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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 6 minutes ago, steve73 said:

    ok.. if married you only need 400k (in your own name).


    The old adage "better to rent than buy" seems to apply to living here..


    The old adage never put your eggs in one basket is actually what is happening. Investment 101 keep a balanced portfolio and that means not the whole lot in real estate ! if an emergency does arise you cant just sell off a bathroom to pay for it. If these guys followed the most basic rules of cash management they would have the 800k

    Rent vs Buy has nothing to do with it. Poor management of Cash has everything to do with it

    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, swissie said:

    By now, probably all western Heads of State/Governements have issued statements condemning this dreadful act of violence unisono and with conviction.

    Strange, If Muslims blow up dozends of Christians routinely, the responses to such an event by Moslem Heads of State/Governements is usually rather "lukewarm" at best. Lacking inner conviction to condemn those acts. So it seems to me.
    What could be the reason for that???

    I think its pretty obvious. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Happystance said:

    I always wonder if the people who say things like this have bothered to look at Bangkok's air quality forecasts...?


    Who cares about Bangkok Isaan or pattaya. Chiang mai is the world leader and thats an amazing stastic. I would worry about your own backyard before trying to make feel good comparisons.

    Time to liquidate condos but probably to late.... the Chinese wont be stepping up and who can blame them

  4. 21 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


    Are you for real!


    You might be shocked if it was your innocent friends and family being murdered in cold blood for no reason and then having their slaughter put on the internet for all to see.


    I bet you'd be singing a different tune then nor would you be saying 'welcome to social media'

    Welcome to social media. There is nothing you or I can do about..its the real world. Trying to put me on a guilt trip is ridiculous..grow up or leave the internet world and go read books.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Deerculler said:

    The biggest problem for New Zealand and Australia is because they are tied to whatever happens with China.

    China is NZ and Aust. biggest trading partner.

    If China goes down so do we.


    If The world economy sneezes Australia catches a cold. I remember buying stock after the 2008 meltdown, when the unemployment figures were up in the US their market would open down strongly due to the volatility of the market back then. The OZ market would open as a blood bath

  6. 5 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:



    And what do I do with it?


    Mix it up in a spray gun, cover all the TV's etc and spray it into the air all over the condo, like a mosquito sprayer?


    Or spray it on everything wooden that I see?



    I only used it for cockroaches with a water mix of 30:1 in a simple plastic spray bottle and protective gear but termite treatment will be different.

    Do what I did and google you tube for "how to spray for termites like a pro" etc

    Home pro stocks all the gear like in the pic. Not expensive so do a search home pro on line


    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, buick said:

    i read an article from reuters which referenced eye witness accounts of white smoke coming out of the back of the plane along with falling debris such as papers and clothing.  others reported a 'loud sound', who knows what that could be - a plane overhead is loud to begin with.  i have no experience at all in this area but would something like the software issue somehow result in this type of result - white smoke and debris coming out the back of the plane ?  as a novice on the topic, i assume the plane would just drop from the sky as the pilot could not control it, so no smoke or debris would be present.  and i haven't seen any discussion at all of these eyewitness accounts in the TV media.  i'm just curious and looking forward to the report once the horrible incident has been investigated further.  here is the link, i'm not sure if it is allowed per TV rules (i know some publications cannot be linked).





    Every major jet crash has witnesses reporting these things they saw


    1. it was on fire

    2. it was backfiring (really a jet?) and noise was getting really loud

    3. there was white smoke, green smoke, blue smoke

    4. luggage was falling out

    5. people were falling out

    etc etc

    witnesses are very unreliable however in this case its possible the plane may have exceeded the never exceed speed due to its high speed in a dive and desperate pilots putting in severe control inputs to try and force the plane out of its death plunge possibly breaking it up  so stuff falling out would make sense



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