visiting (living) in all of CA and most of SA, finally settling in Roatan.  I built a house on the beach near French Harbor (in my name) and really enjoyed it in the beginning.  There were plenty of available young women who only asked for something to drink and eat, and the locals and expats were friendly.  Security became a problem when three of my neighbors (expats) were killed, my maid and security guards robbed my house, and the police kept extorting money from me wherever I went.  It was a wonderful adventure if you ignore those negatives, but it all just became too much for me. You see, the criminals all take the ferry over from the mainland, do their thing, and then return on the ferry.  If you want to live in Roatan then my advice would be to live in West Bay, which is quite expensive now, but heavily guarded.  After three years there, I sat in the Yacht Club one day and asked a few of my trusted, well-travelled buddies where they would live that was safe, reasonable COL, and plenty of available young women.  Can you guess the answer (starts with a T)?
    "Can you guess the answer (starts with a T)?"

    Some people can't see the forest for the trees
  3. 10 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Rich expats in Thailand go back to their home country for an operation, the same as rich expats in Vietnam do. 


    Have you ever been to Vietnam?  Their infrastructure is fine, and there is plenty of western convenience. I fine the infrastructure in Vietnam better than Thailand's in many respects.


    What lifestyle does Thailand offer that Vietnam doesn't?  Climate is the same.  Vietnam has a long coastline of beaches.  Nightlife is similar.  Food is good.  

    "I fine the infrastructure in Vietnam better than Thailand's in many respects."


    In what way?

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



    But then there are many stupid,cheap shot posters on the internet.


    I often wonder whether the internet exists wholy and solely for them.

    Like  Lady GaGA said on a recent interview ...social media is the toilet of the internet


    Lack of details probably means this is suicide or accidental OD RIP

    • Like 1
  5. Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and sausages. The sauerkraut and mash are imports from the last trip back home. Sausage are Thai ones from Big C in a vacuum pack, flavors chili paste and garlic.20190301_153345.jpeg.8fb3b37f54fd2d4a5691e967b28d5775.jpeg
    I've yet to find thai sausages that don't taste like candy.. I don't do sugar so I'm very aensative to it
    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    You seem to think a desirable area is in a big city near a BTS.

    That isn't my idea of a desirable area, I like peace and quiet near mountains and rice fields, where all the local middle class Thais live. I've never lived more than 12Km from CM centre.

    Living around rice fields surrounded by mountains says it all. I think you paid to much ????

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    There was a mom and pop store 50m from the house, 7-11 was about 300m further.

    In a desirable area? You dodged that one .. The question isn't whether you can get 5k rent and probably even 3k a 100 miles from CM center.

    Fact is anything in the center in a nice area is going to be a complete DUMP!

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I rented a very nice 2 bed house near Chiang Mai for 5000bht/month. Aircon, water heater nice garden with mango trees.

    Sorry, but you appear to have no idea about normal rental prices in Thailand.

    In a desirable area? or in a mooban where you need to drive to get to a 7/11

    Of course there are 5k rentals , The further from the center the cheaper. You can get a descent 5k room in bangkok 45 mins drive from lower sukhumvit and no BTS in sight

    • Haha 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    My apologies, I didn't mean to put you out.

    Sure choose a taper based on an internet stranger. Doesnt sound like a good idea but ..up to you


    "culd she buy Buspar or Tefranil OTC in Thailand?"


    Why would her doctor recommend it if you couldn't buy it? I would go with what her doctor tells her to do.

    And a doctor telling her to go cold turkey is just nonsense 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  10. Bin Poopyface started out ok but has steadily grown angry as the thread develops. Clearly he came here seeking justification for his bad choice and hoping the bashers jump on board. Well even they are not so stupid as to make a serious comparison to Thailand.

    I hope OP finds whatever he is looking for but its obviously not a partner. The odds are so slim its highly unlikely, Shame he didn't do his due diligence before leaving Thailand he could have saved a lot of heart ache

    • Like 2
  11. If you read back through your posts I think you will see it was yourself that has been fixated upon the availability of women, indeed quoting a number of statistics on the matter. Where as most others were discussing Malaysia in general.
    Again your final short paragraph here is entirely about "hookers" and attractiveness of women.
    Question what you like and quote what you like, the fact is that the vast majority of Thai women that interact with foreigners in Thailand do so because it is their chosen career. You could most likely apply that statement to Malaysia also, given the fact that a large proportion that sell personal services in and around Asia are infact Thai women.
    What straight male would not enquire about the availability of farang friendly women BEFORE migrating to another country ESPECIALLY a Muslim one.

    Why are you so hung up on hookers? You keep bringing it up.
    • Thanks 1
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