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Posts posted by madmen

  1. 10 hours ago, Nong Khai Man said:


    Reminded myself why I NEVER ride with these scumbags unless I have no other choice. Had to go to Bumrungrad hospital so tried to get a cab soi 11.  Im not joking but everysingle one of the 7 cabs that stopped all rolled down the front window and all wanted a 100 baht. It was bizzare they all wanted exactly the same amount for what is a 37 baht trip......You COULD Have " WALKED " That very SHORT Distance,EASILY !! Unless You've got 2 Broken Legs that is ?? If You couldn't why not pay the 100 Baht ?? Jeezus it's 2.50 gbp OR 3 US$ !!!!!

    I needed hip x rays ....maybe that gives a clue why I needed a cab. You always make a fool of yourself like this?

    Engage brain first..think...engage key board last. Good boy 


    Im a man of principle and money has nothing to do with it. I got a meter cab on number 8. Its total idiots that jump into a cab at any old price. Those idiots are part of the problem!!!



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  2. If you are heavy then it wouldn't hurt try a diet. I was on a cane full time and pain with strong meds etc but lost 10 kg and made the world of difference, no cane and no pain just some stiffness and a very mild ache occasionally..still 10 kg to go

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  3.  Nope, my bedroom Sharp model and living room Honeywell model are only manual, with high, medium and low fan settings.


    That's why I have sensors in my bedroom and living room, so I can adjust the purifiers' operation as needed (except when I'm sleeping, of course!)  tongue.gif&key=8543ee5412ee07dc0540fa9fe9beb70b5ca557660dea7e017d0f2af121e50568

    Pesky sleep getting in the way. I would leave it on medium and put it at the far end of the room if the noise is not too much


  4. It is, IMO, very rash and premature to declare the planes safe.

    Almost certainly the cause of this tragic crash and the Lion air tragedy are one and the same, the similarities between the two cannot be pure coincidence.

    Time and thorough investigation will tell, it appears that it is something to do with the anti-stall system, which automatically puts the plane in to a dive if it senses an imminent stall, which is fine, if you have enough altitude to play with.

    It has been reported that a lot of airlines / pilots were not aware of this anti stall system, which was introduced as a consequence of Boeing having to reconfigure the position of the engines from previous models, which in turn changed the dynamics of the aircraft, the FAA were convinced by the manufacturer that the aircraft did not need full re-certification, using previous certification of the 737.

    The European certifying bodies rejected this at first, but were persuaded to accept it by the US Government. 

    The 737 MAX series was a rushed attempt by Boeing to compete with the A320 NEO series and possibly there were some short cuts taken that, in hindsight, should not have been.

    Apparently there have been changes made whereby the pilots can override the anti stall feature, I'd imagine that any pilot flying a 737 MAX will now be very aware of how this can be done, so sad that it has taken two fatal crashes and the loss of 346 lives. RIP.

    It does appear to be an an

    automation taking over from the pilot . Something similar happened with air bus crash at an air show. Pulling back with full power did nothing, and the pilot got fired.



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  5. I went to bed last night with my bedroom purifier running on low, and my bedroom sensor showing a reading of 2 mcg...
    I woke up this morning with my bedroom sensor showing 22 mcg with the bedroom purifier obviously still running on low (which now has obviously been switched up to high and thus brought down the levels to the high end of the "good" range).
    Outside in our unpurified living room right now in downtown central BKK, I've been getting readings of 52 mcg or so all morning long -- roughly 142 AQI / the high end of orange, unhealthy for sensitive groups.
    It's the first time the PM2.5 levels have been this high in at least a couple weeks.
    Silver lining in the dark clouds - today's return of heavy smog spurred me to finish some of the window and doorway sealing work that I'd left only partly completed when the air had turned good the past couple weeks. Anything to prevent the cr*p outside from getting inside is a good move.
    What the heck happened overnight???
    I'm by the pool in lower Sukhumvit and can see it although no where near as bad as before.
    The purifier is sitting on 6 compared to last time when it was 15 to 20

    Do you not have an auto setting?
  6. 1 hour ago, CaptainJack said:

    The immigration issues aside. I got quotes from 6 different insurance companies.  All the others won't even write a policy past 64.  The others all limited to International plans.  The cheapest was 700 usd a month. No Thai insurance company would even quote me except a premium International plan.


    I had several friends help me look.  Everyone came up with the same results.  


    Please show me an insurance company that will cover me for less, initial coverage at age 66 for less.


    Thank you....

    Right you are all of SEA will be problematic. Cambodia , good for cheap beer and relaxed attitude to pot but poor health care system requiring medivac to Bangkok for serious e issues and the premiums appear to be similar


    Columbia has glowing healthcare reviews and far cheaper than SEA if south america is on your itineray

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